IPIP-NEO Personality Test

IPIP-NEO Personality Test

IPIP-NEO Personality Test

Companies use the IPIP-NEO Personality Test or the International Personality Item Pool test to evaluate the ability of a person to get along in a diversified cultural setting. This test is based upon the Five Factor Model (FFM). These factors account for five key personality traits. The test evaluates people on these five traits and 30 other sub traits. All human beings possess these five personality traits. However, the extent to which they possess them varies significantly. Those who are asked to take this test are provided a list of questions or statements describing certain behaviour’s, attitudes or situations that are able to evaluate a person on all these five traits. For each question, they have to choose whether they strongly agree, agree, are neutral, disagree or strongly disagree with the statement or question. Each personality trait aims to describe the intensity or frequency of a person’s feelings relative to the rest of the people. These personality traits are:


People who score high on this personality trait are usually extroverts by nature. They are likely to be assertive, action-oriented and enthusiastic. They are always energetic and excited and look forward to new challenges. They seek attention in a crowd and exude a positive vibe all around them.

Those who score low on this trait are usually introverted. Such people are likely to be quiet, discreet and dislike being in crowds. Although their shyness can sometimes be mistaken as arrogance, they are usually pleasant when you meet them.


This trait usually relates to the extent to which a person prefers social harmony. Most people who score high on this trait are usually friendly, helpful and considerate by nature. When working in a team, agreeable people would willingly compromise their own interests. They view human nature quite optimistically as well and regard most people to be trustworthy, honest and decent.

On the other hand, those who score low on this trait are usually self-centered and would try to put their own interests above others. They show no concern towards others and are never willing to help. They are mostly seen as unfriendly, uncooperative and suspicious.

Although the description purely shows that agreeable people are way better than the disagreeable ones, this does not mean that people who are disagreeable are not useful to employers. Disagreeable people make very good critics, soldiers and scientists. On the other hand, agreeable people would not be able to handle situations that require making objective or tough decisions. This means that both kinds of people can be useful for a firm, depending on the job position.


This personality trait measures the extent to which a person can regulate, control and guide their impulse. Acting on impulse is not a sign of negative behaviour. Sometimes in life, a person needs to make quick decisions and has to follow their first impulse. This can prove to be more effective than going through the usual decision making process. Moreover, acting on impulse or being spontaneous while playing can actually be quite a lot of fun.

However, impulsive behaviour can get a person in trouble as well. It can be harmful for the person as well as for those around them. Acting impulsively can sometimes be rewarding in the short term with harmful long term results. For instance, those who enjoy taking shortcuts to reach their goal may enjoy the experience only for a short while. However, this habit will eventually hurt them in the long run. Moreover, being impulsive can sometimes make people turn a blind eye to alternative options that would have proved to be more beneficial had they been chosen.

The ability to think and foresee future consequences before acting upon current decisions is what distinguishes humans from all other creatures. Therefore, those who score high on conscientiousness are wiser and act with more caution when making decisions. They are clear-headed and think things through before reaching a final decision. Such people are usually labelled as prudent and are deemed dependable and intelligent in comparison to others. An extremity in this trait can also make a person a workaholic or a perfectionist and people might regard them as boring.

People who score low on this trait are deemed as careless and foolish. Their impulsive behaviour lands them in ugly situations most of the time and makes them seem quite unreliable and unpredictable. Although such people might be heavily criticized for their unreliability, they will go through much more enjoyable experiences and will be regarded as having a spontaneous and colourful personality.


This trait usually measures people on their tendency to cope with negative feelings. Although everyone is known to show some signs of neurosis, some show it more than others.

People scoring high on this trait tend to be emotionally reactive. They deeply experience a single negative feeling such as depression, anger or anxiety. Such people react more tensely and tend to be more affected by certain events than others. They are often moody as they experience long stretches of negativity. They are unable to cope with their feelings and may find themselves frustrated at even the smallest of problems. This attitude limits their ability to think straight, and restricts them from making good decisions or managing stress effectively.

Candidates scoring low on neuroticism are usually deemed as being more emotionally stable and calm. They are optimistic and are able to work with peace. This certainly gives them a greater advantage over their counterparts.

Openness to Experience

This trait defines a person definitely. Those who are on the higher side of the scale usually tend to be more open to new challenges and are imaginative and creative beings with an innate interest in art and beauty. They appreciate and welcome newness with open arms and are intellectually very curious. These people excel in the fields of music, language, composition or any of the several visual or performing arts.

However, those on the other side of the scale are down-to-earth people who like sticking to their regular routine. They do not like ambiguous or complex situations and prefer be more plain and straightforward. Such people resist change and do not settle in new surroundings easily. They are conservative and have a limited amount of interests. Although openness to experience is considered a healthy trait, those who score low on this trait perform well at mundane and redundant jobs such as data entry, police work or other service occupations.

Jimmy Petruzzi

Discussing the big five personality traits and human behaviour



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