IR Career Starters - January 2024
286 Opportunities in International Relations

IR Career Starters - January 2024

New year, new opportunities in International Relations! This time, I am happy to share close to 300 relevant positions, fellowships, traineeships and internships across a diverse field. There is a slight dip in opportunities, but given the recently concluded holiday season, recruitment-wise, it is likely just a slow start to the year.

This month's Newsletter is somewhat delayed; it has sadly clashed with my secondment to the EU in Somalia ending, the need to move home and a need to pack my bags for the upcoming challenge: a Policy Leader Fellowship in Florence. Each edition takes a couple of days to compile, so with a busy schedule, it can be quite a challenge to juggle during peak periods.

Being back in Europe also means that I have been able to resume guest lectures on career-building; last month, I met with IPEAN - IPE Alumni Network where I, alongside Valentina Murace , talked a bit about the challenges, opportunities and best practices when pursuing an IR career.

As always, I greatly appreciate comments, shares and likes to the Newsletter, and I would warmly welcome Podcast recommendations that I can compile and share with the group; it sadly has to be crowdsourced, else it is just out of scope to keep including them, so please don't hold back!

Happy New Year, and all the best for 2024,


LinkedIn Articles

This month, I am resharing my two articles on making the most of LinkedIn and tips and insights for the Interview Process. Both are valuable topics to cover as you are job-hunting, especially when securing the positions you apply for.

Making the most out of LinkedIn can be helpful for several reasons; if you do not wish to invest too much time and energy, it is enough to have an updated and comprehensive profile that you can use to present the whole picture and use as a repository of all your experiences. It is a good platform for more active people to network, engage, and leverage themselves into the correct settings.

The interview process is often challenging when you need more routine in what can easily be a somewhat tense and demanding ordeal. Practice is king, but sitting down at the interview table with an excellent fundamental understanding of what will happen is a great help to ace the interview and the tension and anxiety that might follow.

?? DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance ??

??????????, Junior Project Officer (Policy and Research Division), Geneva

?? Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) ??

????????????, Recruitment Unit - Support & Marketing, Brussels

?? European Council on Foreign Relations ??

????????????, Bastory Foundation, Warsaw

????????????, Policy Fellow, European Power Programme, -

??????????, Editorial Assistant, Berlin

?? Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ??

????????????, Fellow for Technology, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Outreach, New York

??????????, Associate Editor, Foreign Affairs, New York

?? European Army Interoperability Centre ??

????????????, Research, Brussels

????????????, Legal, Brussels

????????????, Communication, Brussels

????????????, Events, Brussels

????????????, Editor, Brussels

????????????, Marketing, Brussels

?? Brookings Institution ??

????????????, Valuing Black Assets Initiative, Washington DC

????????????, Fellow / Senior Fellow, China Center, Washington DC

??????????, Events and Outreach Assistant, The Hamilton Project, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant to the Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs, Washington DC

??????????, Research Assistant, Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Washington DC

?? RAND Corporation ??

??????????, Research Department Administrative Assistant, Global Research Talent, Director of Operations, -

??????????, Bachelor’s Level Research Assistant - Chinese Language Specialist, - Washington DC

??????????, Bachelor’s Level Research Assistant - Quantitative, -

??????????, Bachelor’s Level Research Assistant - Qualitative, -

??????????, Administrative Assistant (Security Clearance), Washington DC

??????????, Administrative Assistant, Santa Monica

?? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ??

????????????, Communications - Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

????????????, Research - Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut

????????????, Research Fellow and Project Manager - Carnegie California, Palo Alto

?? Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) ??

