IoTize - Instant Connectivity for Embedded Systems
IoTize? provides a complete solution for migrating existing and new electronic systems to the Internet of Things (IoT). This solution was inspired by the possibility to integrate IoT connectivity (NFC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa, etc.) without redesigning a system's electronics or re-coding its firmware. By doing this, IoTize eliminates risks associated with connectivity integration, and shortens time-to-market for connected products so that companies can maximize their opportunities and profits.
To do this, IoTize uses technologies and techniques that are typically reserved for system programming and debugging. This unique approach makes it possible to add connectivity without redesigning the system. It also delivers flexibility in new designs through simple encapsulation of complex wireless communication, network and security technologies. This approach facilitates the initial integration, but also makes it possible to easily evolve the wireless connection to meet future needs or technology evolutions... and without ever re-coding the system's original software.
With IoTize, designers can leverage a range of wireless technologies depending on the use cases for their systems. IoTize provides fully qualified wireless implementations. These allow connection to local information appliances (smartphones, PDAs, tablets, PCs, etc.) allowing users to monitor or update a system and transfer data to the Cloud when necessary. IoTize wireless modules can also allow connection to WAN or LPWAN for remote supervision and remote access control from the Cloud. TO support this, IoTize provides a complete system-to-Cloud IoT solution based on MQTT. This solution easily integrates both private and public Cloud platforms.
The IoTize solution minimizes the risks of IoT migration for the designers of electronic systems. Whether you are creating an early IoT proof-of-concept, retrofitting products for the IoT or designing new IoT-enabled products, IoTize provides the required connectivity, ease-of-implementation and flexibility.