Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority

A. Organizational Structure of IRDAI:

Composition of IRDAI:

As per Sec. 4 of IRDAI Act, 1999, the composition of the Authority is:

a) Chairman;

b) Five whole-time members;

c) Four part-time members,

(appointed by the Government of India)

IRDAI’s Head Office is at Hyderabad

All the major activities of IRDAI including ensuring financial stability of insurers and monitoring market conduct of various regulated entities is carried out from the Head Office.

IRDAI’s Regional Offices are at New Delhi & Mumbai

The Regional Office, New Delhi focuses on spreading consumer awareness and handling of Insurance grievances besides providing required support for inspection of Insurance companies and other regulated entities located in the Northern Region. This office is functionally responsible for licensing of Surveyors and Loss Assessors. Regional Office at Mumbai handles similar activities, as in Regional Office Delhi, pertaining to Western Region.

B. Insurance Regulatory Framework:

1. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), is a statutory body formed under an Act of Parliament, i.e., Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (IRDAI Act 1999) for overall supervision and development of the Insurance sector in India.

2. The powers and functions of the Authority are laid down in the IRDAI Act, 1999 and Insurance Act, 1938. The key objectives of the IRDAI include promotion of competition so as to enhance customer satisfaction through increased consumer choice and fair premiums, while ensuring the financial security of the Insurance market.

3. The Insurance Act, 1938 is the principal Act governing the Insurance sector in India. It provides the powers to IRDAI to frame regulations which lay down the regulatory framework for supervision of the entities operating in the sector. Further, there are certain other Acts which govern specific lines of Insurance business and functions such as Marine Insurance Act, 1963 and Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.

4. IRDAI adopted a Mission for itself which is as follows:

  • To protect the interest of and secure fair treatment to policyholders;
  • To bring about speedy and orderly growth of the Insurance industry (including annuity and superannuation payments), for the benefit of the common man, and to provide long term funds for accelerating growth of the economy;
  • To set, promote, monitor and enforce high standards of integrity, financial soundness, fair dealing and competence of those it regulates;
  • To ensure speedy settlement of genuine claims, to prevent Insurance frauds and other malpractices and put in place effective grievance redressal machinery;
  • To promote fairness, transparency and orderly conduct in financial markets dealing with Insurance and build a reliable management information system to enforce high standards of financial soundness amongst market players;
  • To take action where such standards are inadequate or ineffectively enforced;
  • To bring about optimum amount of self-regulation in day-to-day working of the industry consistent with the requirements of prudential regulation.

5. Entities regulated by IRDAI:

a. Life Insurance Companies - Both public and private sector Companies

b. General Insurance Companies - Both public and private sector Companies. Among them, there are some standalone Health Insurance Companies which offer health Insurance policies.

c. Re-Insurance Companies

d. Agency Channel

e. Intermediaries which include the following:

  • Corporate Agents
  • Brokers
  • Third Party Administrators
  • Surveyors and Loss Assessors.

6. Regulation making process:

  • Section 26 (1) of IRDAI Act, 1999 and 114A of Insurance Act, 1938 vests power in the Authority to frame regulations, by notification.
  • Section 25 of IRDAI Act, 1999 lays down for establishment of Insurance Advisory Committee consisting of not more than twenty five members excluding the ex-officio members. The Chairperson and the members of the Authority shall be the ex-officio members of the Insurance Advisory Committee.
  • The objects of the Insurance Advisory Committee shall be to advise the Authority on matters relating to making of regulations under Section 26.
  • Accordingly the draft regulations are first placed in the meeting of Insurance Advisory Committee and after obtaining the comments/recommendations of IAC, the draft regulations are placed before the Authority for its approval.
  • Every Regulation approved by the Authority is notified in the Gazette of India.
  • Every Regulation so made is submitted to the Ministry for placing the same before the Parliament.

7. The Authority has issued regulations and circulars on various aspects of operations of the Insurance companies and other entities covering:

  • Protection of policyholders’ interest
  • Procedures for registration of insurers or licensing of intermediaries, agents, surveyors and Third Party Administrators;
  • Fit and proper assessment of the promoters and the management
  • Clearance /filing of products before being introduced in the market
  • Preparation of accounts and submission of accounts returns to the Authority.
  • Actuarial valuation of the liabilities of life Insurance business and forms for filing of the actuarial report;
  • Provisioning for liabilities in case of non-life Insurance companies
  • Manner of investment of funds and periodic reports on investments
  • Maintenance of solvency
  • Market conduct issues

C. Supervisory Role:

1. The objective of supervision as stated in the preamble to the IRDAI Act is “to protect the interests of holders of Insurance policies, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the Insurance industry”, both Insurance and Reinsurance business. The powers and functions of the Authority are laid down in the IRDAI Act, 1999 and Insurance Act, 1938 to enable the Authority to achieve its objectives.

