Ipad as AT - workround for storage full problem
I came upon this problem a few months ago, an AAC app user on her iPad reported that her two year old device was progressively running slower and slower and that the 16gb machine was reporting storage full. Online she received fairly standard advice to delete other apps, remove some of her music from iTunes etc. At the time I thought it odd that she might need to stop using her iPad for activities she enjoyed in order to continue to communicate, but had no obvious answer. However due to my own iPad dong exactly the same thing this week I looked into the matter more closely and discovered that the problem lies in the amount of "other" data that an iPad accumulates over time. This might include cached files or temporary files that don't get deleted.
The truth is there isn't an easy solution, but there is an effective one, so here it is.
1 plug your iPad into your computer and sync it with iTunes
2 backup your iPad both to iCloud (if you have enough storage) and to your computer
3 once backed up do an iPad restore in iTunes this in effect resets your iPad to its original state
4 now restore the backup you saved onto your iPad and you will find that all the junk files have disappeared
This may take a number of hours to complete - don't panic !!!
How effective is this ? well my 16gb iPad recovered 8gb of space.
How safe is this ? Well 95% of my apps were returned to my iPad with all their settings and user files intact - 2 apps needed to be reinstalled from the App Store, they didn't have any user settings to check
Whilst I can't be sure that every AAC app will be reinstalled with your data and grids intact it seems that there is a very good chance that they will. Certainly worth a try, and much better than the other advice given "buy a 64gb iPad" !!!!