Jo?o Joaquim Martins Martins
Advogado, formado pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Humans cling to the worst divine knowledge possible.
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil. Jo?o 3:19;
Instead of peace, they preferred war. Instead of food for all; built weapons of mass destruction. The result of this will be the self-extermination of the human race, which is imminent.
We have been warned by Jesus Christ: There is an evil divinity that leads to self-destruction.
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false. Jo?o 8:44;
But where does the power of this homicidal and lying divinity come from?
Let's quote among several others, just two facts for you to make your own decision.
The first is in the Old Testament:
And Joshua said to Achan, My son, give glory and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel; give me word now of what you have done, and keep nothing back from me. And Achan, answering, said to Joshua, Truly I have done wrong against the Lord, the God of Israel, and this is what I have done: When I saw among their goods a fair robe of Babylon and two hundred shekels of silver, and a mass of gold, fifty shekels in weight, I was overcome by desire and took them; and they are put away in the earth in my tent, and the silver is under it. So Joshua sent men quickly, and looking in his tent, they saw where the robe had been put away secretly with the silver under it. And they took them from the tent and came back with them to Joshua and the children of Israel, and put them before the Lord. Then Joshua and all Israel took Achan, the son of Zerah, and the silver and the robe and the mass of gold, and his sons and his daughters and his oxen and his asses and his sheep and his tent and everything he had; and they took them up into the valley of Achor. And Joshua said, Why have you been a cause of trouble to us? Today the Lord will send trouble on you. And all Israel took part in stoning him; they had him stoned to death and then burned with fire. And over him they put a great mass of stones, which is there to this day; then the heat of the Lord's wrath was turned away. So that place was named, The Valley of Achor, to this day. Josué 7:19-26.
Notice that Achan confessed his mistake, confident in a verdict fair for his case. But the response of the religious in obedience to the Divinity was that they killed Achan and his entire family.
Was it the God who killed Achan? No. It was the religious under their orders. Ac? represents humanity. And humanity is under the same verdict of Divinity and given to the same religious vigilantes.
Who acted in the case of Achan, was the Divine Wrath of God, or was God's Divine Love?
If it were God's Divine Love, that would be his behavior:
Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner. Mateus 5:43-45
Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree. Mateus 12:33;
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One. Mateus 5:37.
Therefore, if it were God's Divine Love, the guide of the religious, Achan would not have died with his family. The Divine would never have given the following order to Joshua:
And they put everything in the town to the curse; men and women, young and old, ox and sheep and ass, they put to death without mercy. Josué 6:21;
So Joshua overcame all the land, the hill-country and the South and the lowland and the mountain slopes, and all their kings; all were put to death: and every living thing he gave up to the curse, as the Lord, the God of Israel, had given him orders. Josué 10:40
Whom are we talking about? We're talking about an evil deity, homicidal and lying. As Jo?o 8:44 tells us. And we know that there are terrible religious on our planet at your service. Determined with the same powers to exterminate mankind who opposes divinity. It does not matter if they are individuals from Jericho, or are members of their ethnicity.
The second fact is in the New Testament:
But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, got money for his property, And kept back part of the price, his wife having knowledge of it, and took the rest and put it at the feet of the Apostles. But Peter said, Ananias, why has the Evil One put it into your heart to be false to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While you had it, was it not your property? and after you had given it in exchange, was it not still in your power? how has this purpose come into your mind? you have been false, not to men, but to God. And at these words, Ananias went down on the earth, and his life went from him: and great fear came on all who were present. And the young men went and made ready his body, and took it out, and put it in the earth. And about three hours after, his wife, having no knowledge of what had taken place, came in. And Peter said to her, Give me an answer: was this amount of money the price of the land? And she said, Yes, it was. But Peter said to her, Why have you made an agreement together to be false to the Spirit of the Lord? See, the feet of the young men who have put the body of your husband in the earth, are at the door, and they will take you out. And straight away she went down at his feet, and her life went from her: and the young men came in and saw her dead, and they took her out and put her in the earth with her husband. Then great fear came on all the church and on all who had knowledge of these things. Atos 5:1-11
These religious now call themselves servants of the Love of God. What was the principle of the love of God that was witnessed to them by Jesus on the cross?
Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner. Mateus 5:43-45;
But if it is to love the enemies, imagine the friends? These religious with the same mode of operation of the Deity of Evil not only killed the guilty but also his wife, who had nothing to do with the case. And, of course, that with the death of his parents, a better fate had no children.
Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree. Mateus 12:33;
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One. Mateus 5:37.
Well, dear reader, we do not quote that, by chance we want you to know that we are in the same situation, of these victims presented above.
It is we who are now being judged by these murderous religious, in the service of their Evil Divinity.
