IR Career Starters - July 2023
258 Opportunities in International Relations

IR Career Starters - July 2023

With July approaching, it is time to step into year two of my monthly #IRCareerStarters. The newsletter has now been run through an entire year, and with over 15.000 subscribers, it had grown more than I could have imagined when I kicked this hobby project off. Back then, all I wanted was a more accessible platform to share opportunities on, with little idea of what it would eventually imply nor the reach it would develop.

Each edition of the newsletter takes up almost all my spare time for a couple of days as I compile hundreds of positions to the sound of podcasts, lore videos or documentaries during my Mogadishu Evenings. Still, it has been quite a rewarding experience, albeit with a few frustrations, as the Newsletter platform provided by LinkedIn is quite useful; the actual algorithm is a tough nut to crack. Despite best practices, it is clear that engagement is king and passive content will struggle - for those interested, I have attached statistics for the newsletter below.

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A big thanks for all the support to everyone who has subscribed and continues to signal boost the newsletter onwards to their networks and, naturally, a shoutout to the British International Studies Association , who has been featuring the content on their newsletter, enabling it to reach even more people!

All the best,


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IR Podcast Recommendations

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Episode:?Composing trustworthiness #3: Artificial Intelligence in International Cultural Relations

Podcast: Culture Solutions

This podcast episode provides a dive deep into its core topic: the impact of Artificial Intelligence on International Cultural Relations and the way this disruptive technology drives or impedes relations with partners around the globe.?

Submitted by: Ina Plamenova Kokinova

Episode:?China the Real Winner of Ukraine War? featuring John Mearsheimer

Podcast: Endgame with Gita Wirjawan

In Endgame 134, John Mearsheimer defends his argument on the cause and consequences of the Ukraine War which he concludes as “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”. Professor Mearsheimer shares his view on why the US hates his realism theory, who will benefit from the prolonged Ukraine War, and how the climate crisis might increase the geopolitical tension over the Arctic region.

Submitted by: Jonathan Tavenier

Do you have a podcast recommendation? Share a link and a brief description of your selected episode in the comments below or in a private message!

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?? OECD ??

??????????, Junior Policy Analyst, Paris

?? AIIB ??

??????????, Social Development Associate, Beijing

??????????, Environment Associate, Beijing

??????????, Finance Associate, Beijing

??????????, Contract Administration Associate/Analyst, Beijing

?? International Crisis Group ??

????????????, Research and Data, London or New York

?? GIZ ??

????????????, Indo-German Programme for Vocational Education and Training, New Delhi

????????????, Communications in the International Power-to-X Hub on climate protection with green hydrogen and PtX, Berlin or Bonn

????????????, Communication and Event Management – Sustainable Mobility, Bonn

????????????, Indo-German Solar Energy Partnership - Innovative New Solar Areas (IN-Solar), New Delhi

????????????, Global Programme ?Scaling digital Agriculture Innovations through Start-ups (SAIS), Bonn

????????????, Projekt Promotion of Business Advisory and Economic Transformation Services II (ProBATS II), Windhoek

????????????, Mobility and Climate Protection, Bonn

?? Human Rights Watch ??

????????????, Advocacy and Communications Divisions, Paris

????????????, Development & Outreach, Geneva

??????????, Communications, -

??????????, Asia, Tokyo

?? Council on Foreign Relations ??

??????????, Special Assistant to the President, Research, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate, Latin America Studies, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate, Global Health, Economics, and Development, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, Washington External Affairs, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate, Geoeconomics , Washington DC

?? European Army Interoperability Centre ??

????????????, Research, Brussels

????????????, Legal, Brussels

????????????, Communication, Brussels

????????????, Events, Brussels

????????????, Editor, Brussels

????????????, Marketing, Brussels

?? Brookings Institution ??

????????????, Fellow / Senior Fellow (Early Childhood Education), Center for Universal Education, Washington DC

????????????, Fellow / Senior Fellow and Lee Kuan Yew Chair in Southeast Asia Studies, Washington DC

????????????, Fellow / Senior Fellow (Climate and Education), Center for Universal Education, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Washington DC

?? RAND Corporation ??

??????????, Bachelor’s Level Research Assistant - Quantitative, -

??????????, Survey Assistant, -

?? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ??