????????????, Global Health Policy Center (Spring 2024)

????????????, Humanitarian Agenda

????????????, Americas Program (Spring 2024)

????????????, Project on Trade and Technology (Spring 2024)

????????????, Human Rights Initiative (Spring 2024)

????????????, Transnational Threats Project (Spring 2024)

????????????, Renewing American Innovation Project (Spring 2024)

????????????, Project on Prosperity and Development (Spring 2024)

????????????, Australia Chair (Spring 2024)

????????????, Defense - Industrial Initiatives Group (Spring 2024)

????????????, Japan Chair (Spring 2024)

????????????, Korea Chair (Spring 2024)

????????????, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics (Spring 2024)

????????????, Africa Program (Spring 2024)

????????????, Middle East Program (Spring 2024)

????????????, Scholl Chair in International Business (Spring 2024)

????????????, Diversity and Leadership in International Affairs Project (Spring 2024)

????????????, Freeman Chair in China Studies (Spring 2024)

????????????, Social Media - Trustee Chair in Chinese Business & Economics (Spring 2024)

????????????, Energy Security and Climate Change Program (Spring 2024)

????????????, Fellow (Indian Energy and Climate Policy) - Chair in U.S. India Policy Studies

????????????, Data Science Fellow - iDeas Lab

??????????, Program Coordinator/ Research Assistant - Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies

??????????, Program Coordinator & Research Assistant - Middle East Program

??????????, Research Associate/Program Manager - Project on Prosperity and Development

?? Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) ??

????????????, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Geneva

?? Green Climate Fund ??

????????????, Human Resources, Incheon

??????????, Evaluation Assistant, Incheon

?? International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) ??

??????????, Associate, Institutional Philanthropy & Corporate, Geneva

??????????, Associate, Private Sector Engagement, Geneva

??????????, Associate in the ICRC Library, Geneva

??????????, Associate Legal Counsel, Manila

?? One Earth Future ??

????????????, Communications, PAX Sapiens, Broomfield

??????????, Research Associate, Pandemic Prevention PAX Sapiens, Broomfield

?? HALO Trust ??

????????????, Advocacy, Washington DC

??????????, Communications Associate - Social Media, Washington DC (2)

??????????, Development Associate - Grants (Philanthropy), Washington DC (2)

?? Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization ??

????????????, Capacity Building and Training Section (IDC), Vienna

?? European Space Agency ??

????????????, Branding and Partnerships Office, Paris

??????????, Policy Officer, Paris

?? African Development Bank ??

??????????, Team Assistant, FIRM2, Abidjan

??????????, Short-Term Staff – Research and Operations Assistant, Abidjan

??????????, Short-Term Staff – Financial Modeling Assistant, Abidjan

??????????, Short Term Staff - Team Assistant, Monrovia

??????????, Team Assistant, Alger

?? Inter-American Development Bank ??

????????????, HQ, Washington DC

??????????, Operations Senior Associate/Associate, Belize

??????????, Associate Investment Management Officer, -

??????????, Evaluation Senior Associates - The Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE), Washington DC

??????????, Operations Associate (Office of the Executive Vice President), Washington DC.

?? Transparency International ??

??????????, Project Associate (m/f/d) - Asia Pacific Region, Berlin

?? International Republican Institute ??

??????????, Program Associate, Africa, Washington DC

??????????, Finance and Administrative Associate, Bangladesh, Dhaka

??????????, Local Program Associate, Suva

??????????, Program Associate - Kazakhstan, -

??????????, Program Associate - Ghana, Accra

??????????, Future Global Engagement Opportunities - Entry to Expert Level Positions,

??????????, Senior Program Associate - Kenya (Field Position), Nairobi

?? SEED Madagascar ??

????????????, Operational Support, Fort Dauphin

??????????, Senior Conservation Research Assistant, Fort Dauphin

?? IREX ??

????????????, Communities and Governance, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Communities and Governance Practice, Kiev

??????????, Data Assistant, Communities and Governance Practice, Kiev

??????????, Subgrants Assistant, Ukraine National Identity through Youth (UNITY) Program, Kiev

??????????, Ecosystems Engagement Associate, Education Practice, Pristina

??????????, Program Associate, Leadership Practice, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, America House Project, Kiev

?? Egmont Institute ??

