IPE Real Assets March/April: Digital infrastructure boom
TECHNOLOGY: Data demand drives digital infrastructure boom
Data centres: Get your head in the cloud More data centres are needed to satisfy the world’s constant appetite for digital services - and investors are moving in quickly.
Fibre networks: Testing the bandwidth Investors are rushing to invest in fibre networks, but does the sector have the capacity for so much capital?
5G: Investors fail to connect The technology has huge promise, but 5G is yet to represent an institutional investment opportunity
Hydrogen: A new store of value? It promises to help decarbonise economies, alongside electrification and biofuels. Should institutions be investing in hydrogen?
Proptech: Beyond the spreadsheet Real estate can be somewhat of a laggard when it comes to technology. But COVID-19 is accelerating the proptech revolutio
Richard Lowe: Digital income streams
Such is the appeal of data centres that the industry is being targeted by investors that ostensibly operate in different asset classes
Everyone wants to be a lender Institutional investors have been piling into private debt, and real assets are an important part of the story
US real estate debt: Crowded space for COVID opportunities Significant capital has been raised for US real estate debt funds, but an anticipated glut of opportunities has not materialised
Infrastructure debt funds prospered through lockdown Infrastructure debt funds have continued to grow despite the pandemic
INTERVIEW: Aldo Mazzocco,Generali Real Estate
The CEO of Generali Real Estate outlines the company’s strategy in light of COVID-19
NTERVIEW: Rob Sim, Europa Capital
Europa Capital is a household name in European value add. Managing partner Rob Sim talks about its move into core property markets.
Diversity and inclusion: Time to pass the mic Sonny Kalsi, CEO of BentallGreenOak, asks female colleagues what real estate executives can do to enable the rise of women in leadership
Real assets multi-managers innovate for smaller investors Smaller investors risk being squeezed out of increasingly competitive real assets markets, but investment managers are coming up with solutions
Q&A: Paul Parker, Landmark Partners on real estate secondaries 2020 was a record year for real estate secondary-market trading, according to research by Landmark Partners