iPhone 13 Pro Review - The Upgrades For Peoplehttps://afzaalr8.blogspot.com/2021/10/iphone-13-pro-review-upgrades-for-people.html
I've been using the iPhone 13 pro for???I've got to
say I actually think this is one of the
most underrated updates for the iPhone
let's get into it the design is
unchanged looking pretty much the same
as the 12 pros from last year the only
a notable difference is the larger camera
bump and the smaller notch to be honest
though I haven't even really noticed the
the smaller notch on the device because it
just blends in so well with the
interface anyway it is slightly thicker
and at first, you probably wouldn't even
notice but if you had this and the 12
pro side by side you might do I love
this design though as I've said
previously I actually think this is my
favorite looking iPhone before that it
was the iPhone 4. I've also said
previously that Apple does such a good job
of making their phones feel like pieces
of jewelry, it just feels so nice in the
hand the smooth and glossy stainless
steel band feels very expensive just
makes it look super expensive it does
attract fingerprints but I still love it
same with the sharp edges and the matte
finish on the back I really do like the
the aesthetic design of this fire but there
is one functionally wrong thing
with the design of this phone but before
I get into it I did want to thank the
sponsor of video rhino shield
rhino shield make cases and screen
protectors for all types of devices and
they've just launched cases for all of
the new iPhones
their cases can provide various degrees
of protection but I have the solid suit
here it's a minimalistic case that's
ideal for everyday use it's three
millimeters thin and weighs only 30
grams but it's still strong enough to
protect your phone from accidental drops
scrapes and scratches the solid suitcase
can also be customized on the rhino shoe
On the website,
you can choose case color
material and even add a print design if
that's your thing I have a bunch of
different cases here and you can see you
can have pretty much any style that you
like anything that suits you considering
how expensive these phones are getting
now it's always worth having a case on
your phone to protect your investment so
make sure to check out rhino shield use
my code online to get 20 off in the first
the week I'll leave a link to it down in the
the description below going back to what i
think is wrong functionally with design
of this phone and that is that massive
camera bump we'll get into what the
the camera can do later in the video but the
The number one issue I've had is using
standard wireless chargers the camera
bump sticks out so much that I have to
spend a lot more time lining up the
phone to make sure it's charging and
it's even worse if you have a case on
your phone as in most cases usually have a
lip to protect the camera bump it's just
a little annoying and it makes the sort
of experience of just being able to plop
your phone down on a wireless charger a
bitless smooth
I mean I could change all my wireless
chargers to MagSafe but that would just
be a waste of wireless chargers and then
I've got to spend a lot more money
getting all of these MagSafe charges as
a15 bionic so this year all of the
iPhone 13s come with the a15 bionic chip
now one notable thing when it comes to
the 13 pro and the pro max is that you
have an extra GPU core compared to the
standard 13 and 13 minis so the pros now
have five core GPUs compared to the four
core GPUs that you get in the standard
models that should mean better graphics
performance on the pro models but when
compared to my 12 pros I'll be honest I'm
not actually seeing too much of a
the difference when it comes to performance
now that's not a bad thing the a14s were
already just so good the a15s just
seemed to be a bit more efficient and a
a little bit more powerful I have no
complaints when it comes to performance
it's as zippy as I expected it to be and
I'm sure anyone else who purchases one
will find it quick and the great thing
about the chips are as well that you can
buy an iPhone like this and have it last
for years and not really have any
performance issues
battery live so the battery life on the
13 pro is noticeably better compared to
last year's 12 pros I can easily go a day
now with pretty heavy use, I'm getting
around seven hours of screen on time
which is amazing I use my phone a lot
for Twitter Instagram and Reddit now
they're not exactly the most resource
intensive apps but I think it's a good
representation of what most people use
their phones for and I think if I'm
getting that sort of battery life using
those sorts of apps most people should
be fine with very light use I think you
could get two days out of it and I'm
sure with the 13 pro max, it's even
better battery life is technically very
hard to measure because everyone uses
their phone differently even something
like being in an area with poor cellular
