The Iranian Deal Playbook

The Iranian Deal Playbook

The Iranian Deal Playbook.

So the Iranian deal is dead. Certainly it will be on life support, winding down its pulse rate for ninety days before flat lining into oblivion along, with Obama’s signature foreign policy success, or folly, dependent on which news outlet you watch.

Just like North Korea, some interesting and predictable strategies are at play here and not all is as simple as it seems. As a military Intelligence operator for many years and working at the very highest level of foreign policy plays, I see what is being done here. Keep reading and you will too.

As I have said previously there are only three non central bank compliant countries left in the world, North Korea, Syria and Iran. By the end of the year my prediction is that there will be none. Many of the same plays used on North Korea are about to be done to Iran with the main goal of Syria later. The plot to how we have gotten here is worthy of a John Le Carre or Grisham novel.

So let’s go back in time to when the Iran deal or JCPOA was formulated in 2015. To many it seemed over concessionary to think that any deal would be upheld by fundamentalists and the details were so sketchy and hidden that few knew the substance, let alone how it was to be policed. Iran promised to slow walk, not stop its nuclear aspirations for sanction relief in order to stay in power.

Now there are some very deep players in this game, all for varying reasons. Once you see what everyone has to lose or gain, you understand the plays, like a well-drilled NFL team. Like any play, everything is dependent on timing and everyone doing their part. In this play, Trump, as a quarterback has gone ‘off book’ to the dismay of many that would have been beneficiaries, or he could be the biggest Global Manchurian candidate in history.

One has to be aware of all the other things going on right now to get an overview. Remember last week when a judge ordered Iran to pay reparations to the victims of 9/11? Why, when the majority of the bombers were Saudi? Why would Israel roll out what was obviously a previously known intelligence coup appearing to show Iranian secret nuclear programs? Do you think it was a coincidence in timing with trump’s decision of the deal coming up this week? No, it was perfectly timed.

Underneath all of this subterfuge is power, and not just political; oil and gas power and the stakeholders, plus the banks, which sponsor it.

Syria is key to this as it holds a unique position in the Arab world as well as a major player in the oil business. We’ll get to that later.

When you are running a country as a relative dictator like Kim in North Korea or the Ayatollahs in Iran, you are vulnerable to sanctions when the world won’t or can’t trade with you. You have to convince the people that the world is the enemy and that you have to have the biggest weapons to stop those countries invading. Even when you have big oil revenues like Iran, it means nothing if the markets won’t accept it. Eventually you hit a crisis point where your only option is to use the poor hand that you are holding with empty threats. Although the threats from Iran have been far from empty. I never understood why the Obama regime gave the $1.8 billion dollars in cash to country whose political chants stated exactly their position. What part of ‘Death to America’ is hard to understand? But this is where the subterfuge comes in and eventually you wake up and see that that are no good guys here.

The U.S. has systematically attacked and occupied countries that were Shia Muslim majorities, like Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. These countries are of course in conflict with their Sunni Muslim counterparts. Even Israel sides with Saudi when it comes to Shia expansion.

So here is what I think the play is, some of which is already happening and some of it yet to come. Like North Korea there will not be war, but there will be defeat for the target countries, regime change, and a win for the Global Zionist interests.

·     Israel creates its siege and victim persona even though few countries in the region can match them. They insist that a nuclear equipped Iran would strike Israel, and they would probably be right. Israel, in the spirit of self-defense applies the right to attack Syria at will with no recourse and seeks further power and protection in the U.S. congress and even U.S. law.

·     Iran is emboldened to show exactly who they are, with lifted sanctions, a higher place in the international game than they deserve and money to show where their interests are, which they stupidly use to support Hezbollah and Assad, while befriending Russia in the vain hope that they will support Iran against the U.S. Wrong.

·     Everyone including Iran knows that their nuclear ambitions will fall short in a military conflict with Israel and or the U.S. everyone but the public and therefore Israel hits the media with a well rehearsed and compelling story about old nuclear plans by Iran, undermining any potential deal.

·     In the meantime the U.S. is concentrating on oil, and its full sovereignty over its own supply. This is why Trump pushed for the pipelines and offshore drilling, fracking, and so on. Remember that not so long ago? When you are totally self sufficient in energy you don’t need Middle Eastern oil and the threat goes away. Big part of the play.

·     Other interests wade in on the oil front, the two conflicting pipelines, which led to the Syrian War are the reason and the globalist/Zionists have now opened up the real reason for the Golan occupation. It is not about peace, it is about securing the oil reserves. Now why you may ask. Guess what, the other European nations, those that still want the Iranian deal, don’t have oil, so they are still in need and are trying not to be beholden to Russia for the supply. Now you see why the ‘Allies’ are pissed.

·     Sanctions will be placed, but slow walked in order to give ninety days for a better deal to be made. You can guarantee the allies will be taking lead on that and Trump will sit and wait like a king for the feudal barons to come to him with a better deal. You can also guarantee that there will be no deal without retreat of Hezbollah back into Lebanon, the repositioning of Iranian troops back to Iran from Syria and some form of regime change, both in Iran and Syria.

·     Trump’s words to the Iranian people were clear. ‘We have your back if you want regime change without conflict’. Only last month the Iranian regime saw massive protests in most cities and they are ripe for a counter revolution, which would essentially take Iran out of the game as a player in the Middle East, satisfying and securing Saudi’s and Israel’s long term goals.

·     Syria, without Iranian support would be vulnerable to regime change and the Russians, not wanting to risk a greater war would probably back off like they did in Ukraine, which incidentally is where the pipeline for Russian gas to the West goes through.

·     Eventually Israel gets what is wants, which is unfettered power in the region, Saudi gets the same. The U.S. gets to be the world power broker again, with no doubt another Nobel nod for Trump and increased 2020 success. The European allies are placed in check but at least get their oil supplies. The Ayatollahs get to stay in power for the time being, until the people realize that their lot will be better if an increased and western leaning democracy can offer them prosperity; and then regime counter-revolution will happen. On day one Rothschild banks will be there to offer them a central bank and a credit line on their future resources.

·     Syria will be the next target and global control over oil and finance will be complete. Shia will be impotent, as a force in the region and Sunni countries will lean more western.

You are witnessing a very important part of a plan, which is over a thousand years in scope, crafted by people who don’t need to see it happen in their lifetime. This is their power and why they are so interested in preserving and procreating their bloodlines. Most of the populace are just trying to get by, strangled in fiat debt and false fear of loss. If the common people awoke and made decisions for their grandchildren’s future then the world might be a safer and less dark place, but today is not that day….yet.


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