IR Career Starters - May 2023
357 Opportunities in International Relations

IR Career Starters - May 2023

With thousands of IR students knee-deep in thesis writing and wrapping up their academic studies, it is an excellent time to look at what is hiding at the end of the tunnel; a career in International Affairs.

For the May edition of the IR Career Starters Newsletter, I am happy to share 357 internships, traineeships, fellowships and entry-level positions across the globe. While a day late due to a well-deserved leave and a prioritisation for consuming tom yum goong instead of compiling the 11th edition, there are plenty of interesting new challenges for anyone looking to start or advance in the field.

In addition to the newsletter, I post unique opportunities a few times per week. So if you are interested in upper-tier internships, traineeships and young professional programmes, and excellent chances to build upon your IR profile, please pop by my profile and #Follow and #Subscribe to notifications.

As always, to ensure the newsletter reaches as many as possible, please feel free to #Share #Comment and #Like so it can get echoed to your networks!

I hope you enjoy it,


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?? International Peace Institute ??

????????????, Editorial, New York

??????????, Policy Analyst – Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, New York

??????????, Program Coordinator, New York

?? Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons ??

????????????, Verification Division, The Hague

????????????, Inspectorate Division, The Hague

????????????, Administration Division, The Hague

????????????, International Cooperation and Assistance Division, The Hague

????????????, Secretariat for the Policy-Making Organs, The Hague

????????????, External Relations, The Hague

????????????, Office of Strategy and Policy, The Hague

????????????, Office of Internal Oversight, The Hague

????????????, Office of the Legal Adviser, The Hague

????????????, Office of Confidentiality and Security, The Hague

????????????, Health and Safety, The Hague

??????????, Privileges and Immunities Assistant, The Hague

?? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit ??

????????????, International Tax Compact, Bonn

????????????, "Partnering for Readiness" on the topic of climate finance, Bonn

????????????, Communications/Gender - Energising Development, Bonn

????????????, Urban Innovation made in Africa, Bonn

????????????, Project Management and Communications for the #SmartDevelopmentFund, Bonn/Berlin

????????????, Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) – Promotion of Solar Water Pumps, New Delhi

?? International Crisis Group ??

????????????, Quantitative Research, New York/Remote

????????????, Future of Conflict, New York

????????????, Government and Multilateral Relations, Brussels/Remote

????????????, Video & Multimedia, Brussels/Remote

?? Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance ??

??????????, Project Officer, SDG16 Project, Geneva

?? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ??

??????????, Junior Environmental Economists/Policy Analysts, Paris

??????????, Research Assistant, Paris

??????????, Junior Legal Advisor, Paris

??????????, Research Associate, Paris

??????????, Junior Policy Advisor/Analyst, Paris

??????????, Programme Assistant, Paris

?? Human Rights Watch ??

????????????, UN Advocacy, Geneva

????????????, US Program, -?

?? European Institute of Peace ??

??????????????, Traineeship - Executive Director's Office, Brussels

?? Council on Foreign Relations ??

??????????, Research Associate, Latin America Studies, New York

??????????, Research Associate, U.S. Foreign Policy, New York

??????????, Program Associate, Washington Meetings, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, Washington External Affairs, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate, Japan Studies, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate, Global Governance, Washington DC


????????????, Research, Brussels

????????????, Legal, Brussels?

????????????, Communication, Brussels?

????????????, Events, Brussels?

????????????, Editor, Brussels?

????????????, Marketing, Brussels?

?? Brookings Institution ??

????????????, Senior Fellow and Lee Kuan Yew Chair in Southeast Asia Studies

????????????, Fellow (Climate and Education), Center for Universal Education

????????????, Fellow, Governance Studies,?

????????????, Fellow/Senior Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center?

??????????, Research and Communications Assistant

??????????, Senior Research Assistant & Project Coordinator

??????????, Program Assistant

??????????, Research Assistant/Senior Research Assistant

??????????, Research Assistant

?? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ??

????????????, Communications, Beirut

????????????, Research, Beirut

??????????, Research Scholar, Nuclear Policy Program, Washington DC

?? Center for Strategic and International Studies ??

