IP Tools For Website Visitor Identification Do Not Work
I'm in a couple Facebook groups for B2B software.
I asked this question in one of my groups over the weekend...
Every single comment replying to me was talking about either looking for IP-based tools or offering me their own IP tool for website visitor identification.
(Ok, they do "work")...
But they're ripping you off. They know you want to see who's visiting your website, but the best they give you is the name of the company or account visiting your page! You don't get to see the actual person.
You don't get to know who was really shopping around on your website.
At the very best, these IP tools are going to tell you the name of the company that visited your website recently + offer up suggested "decision-maker" contacts there. I can do that with LinkedIn — it's child's play.
You don't need to be a f*cking brain surgeon to realize this. If you're told the name of the company visiting, you can go to LinkedIn and find people to contact in seconds.
NONE of these tools tell you who was really visiting your website and every CMO/VP Sales is blown the f*ck away every time we show them how to do it better.