IR Career Starters - September 2022
Alexander Borum
Special Advisor @ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark | EU/AU Africa Relations | AU Peace Support Operations
The end of August usually means the end of the holidays, and for many recent graduates, it is one of the busiest periods when it comes to kicking off the big effort for securing an entry-level position with one of the many interesting organisations out there.
For those of you who are starting or who are already well into the process, I am happy to share 281 relevant opportunities for students graduates and young professionals in a variety of IR subfields.
If you have trouble getting started or want to get on track early, I have tips and tricks for starting out or enhancing your career-building efforts, so please check out my guides for career-building for students,?graduates?and?young professionals, and further my overview on the opportunities offered by the?young professionals programmes.?
I hope the listings below will help you find concrete opportunities or help to inspire you on where to look and for what!
Best of luck with your hunt,
?? International Peace Institute ??
????????????, Women, Peace and Security, New York
????????????, Climate Action, New York
????????????, Editorial, New York
?? SEED Madagascar ??
????????????, Operations and Administration Intern/Officer
????????????, Logistics and Volunteering Intern/Officer
??????????, Media and Communications Officer
?? Human Rights Watch ??
????????????, Development & Outreach Division, Tokyo
????????????, Asia Division, Tokyo
????????????, UN Advocacy, Geneva
????????????, Communications, Brussels
????????????, Advocacy & Communications Division, London
????????????, Alan R. and Barbara D. Finberg Fellowship
????????????, Leonard H. Sandler Fellowship
????????????, Aryeh Neier Fellowship
??????????, Associate, Americas, Remote
??????????, Associate, Compensation and Performance, -
??????????, Associate, Advocacy and Program, Toronto
??????????, Associate, EU Advocacy, Brussels
??????????, Associate, Advocacy, Stockholm
??????????, Payroll Administrator, New York
?? European Council on Foreign Affairs ??
??????????, Operations Associate, Brussels
?? European Institute of Peace ??
????????????, Development, Brussels
?? Council on Foreign Relations ??
????????????, Climate Change and Energy Policy, New York/Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant, Membership, New York
??????????, Program Associate, National Program, New York
??????????, Program Associate, Studies Administration, New York
??????????, Program Assistant, New York Meetings, New York
??????????, Research Associate, Center for Preventive Action, Washington DC
??????????, Research Associate, Southeast Asia and U.S. Foreign Policy, Washington DC
??????????, Communications Associate, Global Communications and Media Relations, Washington DC
??????????, Research Associate, U.S. Foreign Policy, Washington DC
????????????, Research
????????????, Legal
????????????, Communication
????????????, Events
????????????, Editor
????????????, Marketing
?? Brookings Institution ??
????????????, Center for Universal Education, Washington
????????????, The Hamilton Project, Washington DC
????????????, Alice Rivlin Dissertation Fellow or Post-Doctoral Fellow, Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Washington DC
????????????, Post-Doc Fellow, USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy, Washington DC
????????????, Fellow, Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Washington DC
??????????, Senior Research Assistant, The Hamilton Project, Washington DC
??????????, Research and Administrative Assistant, Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant, China Center, Washington DC
??????????, Development Officer, Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant, Washington DC
??????????, Adminand Research Assistant to the Vice President, Foreign Policy, Washington DC
??????????, Research Programmer, Center on Social Dynamics and Policy, Washington DC
??????????, Program Event Assistant, Washington DC
??????????, Investment Associate, Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant, Center for East Asia Policy, Washington DC
?? RAND Corporation ??