????????????, Congressional & Government Affairs, Washington DC

????????????, Multimedia Production - iDeas Lab, Washington DC

????????????, Diversity and Leadership in International Affairs Project, Washington DC

????????????, Australia Chair (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Africa Program (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Data Research -iDeas Lab, Washington DC

????????????, Global Health Policy Center (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Americas Program (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, China Power Project (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Freeman Chair in China Studies (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Transnational Threats Project (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Japan Chair (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Energy Security and Climate Change Program (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Indian States / Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, Washington DC

????????????, Data Science Fellow International Security Program - General, Washington DC

????????????, Fellow or Senior Fellow-Transnational Threats Project, Washington DC

??????????, Program Coordinator & Research Assistant-Economics Program, Washington DC

??????????, Web Assistant-External Relations Web Team, Washington DC

?? International Committee of the Red Cross ??

??????????????, ICRC Legal Division and the International Review of the Red Cross, Geneva

?? One Earth Future ??

??????????, Research Associate, Pandemic Prevention PAX Sapiens, Broomfield

??????????, Research Associate, US-China PAX Sapiens, Broomfield

?? Halo Trust ??

??????????, Project Management Assistant, Thornhill

?? GAVI ??

????????????, Country Support - (West & Central Africa team), Geneva

?? Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization ??

????????????, Capacity Building and Training Section (IDC), Geneva

????????????, International Monitoring System Division, Geneva

????????????, On-Site Inspection Division, Geneva

????????????, External Relations, Protocol and International Cooperation Section, Geneva

????????????, Public Information Section, Geneva

?? European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ??

????????????, Impact Analytics and Results Management

??????????, Associate TC Pillar Donor Reporting

??????????, InvestEU Guarantee

??????????, Associate, External Investigations

?? Last Mile Health ??

??????????, Operations Assistant, Lilongwe

?? EaP CSF ??

??????????, Advocacy Programme Officer, Brussels

?? Carbon Market Watch ??

??????????, Communications Officer, Brussels

??????????, Policy Officer, Brussels

?? European Energy Research Alliance ??

????????????, Administration and Events, Brussels

?? Civil Rights Defenders ??

??????????, EURASIA Programme Administrator, Stockholm

??????????, Communications officer, Stockholm

?? Dr?ben I havet ??

????????????, Humanitarian Aid, -

????????????, HR Support, -

????????????, Community Empowerment Mobilization, -

????????????, Integration Support, -

????????????, Voluntary Fieldworker Greece, -

????????????, Logistics Coordinator, Nea Kavala

????????????, Voluntary Fieldworker Bosnia Herzegovina, Sarajevo

?? International Research & Exchanges Board ??

????????????, Global Human Resources, Washington DC

????????????, Information Integrity & Resilience, Center for Applied Learning and Impact Unit, Washington DC

??????????, Temporary Program Associate, Leadership Practice, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Ukraine Rapid Response Fund (URRF), Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, Fulbright Teacher Exchanges, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, U.S.-Jordan Leadership Exchange Program (UJLEP), Washington DC

?? SEED Madagascar ??

????????????, Conservation Research, Fort Dauphin

????????????, Volunteer Website Editor, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Forest Restoration Officer, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Conservation Research Assistant, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Programme Intern/Officer - Public Health, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer, Fort Dauphin

?? International Republican Institute ??

??????????, Program Associate - West Africa

??????????, Program Associate - Central Africa

??????????, Program Associate, Kosovo

??????????, Program Associate - Latin America and the Caribbean

??????????, Program Associate - Southeast Asia


??????????, Finance Associate, Arcata

??????????, Business Associate, Multi-Regional Program Management Unit, Remote

??????????, Regional Monitoring & Evaluation Associate - Africa,?Nairobi

??????????, Finance and Budget Associate, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate, MENA, Remote

??????????, Armenia: Program Associate, Yeravan

?? Manushya Foundation ??

????????????, Human Rights Research & Advocacy Assistant, Bangkok

????????????, Human Rights Research & Advocacy Volunteer (Corporate Accountability & Climate Justice), Bangkok

??????????, Junior Paralegal, Bangkok

?? Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project ??

??????????, Myanmar Researcher, Remote

??????????, Iraq Researcher, Remote

??????????, Latin America Researcher, Remote

?? International Center for Transitional Justice ??

????????????, Communications, New York/Remote?

????????????, Programs, New York

??????????, National Program Assistant, The Gambia

?? International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ??

