I attended the event by Gript at the RDS on Saturday 16th of September - which absolutely contradicted their exposure of Censorship. Is John McGuirk an agent of the government and giving them advance knowledge of any forthcoming issues that may embarrass them? First and foremost I had to apply three times before I was accepted as a participant at the conference. The first time their site would not accept payment from my card, the second when I applied there was no payment button on my application. When I emailed them stating that ‘if they didn’t wish me to attend they should just say so’. The girl apologised and and sent me an application with a payment button. In view of the censorship that transpired I now understand why this happened - as do the large audience that saw? John McGuirk and the “Free Speech Panel” censor me.???
To be fair, in the first half the organiser and director of Gript introduced a series of brilliant speakers, all of whom got a standing ovation and long applause.?
However, in the second half the format changed and a conversational aspect was introduced. This took place between Michael Shellenberger, Ben Scallan and Neil Boylen. The large audience was entertained by their many stories describing how they had individually exposed Censorship. Unable to listen to this verbal backslapping any-more I stood up and said stop, ‘the people responsible for censorship are the PAC and the people who are supposed to represent ordinary citizens. I also stated that I have been censored for 50 years.?
Indignant and clearly annoyed, Niall Boylan said, ‘don’t interrupt us there will be a Q&A session at the end and you can say your piece’. Ben Scallan looked at me and said, ‘I will be interested in what you have to say’. Upon hearing that there would be another Q&A at which I could air my censorship grievances, I said ‘good, I was not allowed to speak earlier on’ and sat down. The mutual appreciation society continued among the three for another 20 minutes - then John McGuirk made an appearance - quite unexpectedly he announced that our time was up and we had to vacate the premises.?????
Quite annoyed and angry, I confronted him saying ‘where’s my freedom of speech you’re censoring me’? There was a bit of ‘argy bargy’ between us and I kept hurling ‘you’re censoring me’ at him. Clearly annoyed he pointed to a young girl and said ‘give him the mike’.?
When she did so, I related that the Trade Union that fought to free Ireland in 1916, 50 years ago at Belfast Docks formed a Union and Employers Court for persecuting and sacking Dockers. The reason for this was because we wouldn’t discharge Asbestos without protection’. I was about to relate the brutal facts of the three Browne brothers, two of whom have already died from Asbestosis and the third who has it in his left lung - when Ben Scallan indigently asked, ‘did I have a question’. I replied ‘yes I did and it’s what are you going to do about it’ - to which he remained silent. Although the audience found this funny and laughed.
Coincidently, this was the same question which High Court Judge Peter Kelly [at the time] asked me when I related the plight and deaths of Belfast Dockers to him. This occurred at a conference in the Hall of Surgeons in 2010, - held to discuss the new censorship laws and was packed with all the top lawyers and barristers in Dublin. Read about this on linkedin. I digress so back to this so called Freedom of Speech Conference.
I stated, ‘The corrupt solicitors I engaged whom I name on linkedin - at this McGuirk interrupted me saying ‘you can’t name names, we cannot print anything that will get us sued’.
I replied, ‘the names as you well know are on linkedin and you won’t publish any of my articles, and 86 of them are on linkedin. You are censoring me and are in league with the faceless’.? Angry and annoyed at this he ordered the young girl to take the mike from me and the conference ended. Not one of the three who had been regaling the audience with their stories of exposing censorship said a word. No doubt in future this will not be included in their self-congratulatory repertoire.
To my amazement Niall Boylan, who had just been made a ‘liar’ of by John McGuirk was as silent as the grave - to which an unknown number of Belfast Dockers and People, ‘Asbestos Sufferers’ were sent by the Union and Irish Employers. This makes the back- slapping by Niall Boylan, Ben Scallan and Michael Shellenberger very hollow in the extreme. Their silence at John McGuirk’s censorship of me… which took place in front of them - shows them to be - not only puppets of the ‘Keep Quiet Government’ but also puppets of John McGuirk and the extremely wealthy in Ireland. I am calling on them to explain why they remained silent?
While I have been censored at many so-called human rights conferences over the years - this was always done by the Right Wing and Free Speech deniers. This was the first time I had been denied Free Speech and censored - by a person who is supposedly in favour of Free Speech and supposedly against Censorship? Understandly the audience were baffled and couldn’t believe what they were seeing, i.e a blatant example of censorship taking place before their very eyes.
Many people unable to understand what they had just witnessed approached me and asked for my details on linkedin, which I gladly gave. They are - Hugh Murphy, Heart & Soul Theatre Company. I also informed them, which I’d forgotten to mention, that many of these details are also on facebook and twitter as well. Anyone who wants to see the article that John McGuirk will not publish can email me at [email protected] and I will send it to them.??
As Frank Carson used to say, ‘you couldn’t make it up’. To prove that everything I say is true - see on linkedin and the others - an open letter that I sent to the Garda Commissioner and both so-called Law Societies in Ireland. Needless to say I have heard nothing from any of them - however, I look forward to hearing from the ‘Silent Backslappers’.?
The complete documentary evidence of the Union and Employers Court is on Some people tell me this is unattainable if this happens and you’re not a computer wizard I can send you a copy of this large file. This contains - beside the evidence from the Court, letters from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions at the time, showing that they knew all about the Union and Employers Court and did nothing about it. No doubt John McGuirk will have an answer for his censoring of myself and the covering up of dead and dying Belfast Dockers. I will say here what I said to his face when he wouldn't allow me to name the corrupt solicitors - THE TRUTH IS NEVER DEFAMATORY.