??????????, Security Analyst, Washington DC
??????????, Research Editor (Early Career), Santa Monica
??????????, Survey Assistant, Santa Monica
??????????, Policy Analyst, Behavioral and Policy Sciences, Santa Monica
??????????, Education Policy Researcher, Early Childhood Education, Santa Monica
??????????, Education Policy Researcher, Higher Education, Santa Monica
??????????, Education Policy Researcher, Labor and Workforce Development, Pittsburgh
??????????, Sociologist (Junior Level), Santa Monica
??????????, Economist (Junior Level), Santa Monica
??????????, PhD Statistician, Santa Monica
??????????, Defense and Security Researcher, Washington DC
??????????, Statistical Research Programmer, Entry Level, Santa Monica
??????????, Entry/Mid-Career Technical Research Analyst, Santa Monica
??????????, Early/Mid-Career Management Scientist, Santa Monica
??????????, Early/Mid-Career Physical Scientist, Santa Monica
??????????, Entry/Mid-level Modeling & Simulation Analyst, Santa Monica
?? International Crisis Group ??
????????????, Sahel Project
????????????, Online Communication
?? Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance ??
??????????, Junior Project Officer, Geneva
?? OECD ??
??????????, Junior Financial Economist, Paris
??????????, Junior Policy Analyst, Paris
??????????, Junior Energy Modeller – Transport, Paris
?? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ??
????????????, Business Scouts for Development Programm, Echborn
????????????, Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, Bonn
?? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ??
????????????, China Global, Beijing
????????????, Communication, Beirut
????????????, Research, Beirut
????????????, Translation, Beirut
??????????, Research Analyst - Political Economy, New Delhi
?? CSIS ??
????????????, Indian State Reforms/Wadhwani Chair, Washington DC
????????????, Research?- Economics Program, Washington DC
????????????, International Security Program-General, Washington DC
????????????, Freeman Chair in China Studies, Washington DC
????????????, Social Media - Project on Prosperity and Development, Washington DC
????????????, Project on Prosperity and Development, Washington DC
????????????, Social Media and Outreach?- International Security Program, Washington DC
????????????, China Power Project, Washington DC
????????????, Australia Chair, Washington DC
????????????, Renewing American Innovation Project, Washington DC
????????????, Americas Program, Washington DC
????????????, Transnational Threats Project, Washington DC
????????????, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics, Washington DC
????????????, Japan Chair, Washington DC
????????????, Scholl Chair in International Business, Washington DC
????????????, Office of Korea Chair, Washington DC
????????????, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Washington DC
????????????, President's Office/Strategic Planning, Washington DC
????????????, Research - iDeas Lab, Washington DC?
????????????, Associate Fellow for Satellite Imagery - External Relations
??????????, Research Assistant - International Security Program, Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant or Associate - Global Food Security Program, Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant – Japan Chair, Washington DC
??????????, Research Associate - Wadhwani Chair in U.S. India Policy Studies, Washington DC
?? ICRC ??
??????????????, Traineeship in the Global Protection Affairs Unit, Geneva?
??????????????, Traineeship in the Protection of Civilian Population (PCP) Unit, Geneva
?? Asia-Europe Foundation ??
????????????, General Internship, -
?? HALO Trust ??
??????????, Communications and Public Affairs Associate
?? Asian Development Bank ??
????????????, Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division
????????????, Office of the General Counsel
????????????, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division?
????????????, Gender Equality Thematic Group
????????????, Nepal Resident Mission
????????????, Strategy, Policy, and Business Process Division
????????????, Risk Policy and Architecture Division
????????????, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Division
????????????, Governance TG, SDTC
?? CTBTO ??
????????????, Public Information Section, Geneva
????????????, External Relations Protocol and International Cooperation Section, Geneva
?? European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ??
????????????, Green Economy Transition (GET), ENVITECC Programme
?? Minority Rights ??
??????????, Africa Partnerships Officer
?? MyAgro ??
??????????, Program Associate (30 positions), -
?? War Childhood ??
????????????, Shared Operations, Amsterdam
????????????, Information Management, Amsterdam
????????????, International Programmes, Amsterdam
????????????, Design and Video, Amsterdam
?? Medical Teams International ??