????????????, Communication, Madagascar

????????????, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting, Malaysia


????????????, Reporting, E&E News - Energywire, Arlington

????????????, Reporting, E&E News - Greenwire, Arlington

????????????, Client Engagement, Arlington

????????????, Editorial, NY Fall 2023, New York

????????????, Editorial, California Fall 2023, Sacramento

????????????, Editorial, Fall 2023, Arlington

????????????, Professional Subscriptions, Summer 2023, Arlington

??????????, Associate, Strategy & Operations

??????????, Business Development Associate, Media Solutions, New York

??????????, Business Development Associate, Professional Subscription, Arlington

?? MyAgro ??

??????????, Special Projects Associate, -?

??????????, Program Associate, -

??????????, Communications Associate, Bamako

??????????, Agriculture Curriculum Associate, Bamako

??????????, Agricultural Associate, Bamako

??????????, Research and Development Associate, Bamako

??????????, Knowledge Management Associate, Dakar

??????????, Communications Associate, Thies

??????????, Agriculture Curriculum Associate, Thies

??????????, M&E Associate, Thies

??????????, Agroforesty Associate, Thies

?? Fortify Rights ??

??????????, Operations Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Thailand Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Communications Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Ukraine Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Rohingya Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

?? National Democratic Institute ??

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- Asia-Pacific

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- Central and West Africa (Francophone) (2)

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- CEWA (Anglophone) (2)

??????????, Program Associate - Latin America and the Caribbean

??????????, Program Associate -- CEWA (2)

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- SEA (3)

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- DemTech

??????????, Program Associate -- Eurasia (2)

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant (Multiple): MENA

?? United Nations University ??

????????????, Communications, Caracas

????????????, Communications, UNU-IIGH, Kuala Lumpur

??????????, Programme Assistant/Associate, Kuala Lumpur

??????????, ??????????, Project Associate for the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC) project - (PSA 3), Bonn

??????????, Research Associate – Applied Research (PSA -3), Bonn

??????????, Research Assistant (Consultant), Tokyo

??????????, Communications Associate (PSA), Tokyo

?? Stockholm Environment Institute ??

????????????, Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), Stockholm

????????????, Business models for decentralized water provision, Stockholm

????????????, Transdisciplinary processes for innovative and fair adaptation, Stockholm

????????????, Climate SDGs interaction and equity in adaptation finance, Stockholm

????????????, SEI sustainable consumption projects, Stockholm

????????????, Minerals and mining legal issues in the energy transition era, Stockholm

????????????, SEI Africa: Research, Nairobi

????????????, Research: Social impact and acceptability assessment, Stockholm

????????????, Research: Financing urban transitions, Stockholm

??????????, Monitoring the contribution of trade-linked climate policy to global deforestation and restoration targets, York

?? International Service for Human Rights ??

????????????, Geneva Programme – Spanish Speaker, Geneva

?? Think Triangle ??

????????????, General, Beirut

????????????, Project Development, Beirut

?? Karen Human Rights Group ??

????????????, Research Fellow (International Only), Bangkok

?? Welthungerhilfe ??

??????????, Student Assistant Innovation

?? International AIDS Society ??

??????????, JIAS Editorial Assistant, Geneva

?? Nonviolent Peaceforce ??

????????????, Advocacy, Washington DC

?? Freedom House ??

????????????, Freedom in the World Junior Fellowship 2023–24, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Asia Programs, Washington DC

??????????, Associate Editor, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Asia Programs, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Asia Programs, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Khartoum

??????????, Program Associate, Bogota

?? Search for Common Ground ??

????????????, European Affairs and Partnership Policy and Outreach, Brussels

????????????, Global Program Development, Washington DC

????????????, Human Resources, Washington DC

????????????, Admin & Finance Interns, Mombasa & Garissa (2)

????????????, CEA Grants Management, Washington DC

????????????, Africa Program Development, Nairobi

????????????, Women Peace and Security, Washington DC

????????????, Communication, Bishkek

????????????, Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, Washington DC

????????????, Youth, Peace and Security Advocacy Fellow, Washington DC

??????????, Associate, Women, Peace and Security, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Project, Mopti

?? Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development ??

??????????, South Asia Programme Associate (P1‐2), Bangkok

?? Swedish Institute of International Affairs ??

????????????, Research - European politics, Stockholm

????????????, Research - Global politics, Stockholm

????????????, Research - Middle East and North African politics, Stockholm

????????????, Research - Asian politics, Stockholm

?? Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue ??

