IR Revolution: Next generation toolkit
As a child, I had an absolute fascination with Swiss army knives. I always looked for the model with the most functions, so whenever the opportunity arose, I could pull out my knife and solve a problem using every conceivable gadget and tool to hand in one convenient package.
Today there is a new problem tool that has sparked the same kind of fascination for the investor world, a tool I liken to the trusty Swiss army knife.
SharesInside, a communication platform dedicated to solving problems in the Investor Relations industry. Not just one problem - as many as possible! Just like when you open all the tools in a Swiss army knife at once to display all the functionality, I will demonstrate how SharesInside is also a multi-use tool that fits in your pocket.
In your pocket on your smartphone, you have it wherever you go – and so do your investors. At work, when travelling or on holiday, it can be conveniently accessed in all situations and used to solve any number or issues.
A knife that cuts out all middlemen and 3rd parties, allowing you to deliver your story unaltered directly to investors worldwide.
A file to shave off those rough edges fake news and rumours on social media are causing.
A pair of scissors to carefully snip away all excess procedures and truly simplify the way you communicate with Investors.
A screwdriver to fine tune your shareholder base and achieve the balance between retail and institutional investors that suits your business model.
A magnifying glass to examine your shareholders and their behaviour. Through collected Big Data you can easily analyse exactly what information your shareholders appreciate and trends in regional behaviour. Making targeting and gaining groups a breeze.
A tape measure so you can accurately measure the value you have created from your IR Department and present clear statistics to senior management to prove your department’s worth.
A solar powered clock because not only do you become more environmentally friendly you also save huge amounts of time. SharesInside is as easy as copy and paste and replaces many time consuming and labour intensive alternatives.
And of course, a cork-screw and bottle opener so you can have that well-deserved glass of wine or a beer to celebrate your stabile share price and time saved.