IPI's Big Grill: Where Investors Meet Niche Funds
The Institute for Private Investors is hosting its tri-annual Fund Manager Event, the Big Grill, in midtown NYC on April 26th from 2:00pm-5:30pm.
The afternoon is dedicated to introducing boutique, innovative and off-the-run funds from across the strategy spectrum to the qualified IPI family office investor group.
Funds will present to the investors over an afternoon and share in networking and relationship building.
If you would like to take part as a presenting fund please contact Zaki Abushal via:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 693-2791
The Institute for Private Investors is a 25-year-old membership organization dedicated to helping families of affluence and UHNWs become better stewards and creators of wealth. IPI membership comprises 1,100 private investors and family offices from across the United States and in 17 countries. Our membership’s assets are segmented: 12% under $100MM, 40% between $100MM and $500MM, 30% between $500MM and $1BN, and 18% over $1BN. We are not advisors or money managers, instead we facilitate peer-to-peer learning and provide extraordinary investment education.