This year 2025, the?Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) will conduct site visits to assess various?electricity?generation projects, as part of its mandate to ensure a reliable and adequate electricity supply. The goal of these projects is?to build capacity to meet the increasing demand for energy nationally, while also reducing the Dominica Electricity Services Ltd. reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation.
?The generation projects are:
- 4.8-Megawatt (MW) Thermal Leased Generator:?A project that will boost generation capacity at DOMLEC’s Fond Cole Plant in the near term.?According to DOMLEC, this will?be commissioned?by the end of?February?2025.
- 6-Megawatt?Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at Fond Cole near the existing thermal station: This project is designed to help DOMLEC better integrate the 10MW Roseau Valley geothermal generation plant into the national grid. It can also assist with any loss of diesel or hydro generation units for maintaining system stability and reliability. The battery system also has black-start capability among other functions for use at the existing Fond Cole thermal power plant.
- 10-Megawatt Geothermal Power Plant Project at Laudat:?This project is designed to bolster Dominica’s energy security, reduce electricity production costs, and significantly lower Dominica’s carbon footprint. Estimates suggest that the island’s geothermal potential could provide electrical power capacity up to 50-times the current peak demand of approximately 18 MW.?
The Government of?Dominica’s target, in accordance with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals,?is for Dominica to become?'carbon neutral' by 2030, through 100% domestic renewable energy production.