2. Section 25 of IRDAI Act 1999 provides for establishment of Insurance Advisory Committee which has Representatives from commerce, industry, transport, agriculture, consume for a, surveyors agents, intermediaries, organizations engaged in safety and loss prevention, research bodies and employees’ association in the Insurance sector are represented. All the rules, regulations, guidelines that are applicable to the industry are hosted on the website of the supervisor and are available in the public domain.

3. Section 14 of the IRDAI Act,1999 specifies the Duties, Powers and functions of the Authority. These include the following:

  • To grant licenses to (re) Insurance companies and Insurance intermediaries
  • To protect interests of policyholders,
  • To regulate investment of funds by Insurance companies, professional organisations connected with the (re)Insurance business; maintenance of margin of solvency;
  • To call for information from, undertaking inspection of, conducting enquiries and investigations of the entities connected with the Insurance business;
  • To specify requisite qualifications, code of conduct and practical training for intermediary or Insurance intermediaries, agents and surveyors and loss assessors
  • To prescribe form and manner in which books of account shall be maintained and statement of accounts shall be rendered by insurers and other Insurance intermediaries;

D. Prudential approach: Reporting, Risk monitoring and intervention:

1. Reporting Requirements:

Insurers are required to submit various returns like financial statements on an annual basis duly accompanied by the Auditors’ opinion statement on the annual accounts; reports of valuation of assets, valuation of liabilities and solvency margin; actuarial report and abstract and annual valuation returns giving information about the financial condition for life Insurance business; Incurred But Not Reported claims in case of general Insurance business; Reinsurance plans on an annual basis; and monthly statement on underwriting of large risks in case of general Insurance companies; details of capital market exposure on a monthly basis; Investment policy, Quarterly and annual returns on investments.

2. Solvency of Insurers:

In order to monitor and control solvency requirements, it has been made mandatory to the insurers to submit solvency report on quarterly basis. In case of any deviation, the Supervisor initiates necessary and suitable steps so as to ensure that the Insurer takes immediate corrective action to restore the solvency position at the minimum statutory level.

Computation of solvency margin takes into account the inherent risk that respective line of business poses to the insurer. Higher requirements are placed for risky lines of business compared to others posing less risk to the insurers. Even though the insurers are required to maintain a minimum solvency ratio of 150% at all times, the actual solvency margin maintained by insurers are well above the required solvency margin leading to the solvency margin ratio significantly higher than 150% on average.

Quarterly solvency ratio reports have to be submitted to the Supervisor, maintaining minimum solvency ratio of 150%. This provides the regular a mechanism to monitor the solvency position periodically over the financial year in order to ensure compliance with the requirements and hence to initiate suitable action in the event of any early warning signal on the Insurer’s financial condition.

3. Asset-Liability Management:

Under Asset-Liability Management reporting, Insurer must provide the year wise projected cash flows, in respect of both assets and liabilities. Insurers must maintain mismatching reserves in case of any mismatch between assets and liabilities as a part of the global reserves. Further, Life insurers are required to submit a report on sensitivity and scenario testing exercise in the prescribed format. Non-life insurers must submit a report on ‘Financial Condition’ covering the sensitivity analysis of the financial soundness in meeting the policyholders’ liabilities.

The supervisor requires management of investments to be within the insurer’s own organization. In order to ensure a minimum level of security of investments in line with Insurance Act Provisions, the regulations prescribe certain percentages of the funds to be invested in government securities and in approved securities. The regulatory framework lays down the norms for the mix and diversification of investments in terms of Types of Investment, Limits on exposure to Group Company, Insurer’s Promoter Group Company. Investment Regulations lay down the framework for the management of investments. The exposure limits are also prescribed in the Regulations. The Investment Regulations require a proper methodology to be adopted by the insurer for matching of assets and liabilities.

4. Reinsurance:

Transfer of risk through Reinsurance is recognized only to the extent specified in the regulations. Due safeguards are built in to ensure that adjustments are made to provide for quality of assets held. No other risk transfer mechanism exists in the current system. In order to minimize the counterparty risk, the re-insurers with whom business is placed must have the minimum prescribed rating by an independent credit rating agency as specified in the regulations. Legislation has specified the minimum capital requirements for an Insurance company. It further, prescribes that Insurance companies can capitalize their operations only through ordinary shares which have a single face value.


General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC of India) is the sole National Reinsurer, providing Reinsurance to the Insurance companies in India. The Corporation’s Reinsurance programme has been designed to meet the objectives of optimising the retention within the country, ensuring adequate coverage for exposure and developing adequate capacities within the domestic market. It is also administering the Indian Motor Third Party Declined Risk Insurance Pool – a multilateral Reinsurance arrangement in respect of specified commercial vehicles where the policy issuing member insurers cede Insurance premium to the Declined Risk pool based on the underwriting policy approved by IRDAI.


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