The IP Strategy for the Rest of Us
“Hey, boss?”
“Yeah?” Reluctantly, Boss halts the cat video he’s watching on YouTube. He squints at Sales Guy, who’s standing in the door of his superior’s corner office.
“Do we have a...” Sales Guy frowns, facing a complex word. “Do we have an IP strategy at Lemmings Ltd?”
Boss laughs. “An IP strategy?” Boss laughs again.
Sales Guy squirms.
Boss glances longingly at his halted video, sighs, and focuses on his employee. “Sure, we’ve got one. The best one. It’s called JUST WAIT AND SEE WHAT COMES UP.”
Sales Guy rubs his chin as he squints at a wad of paper he’s holding. “Shouldn’t we have something more... specific?“
Impatiently, Boss waves a hand. “Why should we? All these IP strategies are nothing but hot air.”
“As you say, Boss.” Sales guy places the wad of paper on his superior’s desk. “Then, what do we do about this patent infringement suit we just got?”
What’s an IP Strategy?
To start with: What’s IP?
IP, intellectual property, refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, names, and images used in commerce. Think patents, copyright, trademarks, design protection.
An IP strategy is how your company deals with IP. It’s a set of guidelines geared at maximizing the benefits of IP and how minimizing its risks.
Some companies, such as Lemming Ltd, deal with IP when it smacks their face. They file a patent when one of their developers says she has invented something. They grumble when a competitor uses their trademark. And they fret when they get sued for copyright infringement.
Others have a plan.
If you are innovative, create content, or explore new ideas, that’s what you should have.
Why an IP strategy?
An IP strategy will not guarantee your success, nor can it promise to keep you safe. But it will increase your chances to succeed and reduce the risks.
Wise shareholders and good investors will expect you to have one. And if you don’t, and if the poo hits the fan, they’ll ask you why about it.
What goes into an IP strategy?
Most IP strategies cover at least some or all of the following topics:
How to devise an IP strategy?
A company’s executives and board must be fully committed to the IP strategy. Without that, the strategy will fail. And the strategy must be compatible with the way people work.
Hence, defining a strategy starts at the management level, but all key players should be involved. And, of course, it’s a good idea to get advice from an IP expert (*author winks* ??).
The resulting strategy may be a one-page memorandum, or it may be substantially longer—it all depends on your needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.
Boss stares at the patent infringement suit in disbelief.
“You’re probably right,” Sales Guy says. “IP strategies are nothing but hot air…”
Boss still stares, his cat video all but forgotten.
“But, you know…” Sales Guy takes a step back, establishing a safe distance from his superior. “Hot air… it can make the balloon float.”
Any thoughts on this?
Kurt Sutter
#ip #strategy #patents #trademarks #ipstrategy
Swiss and European Patent Attorney, Representative before the UPC, PhD.
3 年Thank you Kurt. I find it very useful to have it synthetically formulated like this. Personally, I would add a word or two on trade and technical secrets, confidential information, and privacy, even though these topics deviate slightly from the usual IP strategy axes.