????????????, Joint Research Fellow, Brussels

?? Dr?pen i Havet ??

????????????, HR Support, Nea Kavala

????????????, Humanitarian Aid , Nea Kavala

????????????, Community Empowerment Mobilization, Nea Kavala

????????????, Integration Support, Nea Kavala

????????????, Voluntary Fieldworker Greece, Nea Kavala/Lesvos

?? TNO ??

????????????, EERA Joint Programme Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes, Petten

????????????, Master Thesis Intern at Cyber Security Technologies, Groningen

????????????, Graduation internship at TNO – Risk & Reliability team, Delft

??????????, Project Management Assistent, Soesterberg

??????????, Project Management Assistent, Groningen

??????????, Project Management Assistent, The Hague

??????????, Junior scientist cybersecurity, Soesterberg

??????????, Junior scientist cybersecurity, Groningen

??????????, Junior scientist cybersecurity, The Hague

?? Carbon Market Watch ??

??????????, Policy officer (international transport decarbonisation), Brussels

?? Environmental Justice Foundation ??

??????????, Administrative Assistant, Monrovia

?? Transparency International EU ??

????????????, EU Political Integrity, Brussels

?? Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights ??

????????????, Research and Administrative, Boston

????????????, Social Media and Communications, Boston

????????????, Graphic Design, Boston

?? Internews ??

????????????, Volunteer for Internews,-

??????????, Thailand: Senior Grants Associate, Bangkok/Remote

?? Manushya Foundation ??

????????????, Feminist Community Engagement Assistant (Feminist Campaigning & Advocacy)

????????????, Human Right Research & Advocacy Assistant (Democracy & Digital Rights)

????????????, Human Rights Research & Advocacy Volunteer (Corporate Accountability & Climate Justice)

?? Justice in Motion ??

????????????, Government & Policy, Remote

??????????, Communications Associate, Remote

?? Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) ??

??????????, Yemen Researcher, Remote

??????????, Central America Researcher, Remote

??????????, Democratic Republic of Congo & Republic of Congo Researcher, Remote

?? International Rescue Committee ??

????????????, USRAP Capacity Building, New York

????????????, Immigration Intern Spring/Summer 2024 Unpaid, Wichita

?? Adam Smith International ??

??????????, Assistant People & Talent Support

?? International Center for Transitional Justice ??

????????????, Programs, New York

????????????, Communications, New York

??????????, Communications Associate, Online Presence and Outreach, New York

??????????, Development Associate, Public Sector Partnerships and Grants Fundraising, New York

?? International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ??

????????????, Communications and Advocacy Support, Beijing

????????????, Health and Care Department, Geneva

?? MyAgro ??

??????????, Program Associate, Thiès or Bamako (30)

??????????, Sales Associate, Abidjan

??????????, Program Associate, Special Projects, Thies

?? Fortify Rights ??

??????????, Ukraine Human Rights Associate, Brussels

?? United Nations University ??

??????????, Research Associate – Transformation frameworks, Bonn

??????????, Travel and Administrative Assistant, Bonn

??????????, Administrative Assistant, Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa, Kanazawa

??????????, Programme Assistant, Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa, Kanazawa

?? Stockholm Environment Institute ??

????????????, Research Associate: MEAL and impact monitoring, Tallinn

??????????, Research Associate: MEAL and impact monitoring, Stockholm

?? International Service for Human Rights ??

????????????, Geneva Programme, Geneva

????????????, New York Programme, New York

?? Baan Dek Foundation ??

????????????, Copywriter, Bangkok

?? Think Triangle ??

????????????, Research, Beirut

????????????, Project Development, Beirut

?? IAS ??

????????????, Graduate Assistants, Volunteer Programme AIDS 2024, Geneva

?? Climate Action Network ??

??????????, Campaign Assistant for the Big Shift Coalition, -

?? People in Need ??





?? US Institute of Peace ??

