IOTC-Small Motors
Many people know that motors can be overloaded for short times. This makes use of the Inverse Time Over Current (ITOC) thermal limitation of motors. By short time, we mean less than a minute. This overload capacity may be useful for accelerating or decelerating high-inertia rollers or rolls.
ITOC or TOC protection may be by with hardware TOC relays with a Class 10 or Class 20 protection curve. These curves provide 150% overload for about 1 minute. More load is available, if it is of shorter duration. Almost all drives include Thermal Overload (TOL) protection as well. For instance, some motors in metal roughing, sawing, or shearing run at 400% load for a few seconds.
If the thermal capacity is to be used, make sure to use the thermal damage curve for your motor available from the motor manufacturer.