And the Divinity of them is about to play nation against nation, in our time, just as it did in the past
And they were broken by divisions, nation against nation and town against town, because God sent all sorts of trouble on them. 2 Cr?nicas 15:6
And religious liars say that it is the Love of God that is here to do justice. Do you believe in that? No, do not believe in them, as Achan and Ananias believed, because our end is imminent.
And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and crowns are on his head; and he has a name in writing, of which no man has knowledge but himself. And he is clothed in a robe washed with blood: and his name is The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all. And on his robe and on his leg is a name, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw an angel taking his place in the sun; and he was crying with a loud voice, saying to all the birds in flight in the heavens, Come together to the great feast of God; So that you may take for your food the flesh of kings, and of captains, and of strong men, and of horses and of those who are seated on them, and the flesh of all men, free and unfree, small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, come together to make war against him who was seated on the horse and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire. And the rest were put to death with the sword of him who was on the horse, even the sword which came out of his mouth: and all the birds were made full with their flesh. Apocalipse 19:11-21
This King of Kings and Lord of human lords murderer; which is said Faithful and True; which says that he judges and strives for justice (as was the case with Achan, Josué 7:19-26 and Ananias, Atos 5:1-11); Dress of clothes stained in blood; That is called: The Word of God; Wrath of God Almighty; who sits on a horse, with his army to make humans self-destruct (Apocalipse 6:4), righteous and unrighteous (Ezequiel 21:3-5), just as he did with Achan and Ananias and their families Is it JESUS CHRIST?
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Hebreus 13:8;
If you say: it's Jesus Christ!
Then in Jo?o 8:44, Hebreus 2:14 Jesus referred to Himself. Is Jesus the devil?
If you say it's God the Father!
Then you will also be saying that Jesus is the Devil because Jesus said: I and the Father are one. Jo?o 10:30; Whoever sees me sees the Father; Jo?o 14:9;
Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree. Mateus 12:33;
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One. Mateus 5:37.
No! My brothers. Jesus Christ is our Savior.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life; No one goes to the Father except through Jesus. Jo?o 14:6.
Satan, the Devil is the Liar and the father of lies.
It is a great dragon, the old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast down on the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Apocalipse 12:9
These angels who were cast with the Dragon on the earth, together with their religious servants, are going to execute what is written in Apocalipse 19:11-21, playing nation against nation.
The religious are going to take our planet to chaos, giving us the revenge of the Devil
This devil is the emperor of death:
See now, I myself am he; there is no other god but me: giver of death and life, wounding and making well: and no one has power to make you free from my hand. For lifting up my hand to heaven I say, By my unending life, If I make sharp my shining sword, and my hand is outstretched for judging, I will give punishment to those who are against me, and their right reward to my haters. I will make my arrows red with blood, my sword will be feasting on flesh, with the blood of the dead and the prisoners, of the long-haired heads of my haters. Deuteron?mio 32:39-42
It was to this devil that Jesus came to annihilate:
And because the children are flesh and blood, he took a body himself and became like them; so that by his death he might put an end to him who had the power of death, that is to say, the Evil One; And let those who all their lives were in chains because of their fear of death, go free. Hebreus 2:14,15
But as demonstrated:
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil. Jo?o 3:19;
Hus the religious are ready to hand us over to the Devil's verdict:
For this reason, go on waiting for me, says the Lord (The devil ), till the day when I come up as a witness: for my purpose is to send for the nations and to get the kingdoms together, so that I may let loose on them my passion, even all my burning wrath: for all the earth will be burned up in the fire of my bitter passion. Sofonias 3:8;
And the Lord (The devil) will be King over all the earth: in that day there will be one Lord and his name one.Zacarias 14:9;
The homicidal religious descendants of those who killed Achan and Ananias are deceiving all humanity, seeking to deliver the burning planet to the devil.
And he said, Go, and say to this people, You will go on hearing, but learning nothing; you will go on seeing, but without getting wiser. Make the hearts of this people fat, and let their ears be stopped, and their eyes shut; for fear that they may see with their eyes, and be hearing with their ears, and their heart may become wise, and they may be turned to me and made well.Then I said, Lord, how long? And he said in answer, Till the towns are waste and unpeopled, and the houses have no men, and the land becomes completely waste, And the Lord has taken men far away, and there are wide waste places in the land. And even if there is still a tenth part in it, it will again be burned, like a tree of the woods whose broken end is still in the earth after the tree has been cut down (the holy seed is the broken end).Isaías 6:9-13;
What Isaiah is saying is that the Devil ordered him and those of Judaism to deceive his people and through them, mankind, artificially creating fables denounced by the apostles of Jesus Christ; (2 Pedro 1:16, 1 Timóteo 4:7, 2 Timóteo 4:4, Tito 1:14) to lead mankind to self-destruction, thinking that they will partake of a new heaven and a new earth, where the lion will eat straw with the ox. Isaías 11:7, when will that be hell. Place where they can not die and have to walk on the zombie bodies of their children and grandchildren. Isaías 66:24.