??????????, Research Assistant, Strategic Stability, -

??????????, Libya Project Assistant, Tunisia, Tunis

??????????, Project Assistant, Tunisia, Tunis

??????????, Administrative and Finance Assistant, Thailand, Bangkok

??????????, Project Assistant, Tunisia, Tunis

??????????, Research Assistant, Indigenous Peacebuilding, Washington DC

??????????, Research Assistant, Climate, Environment, and Conflict, Washington DC

?? Freedom House ??

????????????, Freedom in the World Junior Fellowship 2024–25, New York or Washington DC

????????????, ??????????, Finance and Administrative Assistant

????????????, Program Associate, Bogota

????????????, Program Associate, Europe & Eurasia, Washington DC

????????????, Program Associate, Latin American and the Caribbean, Washington DC

????????????, Project Assistant, Kiev

????????????, Senior Program Associate, Latin American and the Caribbean, Washington DC

?? Search for Common Ground ??

????????????, Communications, Brussels

????????????, Finance, Washington DC

????????????, European Affairs and Partnerships, Brussels

????????????, Project Management - Women Peace and Security Rapid Response Fund, Washington DC

????????????, CEA Grants Management, Washington DC

????????????, General, Common Ground USA, Washington DC

????????????, Global Policy Fellow, Washington DC

????????????, Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, Washington DC

?? Global Center on Adaptation ??

????????????, Research - Climate Risk Assessment, Groningen

????????????, Research - Economics, Groningen

?? Basel Institute on Governance ??

??????????, The Wolfsberg Group – Events and Communications Associate, Basel

??????????, Research Assistant, Corruption Risk Assessment, Basel

?? Save the Children International ??

????????????, Advocacy and Campaigns, Dakar

??????????, Pool of Trainer Associates, Jakarta

??????????, Pool of Research Assistants, Jakarta

??????????, Research Associates - Principal Invetigator, Jakarta

??????????, Finance Assistant, Slovyansk

??????????, Education Assistant Officer, Gambella

??????????, Education Project Assistant, Al Geneina

??????????, Education Project Assistant, Zalingi

?? The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies ??

????????????, Artificial Intelligence, The Hague

????????????, HCSS General, The Hague

????????????, HCSS Datalab, The Hague

?? Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ??

????????????, Food, Peace and Security Programme, Solna

??????????, Research Assistant, Food, Peace and Security, Solna

?? Asia Foundation ??

????????????, Women Researchers Fellowship, Cross-Border Conflict: Evidence, Policy, and Trends (XCEPT) Program

??????????, Program Assistant, Washington DC

??????????, Communications Assistant, Pacific RISE-CTIP, Pacific Islands, Palau

??????????, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Assistant, Pacific RISE-CTIP, Pacific Islands, Palau

?? Samuel Hall ??

??????????, Research Assistant - Afghanistan, Kabul

?? Conciliation Resources ??

??????????, Programme Support Assistant, Melbourne

?? Pacific Community ??

??????????, Finance and Administration Assistant, Suva

??????????, Operations and Finance Assistant, Suva

?? Impact Initiatives ??

????????????, Data, Geneva

????????????, Logistics and Procurement, Geneva

????????????, Learning and Development, Geneva

????????????, Projects and Funding, Geneva

?? HIAS ??

??????????, Protection Assistant (outreach), Oranjestad

??????????, Protection Assistant, Oranjestad

?? ACTED ??