??????????, Program Officer - Ukraine Response, Chisinau
??????????, Communications Officer, Kampala
??????????, Program Officer - Ukraine Response, Chernivtsi
??????????, Philanthropy Assistant, Portland
?? Fortify Rights ??
??????????, Learning Associate, -
??????????, Partnership Associate, -
??????????, Multimedia Associate, -
?? National Democratic Institute ??
??????????, Temporary Project Assistant: LAC (multiple), Washington DC
??????????, Proposal Associate, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: Southern and East Africa, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: Elections, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: Central and West Africa (Francophone), Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: PCDR Team, Washington DC
??????????, Temporary Project Assistant: SEA, Washington DC
??????????, Temporary Project Assistant- Francophone: CEWA, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: Latin America and the Caribbean, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate: Central and West Africa (multiple), Washington DC
??????????, Temporary Project Assistant: Central and Eastern Europe, Washington DC
??????????, Temporary Program Associate: Central and West Africa, Washington DC
??????????, Temporary Project Assistant: Central and West Africa (CEWA) (F), Washington DC
?? United Nations University ??
????????????, Global Fellow - Migration and Inequality, New York/Remote
??????????, Research Assistant: Resource Nexus for Sustainability Transformations, Dresden
??????????, Programme Assistant, Strategic Programme (SMO)(PSA), Tokyo
??????????, Programme Assistant, Strategic Programme (GEOC)(PSA), Tokyo
??????????, Programme Assistant, Postgraduate Degrees and Training, Tokyo
??????????, Programme & Communications Assistant, Kuala Lumpur
?? Stockholm Environment Institute ??
????????????, SEI Africa: Research internship opportunities, Nairobi
????????????, SEI York: Postgraduate studies, York
????????????, SEI HQ: Internship opportunities, Stockholm
????????????, Research Fellow: The role of China in deforestation-free supply chains, Stockholm
????????????, Research Fellow: Supply chain emissions accounting, Stockholm
?? Welthungerhilfe ??
??????????, Junior Expert - Institutional Donor Relations, Bonn
??????????, Cmmunication Officer Ukraine Programme, Kiev
?? Lighthouse Relief ??
????????????, Communication & Partnerships, Athens
?? International Service for Human Rights ??
????????????, Programme internship, Geneva
????????????, Programme internship, New York
????????????, Fellowship, Geneva
????????????, Fellowship, New York
?? MENA Rights Group ??
????????????, Legal, Geneva
?? Karen Human Rights Group ??
????????????, Research Fellow. Thailand
?? International AIDS Society ??
??????????, JIAS Graduate Assistant, Geneva
?? US Institute of Peace ??
??????????, Research Assistant, Russia and Europe, Washington DC
??????????, Publications Production Associate. Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant, Gender Policy and Strategy (GPS), Washington DC
??????????, Research Assistant, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Washington DC
?? Freedom House ??
????????????, Fall 2022 - Communications, Washington DC
??????????, Business Development Associate, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate, Afghanistan Emergency Assistance Program, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate, Dignity for All, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate, Europe and Eurasia, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate, Latin American and Caribbean, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant, Khartoum
??????????, Program Officer. Addis Ababa
??????????, Program Officer, Bogota
??????????, Program Officer, Subgrants, Khartoum
??????????, Project Manager, Khartoum
?? Search for Common Ground ??
????????????, ConnexUs Communications, Washington DC
????????????, GAP Policy, Washington DC
????????????, Global Program Development, Washington DC
????????????, Women Peace and Security Intern, Washington DC
????????????, Common Ground USA, Washington DC
????????????, European Affairs and Partnership Policy and Outreach, Brussels
????????????, Program, Bamako
????????????, Program Assistant, Tashkent
????????????, Jordan Country, Amman
????????????, Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, Washington DC
??????????, Country Program Associate, Amman
??????????, Project Assistant, Aden
?? GAIN ??
??????????, Project Associate - Better Dairy for All, Bahir Dar
??????????, X2 Junior Associates, EmoDemos, Nacala
??????????, Policy and Advocacy Associate, Abuja
?? Basel Institute on Governance ??
