The IP checklist every Startup should know!
New age Startups and techno-based firms rely on intellectual property more than any other business type in history, whether it's secured by copyright, trade secrets, trademarks, or patents. It's remarkable, though, how little entrepreneurs consider preserving their own intellectual property. Sure, "merchandise fit" is a completely absorbed search for the truth that tolerates no interruptions, but it is only an understanding, not an excuse.
The true professionals will identify product-market fit while documenting and safeguarding their intellectual property along the way – and besides, it's the only way to assure you own your creation.
This post will provide you an outline of where your IP is located, how to secure it, and how to avoid some of the mistakes that affect far too many companies.
The IP checklist no Startup should miss on:
Assigning IP
Founder pre-existing IP
Employee Confidential Information & Intellectual Property Assignment agreements
Independent Contractor/Consulting Services agreements
Protecting IP ownership
Licensed IP and modifications/improvements
Current or previous employers (see Cal. Labor Code §§ 2780-2782)
Strategic IP Portfolio
One-year statutory bar
Provisional patent application
International protection
Software patents under Alice v. CLS Bank
Offense and defense against patent trolls
Trade Secrets
Preserve confidentiality
Limit and control access
Check USPTO trademark database
Secure federal trademark registration for enforcement
Not merely descriptive
Original work of authorship
Secure federal copyright registration for enforcement
Understand ‘Fair Use’