????????????, Whole of Syria : Country Finance Volunteer – Amman

????????????, Tajikistan: Country Finance Volunteer – Dushanbe

????????????, Whole of Syria : Country Logistics Volunteer – Amman

????????????, Whole of Syria: Transparency & Compliance Volunteer – Amman

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Security Volunteer – Kinshasa

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Transparency and Compliance Volunteer – Kinshasa

????????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Finance Volunteer – Kinshasa

??????????, Sudan: Area Finance Officer – Ad Damazin

??????????, Haiti: Country Finance Officer – Port-au-Prince

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: MEAL Officer – Bukavu or Kalemie

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo : Country Transparency and Compliance Officer – Bukavu

??????????, Moldova : Country Transparency & Compliance Officer – Chisinau

??????????, Chad : Country Transparency and Compliance Officer – N’Djamena

??????????, Occupied Palestinian Territories: Country Logistics Officer – Jerusalem

??????????, Occupied Palestinian Territories: Country Project Development Officer – Jerusalem

??????????, Occupied Palestinian Territories: Country Finance Officer – Jerusalem

??????????, Occupied Palestinian Territories: Country Security Officer – Jerusalem

??????????, Whole of Syria: Country Project Development Officer – Amman, Jordan

??????????, Somalia: Country Project Development Officer – Mogadishu

??????????, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Consortium MEAL Officer – Goma

??????????, South Sudan : Project Development Officer – Juba

??????????, Burkina Faso : Country Logistics Officer – Ouagadougou

??????????, France: Investigation Officer – Paris

??????????, Mozambique : Country Project Development Officer – Pemba

??????????, Mozambique : Country Finance Officer – Pemba

??????????, Mozambique : Country MEAL Officer – Pemba

??????????, Mali : Project Developement Officer – Bamako

??????????, Chad: Country Security Officer – N’Djamena

?? National Endowment for Democracy ??

????????????, Government Relations (GR) / Spring 2024, Washington DC

????????????, Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) / Summer 2024, Washington DC

????????????, World Movement for Democracy (WMD) / Summer 2024, Washington DC

????????????, Research & Conferences, (IFDS) / Summer 2024, Washington DC

????????????, Government Relations (GR) / Summer 2024, Washington DC

????????????, Africa / Summer 2024, Washington DC

????????????, Communications and Public Engagement / Spring 2024, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Eurasia, Washington DC

??????????, Grants Assistant, Asia, Washington DC

??????????, Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer, Africa, Washington DC

??????????, Grants Assistant, Middle East And North Africa (Mena), Washington DC

??????????, Program Officer/Assistant Program Officer, Eurasia, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Grant Operations, Washington DC

??????????, Program Assistant, Grantmaking Resource Center (Grc), Washington DC

?? European Policy Centre ??

??????????, Operations Assistant, Brussels

??????????, Open Call for Policy Analysts, Brussels


????????????, Project and Event Management, Brussels

????????????, Members, Funding and Communication, Brussels

?? International Centre for Migration Policy Development ??

??????????, Junior Project Officer, Ankara (3)

??????????, Project Management Assistant, Ankara (3)

??????????, Team Assistant, Ankara

??????????, Team Assistant, Istanbul

??????????, Junior Policy Officer, Vienna

?? Africa Legal Aid ??

????????????, human rights & international justice, Brussels

?? Global Health Advocates ??

??????????, EU Advocacy & Policy Assistant, Brussels

?? Milieu Consulting ??

??????????????, Legal, Brussels

??????????????, Policy (Marine/Water), Brussels

?? PES ??

??????????????, Trainee EU policy – Task force elections 2024, Brussels

??????????????, Trainee Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels

??????????, Campaign and Communications assistant, Brussels

??????????, Press and Communications assistant, Brussels

?? PICUM ??

??????????????, Communications and Events, Brussels

Kevin Jara Ibanez

Secure + Unsecured Bank Instruments = +447584976320

4 个月

Will you be in the Market for DLC or SBLC?

Maxim Jardai

Educational Consulting | I help high school students choose a career | INSEAD MBA | J.D.

9 个月

This is outstanding! As a career coach working with high school students, this information is invaluable, thank you! Some of my students are interested in this field, so I will definitely point them in your direction ??

Landrice Kane

Management Trainee at City of Philadelphia| Master of Public Administration | UNESCO-DAKAR Volunteer | Bilingual English-French |

10 个月
Dawar Abbas

Attended Karakoram International University Gilgit (KIU)

10 个月

Great one sir!


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