IPA Random Update | June 2024
Innovations for Poverty Action
We discover and promote effective solutions to global poverty problems.
Finding Solutions For Displaced Communities Through Research
When Michelle Twali and her family fled to Kenya to escape the Rwandan genocide, she saw how inadequate policies and programs failed to address the unique challenges of displaced populations. Now an Assistant Professor at New York University, she identifies effective solutions to improve the lives of displaced people. IPA’s Displaced Livelihood Initiative marks this year’s World Refugee Day with stories from several researchers whose work is informed and motivated by their experiences as refugees: Michelle Twali, Wisdom Karungu, Nil Simancas, and Kasole Sharif.
Blog from IPA Leadership
What We Learned from the Embedded Lab Cross-Country Learning Exchange
Author: Juan Manuel Hernández Agramonte
IPA’s Senior Director of Embedded Labs reflects on IPA’s third Cross-Country Learning Exchange in Uganda and the importance of spaces where government teams can share and learn from similar experiences in developing Embedded Evidence Labs. In this new blog, he highlights key lessons in ensuring Labs are effective, adaptable, and sustainable.
New Video on Panel Survey
Philippines Socioeconomic Panel Survey
Research Team: Dean Karlan, Christopher Udry, Emma Davies, Mariel Antoinette Felizardo, Aubrey Jolex, Natasha Brigitte Kuan, Tara Marwah, Rene Marlon Panti, Jose Edgardo Rivera, and Sneha Stephen
The Philippines Socioeconomic Panel Survey is a 20-year survey in rural Western Visayas providing policymakers and researchers the opportunity to evaluate the impact of social innovations that improve lives. A new video follows an IPA field officer team across difficult roads and waters to reach survey respondents.
Research Highlight
The Long-Term Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cash Transfers on High-Risk Young Men in Liberia
Researchers: Christopher Blattman, Sebastian Chaskel, Julian Jamison, and Margaret Sheridan
To understand the long-term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy among adults, researchers evaluated the impact of a short-term therapy program and the distribution of unconditional cash transfers on the behavior of high-risk young men in Liberia. Results demonstrated that therapy reduced criminal behavior among participants both in the short run, one year following the intervention, and in the long run, ten years later.
Policy Insight
Two Generation Initiative | Catalyzing Research, Policy, and Practice to Improve Outcomes for Young Children and their Caregivers
Authors: Sarah Kabay and Rebecca Smith
Building off the findings of our evidence review, IPA conducted a pilot study to explore how a parenting program for refugees and host communities could be adapted to incorporate a two generation perspective. Inspired by this and our related work, IPA launched its Two Generation Initiative in 2023 in Uganda and Colombia with a focus on populations affected by displacement. In the first year, we improved existing programming, mapped relevant interventions and policy, and catalyzed interest in two-generation approaches across policy, practice, and research. Now, we are seeking to deepen our work and extend the initiative to new national, global, and thematic contexts.
Links of Interest
Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) | Round III Call for Proposals
DLI supports rigorous research and scaling work to inform policies and programs on sustainable livelihoods for displaced populations and host communities. Proposals are due July 26. Read More.
Evidence for Responding to Displacement: A Scoping Review of Rigorous Impact Evaluations
This scoping review features a small but growing evidence base from evaluations of programs for displaced populations, across 27 settings. These evaluations cover a range of topics and outcomes, including household welfare, food security, education, health, livelihoods, and social cohesion. Read More.
Improving the Mental Health of Early Childhood Development Workers: Evaluating the Heal to Grow Program in Colombia
In collaboration with the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, the Inter-American Development Bank and IPA Colombia conducted a randomized evaluation that found that a mental health program for early childhood development workers significantly improved their social-emotional skills and increased their support for children’s socio-emotional development. Read More.
Regularizing Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants Through Employment: Measuring the Impacts of the PEPFF Program in Colombia
UNHCR researchers partnered with IPA Colombia and the Ministry of Labor of Colombia to assess the impacts of an employment-based regularization program on Venezuelan refugees and migrants and local firms, focusing on employment related outcomes, social cohesion within the workplace, and measures of general well-being. Read More.
Improving Mental Health Outcomes for Survivors of Human Trafficking in Uganda
Researchers are partnering with IPA Uganda to conduct a randomized evaluation to measure whether a mental health program for human trafficking survivors that incorporates yoga, mindfulness techniques, and group discussions improves their mental health, physical, and social well-being. Read More.
IPA’s Consumer Protection Research Initiative: Can Legal Aid Improve Consumer Redress with Mobile Network Operators?
June 18 | Watch the Webinar
IPA Presents "Best Bets: 14 Emerging Innovations with Potential for Impact at Scale in Global Health and Development" at EA Global London 2024
June 1 | Watch the Presentation
Best Bets: Emerging Opportunities for Impact at Scale | USAID Agency Learning and Evidence Month
May 24 | Watch the Webinar
IPA in the News
Employment Opportunities
Lead strategic research and policy initiatives to develop scalable and sustainable solutions for climate resilience
Secure unrestricted & institutional funds, steward mid-level donors, and help expand IPA's mid-level giving program
Develop and execute a strategy to expand the conversation on evidence use and promote impact & engagement
?Innovations for Poverty Action | www.poverty-action.org