Short article : Who Are You? – Bliss and Games – The Art of Defining You, Making it Real & Living Aligned with Your Truth by Sunil Bhaskaran
Feelings, Distractions and Sexual Fantasy
At this very precise moment, you may be very excited, purposeful, engaged or focused to read what I have written.?
?Or you may have a mixture of the following states of mind over the past portion of your day:
- Overwhelmed.?
- Stressed.?
- Frustrated.
- Guilty.
- Resigned.
- Fearful.?
- Worried.?
- Angry at someone or something.?
- Complaining about someone or something.?
- A sexual fantasy (or two).
- Or some other distraction that has you not present or alert.?
You might ask “With such distractions, is total bliss even possible? “(Some of you may argue that number 10 above would provide bliss. I would not argue with you on this point.)
?This was my journey of bliss.
From the age of 22 through my mid 30’s, I asked all the gurus that I sat at the feet of the following question: “Is there any such thing as absolute bliss for a human being – can it be realistically attained?”
One such guru, Baba Hari Dass of Mount Madonna answered in the most honest way (he had a vow of silence so he wrote his answer on a small chalkboard in Hindi and his student translated for me).?
“Anybody can make up anything.”? He then winked at me with a look of deep compassion, playfulness and understanding. I could not help but smile and winked back.? I knew his answer was not a flippant one – it was playful and it had profundity for me.?
The Clue to Solving the Mystery
From that meeting, I decided what I wanted to make up about my life. That was how I started imagining a life made up of games to play.? One of those games could be to attain bliss.??
“What is life without a game to play?”
?So I started inventing games.? At first, there were just too many!? Then I settled on a few.? One of them was in Ending Persistent Hunger and Poverty. (Option: watch my Action Talk )??
“What is a game without rules?”
As I played these games, I realized I had some existing rules already,? and new rules I had to adopt to stay true to the games and to win.?
The Art of Inventing – “What about games and rules? What is the big deal?” … Oh Boy.. Plenty!
I soon realized that as I played these games earnestly, I was discovering if not literally inventing who I was.?
This bears repeating.? As I played these games earnestly, I discovered if not literally invented who I was.?
So Who Am I? And Who Could You Be?
I realized that who I was was the person playing these games (e.g. the End of Persistent Hunger and Poverty) and the person who invented and embraced the rules of each game.?
The rules included some of the following:
- Play full out.
- Give up judgements.? Adopt being open to new information, perspectives and categories of thinking.
- Do not lose hope when you fail.? Learn, Grow and Stay Present.?
- Do not make anybody wrong. Stay focused on the Vision.
- Never make myself wrong nor right. Stay focused on the Vision.
- Embrace and Enjoy Accountability (I said it!)?
- Manage your workflows and calendar with joy!? ?
- Teach and Express My Wisdom without Reserve ?
- Be a clearing for trust to occur for others!? Engage in business this way! ?
- Embrace Full Responsibility for all that occurs around me.
- Engage in no drama. Stay focused on the Vision.
- And more.?
What are your rules? How do you keep score? What are your games? Are these rules, scorekeeping and games giving you life?
Like any game, you could lose; you could fail. You might come in second.? You may come in first. You may not need to do either. It is your game; your self defined game.?
Are you in the wrong game?
You may discover truthfully, that maybe money and more free time just ain’t what you are looking for. Maybe it is something else? It bears investigating, wouldn’t it? Perhaps .. before it’s too late?
Being Yourself?
So this may be a new way to look at “being yourself”.?? Your “being yourself” may be the rules and the games you play – and how you play and align with the rules you create or accept.?
So again..? What is the big deal about this way of being yourself?
Originality and Authenticity: Well for one thing, unless you invent something egregious (bad),? nobody can criticize or critique you for what you made up. ? This makes you an original – a true blue one of a kind person, even if you are a quiet introvert who refuses to think of yourself as unique.?
Feeling Aligned and Good … if not great – maybe even a peek at Being Blissful All your gears going in the same direction.? When people interact with you, they experience someone who is playing full out but with rules that align.
Your games could have a future envisioned along with it.? Focusing on that future, leaves you less distracted.? While you could be totally immersed in a game, and that could leave you separate from others – focusing to start with, may disappear a lot of the impulses that distract you now.
Maybe to be distracted by a worthy game is to be blissful??
Enjoy your game, rules and scorekeeping. Sunil Bhaskaran?
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