Iran Customs Formalities, Procedure & Cost Calculation
The customs formalities in Iran is quite complicated. Even as the major stages had become online, still on many stages the presence of representative or legal agent of importer entity would be compulsory.
-?????????In the first stage the importer entity; herein after refer as importer; shall receive the packing list (known as Packing) and Proforma Invoice (known as PI) of the consignment which he wants to import into Iranian borders1.there are certain mandatory parts which every PI or packing shall have to get approved by the government. The above-mentioned documents are also mandatory for shipping of goods.
-?????????All documents and correspondences shall be uploaded on the NTSW Website. The system that used to be SABTARESH and replaced with NTSW to provide single window and ease of use for importers. This is to notify the customs that a consignment is not restricted or prohibited and the importer is a member of chamber of commerce.
-?????????The third stage is a little bit tricky and time consuming. The central bank of Iran is observing the transactions and no one can trade legally without confirmations of central bank or the authorized banks of Iran for trading. This might take a while to receive the approval and ??the bank legalize your requested money. The bank of importer choice is in charge to provide the necessary transaction means whether it’s be LC or Cash.
-?????????After transaction and purchase of consignment the cargo shall be shipped to the borders. The timing of shipment and transaction however theoretically is as explained here, but due to the former experiences any importer have different situation and the start of shipping or the stage that the documents are getting uploaded and customs formalities starts may be different.
-?????????The carrier company (shipping Line, truck career, air freight) are obliged to issue a document which is one of the most complicated and most important documents in transportation. Bill of Lading or B/L is a negotiable document which has the specification of cargo, also the holder of the document is the owner. Therefor the shipper or the LC (letter of Credit) issuing bank would hold it until full compensation. The B/L is a mandatory document which shall be uploaded in another website (EPL) alongside previous documents for customs clearance.
-?????????The customs value of consignment is calculated by adding the value of cargo (P/I) to the shipping costs (Freight) and insurance. But if the consignment has previous records on Iran customs the customs might disregard the forementioned value and consider their own records as the base price for customs charges calculations.
-?????????This is also important to know that the Iranian Customs is using 8 digit Harmonic system Code (HS code) for customs taxes.
-?????????The rates are usually announced yearly in the customs yearly journal book. An experienced customs broker is the one who can work with this book and is aware of latest announcements in different customs which can reduce total cost.
-?????????There are different parameters that customs might rely on for their calculations which is depend on the consignment or the HS code which has been announced by the broker.
-?????????The carrier company is in charge of issuing another document which will be used to release the cargo to consignee. Deliver Order or D/O which shows that customer has paid all shipping and warehousing charges. D/O issuance could be either be via B/L or Telex Release (Release).
-?????????The EPL system is the next Stage where the consignee receives the customs especial number for his cargo in the customs. The documents (D/O, warehouse receipt2, …) could be either sent to this system by carrier company
-?????????After receiving the customs especial Number known as Kootaj (not sure if there are any English translation for this French name), customs would assign a route for customs formalities. The green route for known consignees which are importing same cargo for several times (very rare but fastest), yellow route for most of the cargos that are entering Iranian borders determine that sampling is necessary and customs employees shall check the cargo before issuing the clearance letter, and red route which determine that the cargo shall be inspected or be tested in laboratories before clearance for entering the borders of Iran.
-?????????After route assignment the customs costs and other payments shall be paid. There are some exceptions as well which We are not going into them. The customs costs is calculable with below formula in general
(Customs value X Customs Rate + warehousing charges + Inspection + sampling + ETC) X (1+VAT)+(0.04*Customs Value)
-?????????After settling the payments, the EPL system will assign a new code. The next carrier will be introduced to the customs for picking up the goods by broker on the system and the truck can deliver the cargo from customs to the consignee. The final location which can check the cargo is exit door of customs which theoretically only check the documents but in fact has the ability to make headaches for consignee. All the documents of inspection quarantine, etc. shall be with the broker at this stage for any unwanted condition.
The above-mentioned procedure is only for importing of goods and the export procedure is a little bit different and usually easier for traders.
There are many ways to make customs formalities a pain for consignees and a good broker is the one that know how to handle them.
Some of my information might be outdated but in fact the main procedures and the general conditions are as mentioned.
1.??????The procedure for Transit from any border to a freezone or to another country is different and is not going to be mentioned in this article.
2.Warehouse receipt is another negotiable document which holder has the authority to pick up the cargo and can transfer the ownership of the consignment by signing it. The L/C receiver Bank would hold this document until the full compensatio