Iran May Be at an Inflection Point—but Will it Matter?
Bottom Line & Above - Iran May Be at an Inflection Point—but Will it Matter?
The Nezam may be at an inflection point, and the political pendulum in Iran ready to swing closer to the center. But will it be too late? Even if, under pressure from the moderates, the administration of President Ebrahim Ra’isi drops its more unreasonable demands and tries to reach a deal on the JCPOA, it may be trying to board a train that has left the station.? Relations with the EU and Britain are worsening by the day.? The US is still officially open to a diplomatic solution, but its focus is elsewhere—on Iran’s support for Russian aggression in Ukraine, and on its suppression of its own people.? Meanwhile, CENTCOM announced this week that it was holding the largest ever joint US-Israel military exercise, which would include practicing long-range air operations and “suppression of enemy air defenses.”? The late bluesman B.B. King famously counseled, “never make your move too soon.”? Tehran, it seems, is in danger of making the opposite mistake. Read more here and subscribe to our Iran Weekly Newsletter.