the signal will make you burn your battery
quicker as the phone is working harder
to stay connected apple say on their
the website that the 13 pro gives you one
and a half hours more battery life and
two and a half hours more on the pro max
but something interesting I learned when
speaking to apple is that these batteries
life numbers that they get one and a
half hours two and a half hours aren't
in absolutely perfect conditions so when
you set up your phone for the first time
usually, you get a screen that says would
Do you like to share data and diagnostics
with apple, they're actually using that
data from hundreds of thousands of millions
of iPhones and seeing what sort of
battery life each of those people are
getting and how much different it is
compared to previous models so yeah it's
not a perfect case scenario it's actually
based on real-world usage
promotion is a big pro feature of these
pro versions of the iPhone that is a lot
of pros but anyway promotion means that
the screen can now output at 120 hertz
compared to the previous 60 hertz this
is one of those things which are hard to
illustrate on camera you've got to see
it in person but I have some slow motion
the footage here is 120 frames per second
footage and you can see the difference
between the 12 pros next to the 13 pro
you can see how the animations are
smoother and that's because there are
now twice the number of frames in the
animation I love it and it's a great pro
feature to have but that's because i
feel like I can appreciate it I've had
friends and family who really aren't
into tech at all try out 13 pros to see
if they can notice the difference
and I'll be honest none of them notice
the difference at all I think it very
much is aimed at pro users like
myself the only way I could get them to
actually tell the difference was to have
a standard 12 pro and then a 13 pro side
by side, that's the only way they could
actually, tell that the animations were
smoother but even then they couldn't
actually, work out what was smoother they
just knew that it was smoother but again
like I said I think this feature is more
for pro users so it makes sense that is
on the iPhone 13 pro a neat feature that
Apple has also implemented when it
comes to promotion is that it can change
between 10 hertz to 120 hertz and the
The reason for that is it actually saves
battery life if the screen was running
at 120 hertz constantly that would
absolutely burn through battery life so
when you're doing things like reading
some text or just have a static image on
the screen will only be at 10 hertz
but as soon as you start scrolling going
through apps or whatever else it will
change to 120 hertz so it can
dynamically adapt so that it doesn't
burn through your battery life the
the screen is also brighter now topping out
at 1200 nits which should make it easier
to see outside
so the triple camera setup is definitely
the headline feature of the 13 pros this
year and it's something apple spent a
a lot of time on in the keynote
up top, you have the telephoto lens which
now has a 77-millimeter focal length and
an f 2.8 aperture in the middle is a
ultra-wide which has a 13 millimeter
focal length and an f 1.8 aperture and
at the bottom is the standard wide lens
that has a 26-millimeter focal length
and 1.5 aperture all cameras are 12
megapixels interestingly the telephoto
the lens now has a longer focal length but
it doesn't let in as much light as last
a year and the best analogy I have for
this is what you've got to imagine
looking down a sort of tube
the longer the tube the less light it
gives in but it does mean you're sort of
more zoomed in you're focused in on a
smaller area and that's exactly what's
happening with the telephoto lens
because it's focused on a smaller
area and the lens isn't actually bigger
less light actually comes into the lens
this results in aperture going from f
2.0 from last year to f 2.8 this year
the ultrawide has now seen an aperture
increase it's now f 1.8 instead of 2.4
this means that it should let in a lot
more light and should result in better
low-light pictures as well as better
noise performance this was actually my
the biggest complaint with the previous
ultra wides if you didn't shoot in a lot
of light, the images would end up looking
a little bit noisy and just a bit muddy
the ultrawide is also now capable of
macro photography it's a super cool
feature to have and makes for some
interesting photos to enable macro
photography though is something that
oddly there is no option for in the
camera app you have to bring the phone
closer to the subject and it will
automatically change to macro mode apple
have said though that they're actually
going to be changing that in the future
software update so you should be able to
choose macro photography finally we have
the wide camera this camera now has a
the better aperture of 1.5 which should
result in even better low-light pictures