??????????, Finance Associate, Asia/China

??????????, Administrative/Logistics Associate, Mediation Support/Policy Unit, Geneva

?? Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael‘ ??

????????????, Planetary Security Initiative, The Hague

?? People in Need ??

??????????, Administrative/Logistics Assistant, Chi?in?u

??????????, MEAL Assistant, Yerevan

??????????, Administrative Assistant, Amman

?? Physicians for Human Rights ??

????????????, Asylum Case Management, New York/Remote

????????????, Communications, New York/Remote

????????????, Development, New York/Remote

????????????, Digital Media, New York/Remote

????????????, Human Resources, New York/Remote

????????????, MENA Investigations, New York/Remote

????????????, Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones, New York/Remote

????????????, Research and Investigations, New York/Remote

??????????, Program Associate, Nairobi

??????????, Development Operations Associate, New York

?? Samuel Hall ??

??????????, Research Assistant, Children & Youth Pillar, Edinburgh

??????????, Junior Area Coordinator, Nairobi

?? IMPACT Initiatives ??

????????????, REACH Public Health Unit, Geneva

????????????, Learning & Development, Geneva

????????????, HUB/Logistics, Geneva

????????????, Financial Control, Geneva

??????????, Junior Data Officer, Geneva

??????????, Junior Assessment Officer – Spontaneous Application, -

?? HIAS ??

????????????, Budget & Fiscal Compliance, Silverspring

????????????, Contracts & Procurement, Silverspring

????????????, Social Services, Silverspring

????????????, Legal, New York

??????????, Program Associate, Africa & Eurasia, Silverspring

??????????, Data Protection Associate, LAC, Silverspring

??????????, Communication Assistant, Oranjestad

??????????, Caribbean Project Assistant, Oranjestad

??????????, Program Associate, Strategy & Measurement, Silverspring

?? Access Now ??

????????????, UN Advocacy Legal, New York

?? ACTED ??

????????????, Tajikistan: Project Development Volunteer, Dushanbe

????????????, Whole of Syria : Country Finance Volunteer, Amman

????????????, Democratic Republic of Congo : MEAL Volunteer, Kinshasa

????????????, Whole of Syria: Project Development Volunteer, Amman

??????????, Mozambique: Country Finance Officer, Pemba

??????????, Afghanistan: Transparency & Compliance Officer, Kabul

??????????, Myanmar: Country Finance Officer, Yangon

??????????, Niger: Project Development Officer, Niamey

??????????, Armenia: Project Development Officer, Yerevan

??????????, Horn of Africa: Project Development Officer, Mogadishu

??????????, Tajikistan: Project Development Officer, Dushanbe

??????????, France : MEAL Officer, Paris

??????????, France : Projects Communications Officer, Paris

??????????, South Sudan : Project Development Officer, Juba

??????????, Chad: Project Development Officer, N’Djamena

??????????, Whole of Syria: Project Development Officer, Amman

??????????, Afghanistan: Project Development Officer, Kabul

??????????, Afghanistan: MEAL Officer, Kabul

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Project Officer, Bukavu

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Area Logistics Officer, Bukavu

??????????, Central African Republic: Project Development Officer, Bangui

??????????, Central African Republic : Country Finance Officer, Bangui

??????????, Horn of Africa: Project Development Officer, Hargeisa

??????????, Burkina Faso : Project Development Officer, Ouagadougou

??????????, France : Grants Management Officer, Paris

??????????, Ukraine : MEAL Officer, Dnipro/Kyiv

??????????, Iraq: Project Development Officer, Erbil

??????????, DR of the Congo: Project Development Officer, Kinshasa

??????????, Horn of Africa: Monitoring and Evaluation (MEAL) Officer, Mogadishu

??????????, Bangladesh: Project Development Officer, Cox’s Bazar

?? National Endowment for Democracy ??

????????????, Government Relations, Washington DC

????????????, Research & Conferences, Washington DC

????????????, World Movement for Democracy, Washington DC

????????????, Center for International Media Assistance, Washington DC

????????????, Communications and Public Engagement, Washington DC

????????????, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer, European, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer (South Caucasus), Washington DC

??????????, Special Assistant, Programs, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant for Outreach and Communications, Washington DC

??????????, Associate Editor, Journal of Democracy, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Editor, JoD, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer Southeast Europe, Washington DC

???Awaji Youth Federation ??

????????????, AYF Fellowship Program, Manabi no Sato

?? Global Green Growth Institute ??