????????????, Communication, Beirut

????????????, Research, Beirut

?? CSIS ??

????????????, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics, Washington DC

????????????, Middle East Program, Washington DC?

????????????, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Washington DC

????????????, Strategic Planning, Washington DC

????????????, Renewing American Innovation Project, Washington DC

????????????, Congressional & Government Affairs, Washington DC

????????????, Multimedia Production iDeas Lab, Washington DC

????????????, Australia Chair (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, China Power Project (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Freeman Chair in China Studies (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Transnational Threats Project (Summer 2023), Washington DC

????????????, Indian States / Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies (Spring 2023), Washington DC?

????????????, Associate Fellow-Southeast Asia Program, Washington DC

????????????, Senior Fellow (Water Security)-Global Food Security Program, Washington DC

????????????, Fellow or Senior Fellow-Transnational Threats Project, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate (Pandemic Preparedness and Response)-Global Health Policy Center, Washington DC

??????????, Research Associate-Global Health Policy Center, Washington DC

?? One Earth Future ??

??????????, Research Associate, Pandemic Prevention PAX Sapiens, Bloomfield

??????????, Research Associate, US-China PAX Sapiens, Bloomfield

?? ICRC ??

??????????????, Traineeship in Resource Mobilization Unit - Private Sector Engagement, Geneva

?? IAEA ??

????????????, Liaison Office, New York

????????????, Liaison Office, Geneva

?? CTBTO ??

????????????, Capacity Building and Training Section (IDC), Vienna

????????????, Software Applications Section (IDC), Vienna

????????????, Network and Systems Support Section (IMS), Vienna

????????????, International Monitoring System Division, Vienna

????????????, Budget and Finance Section, Vienna

????????????, Procurement Section, Vienna

????????????, On-Site Inspection Division, Vienna

????????????, External Relations, Protocol and International Cooperation Section, Vienna

????????????, Public Information Section, Vienna

????????????, Human Resources Services (Staff Administration Unit), Vienna

????????????, Human Resources Services (Recruitment and Staff Development Unit), Vienna

??????????, Associate External Relations Officer (P-2) (multiple), Vienna

?? Environmental Justice Foundation ??

??????????, Researcher/Investigator, London or Bath

??????????, Campaign Assistant, London or Bath

?? Carbon Market Watch ??

??????????, Policy Officer 1, Brussels

??????????, Policy Officer 2, Brussels

?? European Energy Research Alliance ??

??????????, Early-career Researcher, Brussels

?? Dr?pen i Havet ??

????????????, HR Support, Norway or Greece

????????????, Humanitarian Aid, Norway or Greece

????????????, Community Empowerment Mobilization, Norway or Greece

????????????, Integration Support, Norway or Greece

?? Brugel ??

????????????, Events and Communications, Brussels

????????????, Visiting Fellowships, Brussels

??????????, Research Data Analyst, Brussels

?? Last Mile Health ??

??????????, Operations Assistant, Lilongwe

?? SEED Madagascar ??

????????????, Operations and Administration Intern/Officer, Fort Dauphin

????????????, Programme Intern/Officer - WASH and Schools, Fort Dauphin

????????????, UK Programmes & Office Assistant, Remote

??????????, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer, Fort Dauphin

?? International Republican Institute ??

????????????, External Affairs, Washington DC

????????????, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Washington DC

????????????, Center for Global Impact, Washington DC

????????????, Transatlantic Strategy, Washington DC

????????????, Eurasia Division, Washington DC

????????????, Database, Evidence and Learning Practice (ELP), Washington DC

????????????, Evidence and Learning Practice (ELP), Washington DC

????????????, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Washington DC

????????????, Africa Division, Washington DC

????????????, Europe Division, Washington DC

????????????, Business Development, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate - South Asia, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate, Technology and Democracy, Washington DC

?? Transparency International ??

??????????, Program Associate - Global Anti-Corruption Consortium,?

?? Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights ??

