IPA Touchpoints 2024: How has outdoor advertising consumption evolved?
The media consumption landscape has certainly changed, but the myth of the demise of traditional media remains just that: a myth. The Internet has not replaced retail outlets, and people continue to sing along to the radio and look at billboards as they leave the house.
Recently, the UK's Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) published its “TouchPoints: Making Sense Report”. This report provides insight into how commercial media consumption has evolved over the past nine years. Below, we break down three key findings for outdoor advertising:
Patterns of media consumption are returning to pre-pandemic norms, despite the plethora of new platforms that have been launched. In the case of OOH, consumption increases as the day progresses, becoming the leading medium between 12 and 4 p.m., and then declines towards the evening.
OOH has largely regained its pre-pandemic position, reaching a 25% share, just three percentage points below its previous levels. This slight decrease is due to hybrid work patterns that reduce commuting times.
Media that have experienced growth in their weekly reach are predominantly online digital. For its part, OOH has shown the smallest change with a 2% decrease since 2015. Despite this, it remains the only commercial media that has the ability to reach in isolation more than 90% of the population each week.
While technology has increasingly fragmented the media landscape, it has not altered the ability of commercial media to reach audiences on a large scale. Human needs remain the same; it is simply providing greater opportunities to connect with audiences.
Outdoor advertising, for its part, has been able to keep pace. Technology has simplified processes such as buying space through programmatic. Even media owners have an OOH-focused CRM to speed up campaign management through automated funnels and real-time access to inventory availability.
Today more than ever, it is essential to understand collaboration in the media industry to maximize results, especially in transmedia campaigns. Simon Frazier, author of the report and director of marketing and data innovation at TouchPoints, underscores this, “The data shows that traditionally opposed media platforms often work far better in harmony than in competition.”
Read the full report here.