iParsys (inherited paragraph system) & Inheritance
In the older version CQ/AEM, the inheritance in AEM works through iParsys.
To understand iParsys, 1st we need to understand parsys. The paragraph system or parsys (yes, this is the name by which most of us know) is a compound component that allows authors to add components of different types to a page and contains all other paragraph components. As a AEM developer/author you must have dragged and dropped components (out of box or custom component) on to your page. So, its (parsys) is a placeholder called “Paragraph System”, where we can drag and drop or add other components or scripts at page level. As a developer, you must have added following line of code at some point of time.
This will result in place holder like below snapshot where you can drag & drop components.
I hope this will give you some basic idea about parsys and its use.
Now coming back to iParsys, let try to understand iParsys by building over the information we have about parsys.
So, what exactly iparsys does, it allows you to inherit the paragraph system from the parent page. It is similar to parsys with some added functionality.
– It allows inheritance of components from parant to child defined inside?parsys if in place of parsys, iparsys is used in definition. See below snapshot for how it is defined:
Inheritance can be configured by checking and unchecking following properties:
Please refer below snapshot showing the iparsys configuration setting:
Please note, iParsys is deprecated?in the latest version of AEM and Editable Template. It is suggested to use Experience Fragments (EFs) for inheritance or for the re-usable content wherever possible.?
Happy Reading!!.