????????????, Research and Administrative, Boston

????????????, Social Media and Communications, Boston

????????????, Graphic Design, Boston


??????????, Program Associate, Multi-Regional Program Management, Washington DC

??????????, Business Development Associate, Global Development, Remote

??????????, Senior Associate - Enterprise Risk & Solutions, Remote

??????????, Business Associate, Multi-Regional Program Management Unit, Remote

??????????, Seasonal Program Assistant, MENA, Remote

?? MANUSHYA Foundation ??

????????????, Human Rights Research & Advocacy Assistant, Bangkok

????????????, Human Rights Research & Advocacy (Corporate Accountability & Climate Justice), Bangkok

??????????, Junior Paralegal, Bangkok

??????????, Democracy & Digital Rights Associate (Thailand), Bangkok

?? ACLED ??

??????????, France Researcher, Remote

??????????, Germany Researcher, Remote

??????????, Editorial Officer, Remote

?? adelphi ??

??????????, Analyst/ Consultant (m/f/d) Green Entrepreneurship

?? ICTJ ??

????????????, Programs, New York

????????????, Communications, New York

??????????, Development Assistant, New York

?? IFRC ??

????????????, Administrative, Tunis


??????????, Business Development Associate, Professional Subscription, Arlington

?? Open Society Foundations ??

????????????, Soros Economic Development Fund, New York

?? Syria Justice and Accountability Center ??

????????????, Transitional Justice, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, Washington DC

?? MyAgro ??

??????????, Special Projects Associate, -

??????????, Program Associate, -

??????????, Research and Development Associate, Bamako

??????????, Knowledge Management Associate, Dakar

??????????, Sales Training Associate, Thies

??????????, M&E Associate, Thies

??????????, Agroforestry Associate, Thies


????????????, Legal, Amsterdam

?? Fortify Rights ??

??????????, Operations Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Thailand Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Ukraine Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Rohingya Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

??????????, Myanmar Human Rights Associate, Bangkok

?? National Democratic Institute ??

??????????, Program Associate -- Eurasia, Washington DC

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- Central and West Africa (Francophone) x3, Washington DC

??????????, Temporary Project Assistant -- CEWA (Anglophone) (x2), Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate -- CEWA (Multiple Openings) x5 (Francophone), Washington DC

?? MENA Rights Group ??

????????????, Legal, Geneva

?? Triangle ??

????????????, General, Beirut

?? IA Society ??

??????????, Associate Resource Mobilization and Development Officer, Geneva

??????????, JIAS Editorial Assistant, Geneva

?? US Institute for Peace ??

??????????, Senior Program Assistant

??????????, Research Assistant, Religion and Inclusive Societies

??????????, Research Assistant, Public Affairs and Communications

??????????, Research Assistant, South Asia Program

??????????, Research Assistant, RESOLVE

?? Freedom House ??

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Latin America and the Caribbean, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Asia Programs, Washington DC

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Asia REF, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Khartoum

??????????, Program Associate, Bogota

?? Search for Common Ground ??


????????????, European Affairs and Partnerships, Brussels

????????????, Global Affairs and Partnerships - Program Development, Washington DC

????????????, CEA Grants Management, Washington DC

????????????, Common Ground USA, Washington DC

????????????, Women Peace and Security, Washington DC

????????????, Communication, Bishkek

????????????, Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, Washington DC

??????????, Finance Associate, Erbil

??????????, Associate, Development, Washington DC

??????????, Financial Assistant, Kabul

?? GAIN ??

??????????, Policy Assistant, New Delhi or Nairobi


????????????, Management Support and Coordination Internship

??????????, East Asia and ASEAN Programme Officer (or Associate)

??????????, Development and Knowledge Management (DKM) Programme Associate

?? Save the Children ??

??????????, Program Support Assistant, Myanmar

??????????, Project Assistant - Child Protection, Hpa-An

??????????, HIS Project Assistant - ECHO, Hajjah

??????????, Finance &Admin Assistant (World Bank Project), Ibb

??????????, MEAL Assistant, Gaziantep

??????????, Field Assistant x6, Gaziantep

??????????, Pool of Research Assistants, Jakarta

?? The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies ??

????????????, Research, The Hague

?? SIPRI ??

??????????, Communications Assistant in Events and Media, Solna

??????????, Research Assistant in Peace and Development, Solna

?? Impact Initiatives ??