In their sick head seduced by the Devil, they think that by annihilating their human brothers, the Devil will come to rule them in peace with them, as in the days of Joshua. Sad and unhappy deception. For thus saith the Devil: And say to the land of Israel, These are the words of the Lord (The Devil): See, I am against you, and I will take my sword out of its cover, cutting off from you the upright and the evil. Because I am going to have the upright and the evil cut off from you, for this cause my sword will go out from its cover against all flesh from the south to the north: And all flesh will see that I the Lord have taken my sword out of its cover: and it will never go back. Ezequiel 21:3-5;
And I will take you out from the peoples and get you together out of the countries where you are wandering, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with burning wrath let loose: And I will take you into the waste land of the peoples, and there I will take up the cause with you face to face. As I took up the cause with your fathers in the waste land of the land of Egypt, so will I take up the cause with you says the Lord. And I will make you go under the rod and will make you small in number: Ezequiel 20:34-37
All this religious work to bring humanity to self-destruction, simply to be tortured by the Devil, as it was in the days of Moses and Joshua, so it will be now. But with an aggravating circumstance: In those days men will seek death, and will not find it; they will want to die, but death flees from them. Apocalipse 9:6.
We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God. Hebreus 10:31.
And they will go out to see the dead bodies of the men who have done evil against me: for their worm will ever be living, and their fire will never be put out, and they will be a thing of fear to all flesh. Isaías 66:22-24;
Who of these religious will be happy treading the zombie bodies of their relatives and friends? Surely those who killed Achan and Ananias are ready to live in the eternal flames with the Devil, but what about you? The sinners in Zion are full of fear; the haters of God are shaking with wonder. Who among us may keep his place before the burning fire? who among us may see the eternal burnings? Isaías 33:14;
Because you have said, We have made death our friend, and with the underworld we have made an agreement; when the overflowing waters come through they will not come near us; for we are looking to false words for help, taking cover in what is untrue: Isaías 28:15;
And the help you were looking for from death will come to nothing, and your agreement with the underworld will be broken; when the overflowing waters come through, then you will be overcome by them. Isaías 28:18.
As it is said in the holy Writings, There is not one who does righteousness; Not one who has the knowledge of what is right, not one who is a searcher after God; They have all gone out of the way, there is no profit in any of them; there is not one who does good, not so much as one: Their throat is like an open place of death; with their tongues they have said what is not true: the poison of snakes is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of curses and bitter words: Their feet are quick in running after blood; Destruction and trouble are in their ways; And of the way of peace they have no knowledge: There is no fear of God before their eyes. Now, we have knowledge that what the law says is for those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and all men may be judged by God: Because by the works of the law no man is able to have righteousness in his eyes, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin. But now without the law there is a revelation of the righteousness of God, to which witness is given by the law and the prophets; That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, to all those who have faith; and one man is not different from another, For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God; And they may have righteousness put to their credit, freely, by his grace, through the salvation which is in Christ Jesus: Romanos 3:10-24.
And turning to the mass of people with his disciples, he said to them, If any man has the desire to come after me, let him give up all other desires, and take up his cross and come after me. Marcos 8:34.
Our salvation is to live according to the testimony of Jesus Christ.
All things have been given to me by my Father; and no one has knowledge of the Son, but the Father; and no one has knowledge of the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will make it clear. Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls; For my yoke is good, and the weight I take up is not hard. Mateus 11:27-30;
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil. Jo?o 3:19;
Therefore, this is the reality that awaits life on planet earth:
I will take away everything from the face of the earth, says the Lord (The Devil).I will take away man and beast; I will take away the birds of the heaven and the fishes of the sea; causing the downfall of the evil-doers, and cutting man off from the face of the earth, says the Lord. Sofonias 1:2,3.
Be glad then, O heavens, and you who are in them. But there is trouble for the earth and the sea: because the Evil One has come down to you, being very angry, having the knowledge that he has but a short time.Apocalipse 12:12;
If you are a Christian, this is the final orientation:
Do not kill. Do not go to war. Do not fight to survive killing the other. Do as Jesus did, rather die than kill.
And they (the Christians) overcame him (overcoming the devil) by the blood of the Lamb (sacrifice of Jesus Christ) and by the word of his testimony (practice of his gospel); and did not love their lives unto death.(And they preferred to die not to kill.) Apocalipse 12:11.
If we do, we will live.
Jesus said to her, I am myself that day and that life; he who has faith in me will have life even if he is dead; Jo?o 11:25;
And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation. Atos 16:31;
For to me life is Christ and death is profit. Filipenses 1:21.