iPhone: recommended by Terrorists.
Laird Snowden
HELIOS, AHEL, IFPIC AT&T Bell Labs SONET CHIP SET. VFMA Wafer scale test , High Energy Laser Weapons, Millimeter Wave, Senior Electro-Optical Manager, Process & Electrical Engineer High Energy Projected Beam Weapons
The actions of this CEO are at best mis-guided at worst, treasonable. They put all of America at risk from a preventable ISIS attack.
From a business standpoint, his actions alienate a great portion of his customer base.
Clearly, his intention is to project the image that iphones are impregnable as a selling point, clearly, the CEO of Apple has demonstrated very bad judgement and jeopardized his corporations profit and standing in the US.
The only threat to America is from anarchists like ISIS, This has nothing to do with revealing the secret code of the iphone to the government, which is not even required to unlock the phone of a terrorist in cooperation with the FBI, to keep America safe from those desiring to murder American men women and children.
This phone is not the phone of an American citizen, whose rights to freedom of speech are protected by the constitution. It is the phone of a sworn enemy combatant, who has no rights under constitutional law, who is NOT an American citizen, even if they were, then they are guilty of sedition and treason, and again, are not accorded right to protection to to plan and commit their act of terrorism against American citizens.
There was a time, when our nation was populated by men and women of the Greatest Generation who fought against a similar monster to ISIS, namely Hitler, that rendering aid and comfort to a sworn enemy was viewed as an act of treason, All Americans were dedicated to revealing enemy communications, NOT SHIELDING THEM FROM VIEW..
It is an abject poverty of thought to conflate the rights of American citizens with the rights of an enemy combatant, of such monsterous intention as destroying America and murdering innocent men women and children. The delusion that the United States Government is a greater enemy to American families than ISIS is beyond the pale of reason.
And by the way... this corporation that created this iphone can take the phone, unlock it and give it back unlocked... , which reveals nothing about how to unlock it.
The actual unlock sequence, if these people were really smart, would be tied to a second unscramabling data point, such as a timedatecode from the phone itself perhaps with some encoded and readable tertiary information with an algorithm, thus any unlock sequence would be worthless at any subsequent time and the time of the application would be unknowable, without the algorithm, as which need not be revealed ..
Now, by the way, the timedatecode in an iphone is derived from cell towers and GPS signals. While there is some small short term variance due to multipath distortion, the longer term accuracy, when disciplined to a quartz oscillator is that of a primary NIST timing standard, Namely a Cesium Atomic clock (beam) reference. So it certainly may be part of the security algorithm.
And, i would know this since i did work on the hardware that secured such an algorithm for Interbank of South Africa, many years ago. Additionally, there may be hardware unlocking access points available by ion etching and fib the trick is knowing where, which the designers would known. Be that as it may and i assume the sequence is of this nature, and thus secure as any unlocked phone. FBI has merely and rightfully asked for help is merely accessing a backdoor with the same security as the front door. the password from the owner, in this case, a group intent on murdering Americans and destroying America... sorry, privacy is a NO SALE HERE.. since the FBI has been unable to crack it, it is how i would have designed it, All Apple devices are lockable. You can buy a used Apple device, more likely than not, it will still be locked. You can unlock it, but that deletes all the data, this is available to everyone. The only reason to unlock a device and not erase the data is to preserve the privacy of the user. Terrorists have no right to privacy. Apple NEEDS TO COOPERATE IN THE DEFENSE OF AMERICA AND UNLOCK THE PHONE... OTHERWISE... Apple is aiding and abetting ISIS, who have NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY, as they are our declared and sworn enemy, it is very clear.
I do hope the board fires their CEO, for cause, immediately..
Lastly, i want to thank the FBI fort their honorable and dedicated work in defense of America, of our homeland and especially of my family. I wish them good fortune in cracking this code and using it as needed to crack terrorist communications, even without the aid of a terrorist supporting organization such as corporations operating under the protection of the United States which are acting to shield terrorist data. In the Greatest Generation, this action by anyone would be considered treason.
My opinions are my opinions only, and not those of any political candidate or party.
HELIOS, AHEL, IFPIC AT&T Bell Labs SONET CHIP SET. VFMA Wafer scale test , High Energy Laser Weapons, Millimeter Wave, Senior Electro-Optical Manager, Process & Electrical Engineer High Energy Projected Beam Weapons
9 年Unlocking a terrorists phone is analogous to Alan Turings work to break the Nazi enigma code to save lives. There was never a question that this was the right thing to do, which in no way threatened honest American citizens, so it is that unlocking a terrorist phone, NOT ALL PHONES, ONE TERRORIST PHONE, IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, and no amount of obfuscation an change that. Yes, unlocking a terrorist phone may not fix the terrorist problem, but it most certainly has the potential to save American lives and i can not see how anyone can be in favor of protecting a terrorist right to murder Americans, which is not a right guaranteed under our constitution. One more thing i will say, Apple is open to a huge lawsuit should we have another terrorist attack, since Apples lack of cooperation can be viewed as collusion with terrorists, and we will not know if it could have been prevented by their behaving in accordance with the well being of Americans as a fine and upstanding Corporate citizen would do. As far as addressing terrorism as a first priority rather than unlocking a terrorist phone... , that is an false priority. Unlocking the phone exactly may reveal information to save lives (defeating terrorism) by prevent another terrorist attack and also reveal terrorist identities who can be apprehended after FIRST unlocking the terrorist phone. The rest of the arguments are not worth comment.
Technology Editor Electronic Design Magazine, Innovator, Sociable Influencer, Provocateur, & Enginerd. Postings here are my own opinions, not my employer's.
9 年What's in my head is Constitutionally protected. What's in my head cannot incriminate me. What's on my phone is now what used to be in my head, with reliance it is not accessible, or it would stay in my head. Terrorism is a different problem that unlocking a phone will not fix. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have been killed by a terrorist acting on behalf of a few corporate puppeteers and rogue foreign powers - that needs attention FIRST. One little point everybody is forgetting - all outgoing and incoming calls are tracked by NSA - this is an interagency problem that does not need to step on my privacy toes out of convenience. It's also laughable that "Snowden" (ironic) uses Hitler as his example - America stayed out of the war until it became a profitable endeavor, could care less about the human considerations that Hollywood has romanticized.Once a phone leaves Apple, Apple itself should NOT be able to get at the data. Otherwise, someone like Philips Lighting could pay an Apple employee $10M to get at the notes and documents stored on my phone (or worse, iCloud), pre-patent filing, or see what I have been emailing to my patent litigator to gain access to my minimum terms for settling a lawsuit with them. NO.
"Aut inveniam viam aut faciam" ("I'll either find a way or make one")
9 年I'm not in the tech industry or well-versed in security, but if they unlock the phone and give it back doesn't that create a command code log entry that would show them the commands/processes used to unlock the phone and get the info they want (including the unlock info)? I'm not hating on your post, I'm legitimately asking.