????????????, HUB/Logistics, Geneva

????????????, Financial Control, Geneva

????????????, Data, Geneva

????????????, Research, Geneva

????????????, REACH Global Emergencies Unit, Geneva

??????????, Junior Data Officer, Geneva

?? ACTED ??

????????????, Jordan: Country Finance Volunteer – Amman

????????????, Moldova: MEAL Volunteer – Chisinau

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Transparency and Compliance Volunteer – Kinshasa

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Logistics Volunteer – Kinshasa

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Security Volunteer – Kinshasa

????????????, Moldova: Country Logistics Volunteer – Chisinau

????????????, France: Vetting Intern – Paris

??????????, Horn of Africa: Country Finance Officer – Mogadishu

??????????, Central Asia: Regional Project Development Officer (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan)

??????????, Mozambique: Country Finance Officer- Pemba

??????????, Afghanistan: Country Transparency & Compliance Officer – Kabul

??????????, Armenia: Project Development Officer – Yerevan

??????????, Chad: Project Development Officer – N’Djamena

??????????, Afghanistan: MEAL Officer – Kabul

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Area Logistics Officer – Bukavu

??????????, Central African Republic: Project Development Officer – Bangui

??????????, Iraq: Project Development Officer – Erbil

??????????, Mali: FSL Project Officer – Gao

??????????, France: SEAH & Child Protection Investigation Officer – Paris

??????????, Haiti: Country Logistics Officer – Port-au-Prince

??????????, Central African Republic: Transparency and Compliance Officer – Bangui

??????????, Sudan: Country Finance Officer

??????????, Horn of Africa: Country MEAL Officer – Hargeisa

??????????, Niger: Country MEAL Officer – Niamey

??????????, Niger: Country Logistics Officer – Niamey

??????????, Haiti: Country Finance Officer –Port-au-Prince

?? National Endowment for Democracy ??

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer, Europe, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer (South Caucasus), Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer, Africa, Washington DC

??????????, Grants Assistant, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant/Assistant Program Officer (Infospace & Emerging Technology), International Forum for Democratic Studies (IFDS), Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Central and West Africa, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer, Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer, Asia, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Europe, Washington DC

?? IREX ??

??????????, Program Associate, Leadership Practice, Washington DC

??????????, Program Associate, Mandela Washington Fellowship, Washington DC

??????????, Temporary Program Associate, Mandela Washington Fellowship, Washington DC

??????????, Subgrants Assistant, Ukraine National Identity through Youth (UNITY) Program, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Ukraine Rapid Response Fund, Washington DC

?? Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party ??

??????????????, Research Analysis Trainee, Brussels

??????????????, Events Trainee, Brussels

??????????, Hans van Baalen Scholarship - Junior Researcher, Brussels

?? IPHR ??

??????????, Junior Legal Officer, Kyiv/Brussels/Tbilisi or remote

?? Milieu ??

??????????????, Legal, Brussels

?? Migration Policy Institute ??

??????????, Associate Policy Analyst, Brussels

?? PubAffairs Bruxelles ??

????????????, Communications & Policy

?? ICMPD ??

??????????, Team Assistant, Tashkent

??????????, Project Officer – Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnership for the Mediterranean, Valletta?

??????????, Project Officer, Bishkek

?? European Climate Foundation ??

??????????, Associate EU Institutions Relations, Brussels

??????????, Associate, Public Climate Finance, Paris

?? Future Advocacy???

????????????, Research, Advocacy and Communications, Brussels

?? TEPSA ??

??????????????, Project Assistant, Brussels

?? GGGI ??

??????????, Senior Assistant - Energy Development, Kampala

??????????, Paraguay - NDA Liaison Assistant, Asunción

??????????, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance, Vientiane

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Teodora L.

Policy Assistant @ British Embassy | McGill University & University of Amsterdam Alumna

1 年
Teodora L.

Policy Assistant @ British Embassy | McGill University & University of Amsterdam Alumna

1 年
Abdullahi Zekeri

Operations Supervisor,Physical Security, Human, Event and Journey Managment.

1 年

I'm sincerely interested in gaining more experience in this wonderful organization.

Leigh Carlson

Iowan diplomat. People lover. Question asker.

1 年

Shared this with the international relations students at Drake University. Thank you kindly for putting this together!!


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