better than all of the cameras on the 13
pro also this year it now has a sensor
shift image stabilization on the 13 pro
as well as the 13 pro max last year
sensor-shift was only limited to the 12
pro max as expected all of the cameras
are really good and I'm a fan of the
pictures that can be taken with
something that just fits in your pocket
I also like to shoot in raw so that i
can edit the pictures to my liking
adding my own lightroom presets and just
getting the look that I want it's pretty
incredible to see how far cameras have
come considering like I said this just
fits in your pocket there's a picture i
saw comparing the cameras from the first
iPhone to the current iPhone 13 pro and
it's just crazy to see how much more of
a phone is now taken up by the camera
I'm super into my photography so this
won't be replacing my sony mirrorless
camera anytime soon for all the sort of
pro photography that I do because
typically if you want really good high
quality pictures you need bigger sensors
and bigger lens well not bigger lenses
but high-quality lenses and I feel like
you know with an iPhone with something
this small there's only so much of a
a sensor that you can fit in here without
the phone becoming really really bulky
so be interesting to see what happens
hopefully as hardware-software starts
getting better we get even better
cameras but I think right now the only
way to get better pictures on a phone is
to put bigger sensors in them
cinematic mode so this was a big feature
that apple highlighted in the keynote
it's a new function of the video camera
that's supposed to give you more of a
sort of cinematic look you could say
the cinematic mode appears as a separate
the mode in the camera app next to the video
mode once it's selected it will
automatically focus on a person's face
if they're in the frame or you can tap
to focus on a subject there's also an
f-stop button in the top left which you
can use to artificially change the
amount of blur it brings up an f-stop
the dial which you can change between 2.0
and 16. cinematic mode is a cool feature
and I can see where it can be used but i
personally am just not a fan mainly
because I feel like the artificial blur
is just too artificial-looking for me
I've gotten so used to using
professional cameras like this where you
know I've just felt like I've become a
camera snob, you could say where I can
see when something's artificial and when
something is an actual camera like you're
getting from this camera that I'm using
to record this video
and yeah it just doesn't do it for me
but hopefully, as software becomes better
as more and more people use cinematic
mode apple can get the data they can see
all of that data and get even better
cinematic mode so yeah be interesting to
see because the biggest issue I have
with the cinematic mode is the edges the
edges just look way too artificial and
if there's lots of detail especially
around hair or maybe plants or something
like that
yeah it just struggles to get the
artificial blur right so one thing I'm
still looking for and I'm disappointed
that the iPhone 13 pro doesn't have is
it still uses lightning and lightning
just isn't that great anymore I mean the
the connector is fine but the data transfer
speeds and the charging speeds just
doesn't match the competition there have
been rumors of a totally portless iPhone
which makes sense but at the same time i
feel like we're way off mainly because
developers need
an actual direct connection for
debugging and you know if maybe you have
like a bricked iPhone or something and
Apple needs to get into it maybe unbrick
it whatever most likely they're going to
connect up to something so
unless they come up with some sort of
way to connect to an iPhone wirelessly
and do data transfer and debugging all
these different things yeah I just don't
see a portless iPhone coming in the next
a year or two it might be a few more years
but yeah technology can change quickly
so a portless iPhone would be great I'm
looking forward to seeing one if it does
ever happen so even though there was no
redesign this year or any sort of game
changing features what I think makes the
13 pro such a great phone is all of the
incremental updates apple have taken
what was an already great phone and just
made updates that people actually wanted
things like better battery life better
cameras and a better screen the life
the cycle of a phone has also changed I feel
as though they're coming closer and
closer to the life cycle of a computer
most people don't upgrade to the latest
laptop every year when there are new
updates they can wait anywhere between
two to five years or even longer for an
update smartphones have just gotten so
good that you don't need to update every
year if you're someone who has a 12 pro
probably isn't worth upgrading to a 13
pro but if you're someone who has an 11
and older I feel like this would make a?
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