????????????, Programme Support, Basel
?? Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ??
????????????, General, Solna
??????????, Research Assistant in SIPRI’s Armament and Disarmament, Solna
?? Asia Foundation ??
????????????, Communications - Let’s Read, Remote/Hybrid
?? People in Need ??
??????????, Junior Project Coordinator with focus on journalism in Moldova, Chi?in?u
??????????, Field Assistant, Chi?in?u
?? Samuel Hall ??
??????????, Research Assistant for Migration and Displacement Pillar,?Nairobi, Tunis or Remote
??????????, Research Assistant- Climate for Migration/Displacement ,?Nairobi, Tunis or Remote
??????????, Research Assistant for Resilience Pillar,?Nairobi, Tunis or Remote
??????????, Research Assistant for Children and Youth Pillar,?Nairobi, Tunis or Remote
?? IDLO ??
??????????, Monitoring & Reporting Associate, Quagadougou
??????????, Program Associate, Niamey
?? Pacific Community ??
??????????, Country Program Assistant, Kiribati
?? National Endowment for Democracy ??
????????????, World Movement for Democracy, Washington DC
????????????, Research & Conferences, Washington DC
????????????, Government Relations & Public Affairs, Washington DC
????????????, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, Washington DC
??????????, Assistant Program Officer for the Africa regional program team, Washington DC
??????????, Assistant Program Officer for the Eurasia Regional Programs, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant- Fellowships Program, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant- Eurasia regional program team, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant for the grant operations team, Washington DC
??????????, Grants Assistants (multiple), Washington DC
??????????, Assistant Program Officer for Southeast Europe, Washington DC
??????????, Assistant Program Officer for the Global program, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant for the Global Program, Washington DC
??????????, Program Assistant for the Grantmaking Resource Center, Washington DC
?? Swiss Peace ??
??????????, Associate Program Officer, Geneva
???International Center for Transitional Justice ??
????????????, Communications, New York/Remote
??????????, Program Associate – Libya Program, Tunis/Remote
?? SOS Children's Villages ??
????????????, Youth Participation, Vienna
????????????, YouthCan!, Vienna
?? Syria Justice and Accountability Centre ??
????????????, General, Washington DC
?? Open Society Foundations ??
??????????, Associate Program Manager, Narrative/Culture Change, New York/Washington DC
??????????, Program Operations Associate, OpenSociety-US, Baltimore
??????????, Program Operations Associate – OPT/MENA, Amman
??????????, Associate Litigation Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), New York
?? ECPAT International ??
??????????, Legal Research Associate, -
?? Save the Children ??
??????????, Lead Associate, Community Engagement - Western WA, Washington DC
??????????, Lead Associate, Community Engagement - Central WA, Yakima
??????????, Lead Associate, Financial Reporting & Analysis, Fairfield
??????????, Lead Associate, Marketing Operations, Remote
??????????, Lead Associate, Proposal Pricing, Washington DC
??????????, Lead Associate, Food Security, Albuquerque
??????????, Lead Associate, Logistics Management, Lexington
??????????, Senior Associate, MEAL and Research Skills to Succeed (S2S), Washington DC
??????????, Awards Management Associate, Washington DC
??????????, Lead Associate, Global Safety and Security, Washington DC
??????????, Knowledge Management, Learning, and Communications, Washington DC
??????????, Program Associate, Global Health, Remote
??????????, Lead Associate, Community Engagement, Little Rock
??????????, Lead Associate, Application Support & Operations, Fairfield
??????????, Lead Associate, Corporate Partnerships, Fairfield
??????????, Lead Associate, Humanitarian Program Portfolio, Washington DC
Founder of Wigrow | Digital Marketing | Sustainable Education & Investments |
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LL.M. | Legal Acts Team - DG Legal Services at the European Central Bank ????
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