????????????, Strategy Unit, Seoul

??????????, Program Assistant - GGGI Vietnam, Hanoi

??????????, Senior Entrepreneurship Associate, Hanoi

??????????, Green Investment Senior Associate, Managua

??????????, Sustainable Finance Sr. Associate, Mexico City

?? Amnesty International ??

????????????, Write for Rights, -

??????????, Research, Communication, and Campaigns Assistant, Tunis

??????????, Resource Allocation Mechanism Project Assistant, London

?? Institute for Integrated Transitions ??

??????????, Communications Assistant

?? European Centre for Electoral Support ??

????????????, Finance Officer, Brussels

????????????, Project Officer, Brussels

?? UNCAC Coalition ??

??????????, Regional Coordinator for Middle East and North Africa, Remote

??????????, Project Officer, Vienna

?? Islamic Development Bank ??

????????????, Internship 2023 Quarter 2, Jeddah

?? European Policy Centre ??

??????????, Project Assistant - Connecting Europe, Brussels

?? Friends of Europe ??

??????????, Programme Officer, Brussels

?? Wetlands International Europe ??

????????????, Communications Assistant, Brussels

????????????, Waterbirds Project Assistant, Brussels

????????????, Nature Restoration Policy Assistant, Brussels

??????????, Disaster Risk Reduction Policy Assistant, Brussels

?? Global Forum for Media Development ??

????????????, Policy and Advocacy, Remote

????????????, Advocacy and Communications, Brussels

????????????, Emerging Media Leaders 2023 – Professional Fellows Program

??????????, Program Assistant, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate, MENA, Remote

??????????, Emergencies Associate, New York

??????????, Editorial Associate, Earth Journalism Network, Remote

??????????, Senior Associate, Journey Management & Global Operations, Remote

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer, Europe, Washington DC

?? European Movement International ??

????????????, Communications Assistant, Brussels

?? EASPD ??

??????????, Junior Project & Policy Officer, Brussels

?? European Coalition for Corporate Justice ??

??????????, Policy Officer, Brussels

??????????, Communications Manager, Brussels

?? Vital Voices ??

????????????, Development and Strategic Partnerships, Washington DC

????????????, Finance and Administration, Washington DC

????????????, Communications and Events, Washington DC

????????????, Issue Advocacy, Washington DC

????????????, Crisis Response, Washington DC

????????????, Leadership and Social Impact, Washington DC

????????????, Global Network and Regional Engagement, Washington DC

????????????, Operations, Washington DC

????????????, Technology and Data, Washington DC

?? American Bar Association ??

????????????, Law Student Legal - Immigration Justice Project (IJP), San Diego (7)

??????????, Program Associate, Washington DC

Antitrust - Program Assistant, Chicago

Intellectual Property - Program Associate, Chicago

?? European Climate Foundation ??

????????????, Network Support Intern, Strategic Communications, Brussels

????????????, Internship French Programme, Paris

??????????, Senior Communications Associate - Asia region, Beijing

??????????, Junior Communications Associate, Hydrogen, Brussels

??????????, Junior Digital Associate, Oil & Gas, Brussels

??????????, Senior Associate Strategic Communications, Financial Regulation (flex location), Brussels

??????????, Senior Associate Germany and Land Use, Berlin

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Irene Melina H.

Greek American-2025 IAAO Advocacy Task Force-Public Outreach-Title Research-Cultural Liaison-Networking-Land Ownership-Data Mining-International Relations-Domestic & Int’l Property Laws Researcher-Conflict Resolution

1 å¹´

Would love to see opportunities for those who are “ late bloomers” who are just now obtaining graduate degrees in IR/IA .I am way beyond entry levels and internships. Being educated outside of the US makes it more challenging.

Yannik Gr?f

M.A. International Affairs | Defence & Security Policy | Civil Defence Paramedic & Army Reserve Officer Cadet

1 å¹´

Really helpful for people starting out in IR, but I still don’t understand how some “entry” level positions have 3-5 years work experience requirements!

Jennifer Counter

Strategic Communications | Offensive Influence | Intelligence | Veteran

1 å¹´

Great resource for students Fiona Creed

Faviola G.

International Development Professional | Project Assistant | Compliance | Cross-Cultural Communication

1 å¹´

Thank you Alexander Borum for the valuable information. Reposted!


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