IPEX Sponsor of the Contractor of the Year Award for Master Builders QLD

IPEX Sponsor of the Contractor of the Year Award for Master Builders QLD

The Master Builders Qld Awards Night is a construction year highlight; celebrating top guns not mavericks.

A night to calmly contemplate where we are as an industry, and gauge where we’re heading.

For many that means recognition of their remarkable achievements ?and a genuine reason to be optimistic.

This year IPEX will sponsor the Contractor of the Year Award because we consider trade contractors are the very backbone of the industry. They do the physical work; laying the bricks, standing the frames, operating in a complex financial and regulatory environment and until we came along - carrying much of the risk.

Those who know IPEX know us as the Industry Payment Exchange. The IPEX solution is to make sure that the money?invested into a development project is secure in a project account and being distributed to that project supply chain and only to that supply chain.

We even it all up by providing a payments exchange , an innovative Buildtech Platform that has revolutionised the payment process for developers, builders, subcontractors and suppliers alike.

By making it safe and ensuring contractors get paid. We are on our way to becoming the industry standard for construction payments, to help protect Australia’s construction future.

It has a very real future. Queensland in particular has much to look forward to.

With the Olympics, Queensland construction is headed for great things.?Not just in the continued infrastructure build but by repurposing existing infrastructure so every Queenslander can benefit when the Games are over.

Queens Wharf, new bridges, development of the riverside and redevelopment of other precincts to refresh eighties and nineties builds will attract tourism and cater to population growth.

To do all that we need contractors.?Without them there’s no construction industry. And at the Master Builders Association Awards Night, we’ll encounter the top guns. Good luck to them all.


