IoT for my virtual friends
Some days ago in Holberton showed up a very interesting but hard for me project to do, write a article about IoT, write articles is so hard but I decided do it.
IoT explaining
IoT is a technology that make possible a lot of useful things and make a humanity development, basically is give communication and intelligence to daily devices from microwaves, coffee machines and hairdryers to street machines like traffic lights, smart crosswalks and more auto service devices making more easy the people life after this I go to talk more deeper about all this.
privacy and security in IoT
One very big problem with IoT devices was the security and privacy because was non-existent and any person would did access to our devices that supposed a big risk for our privacy but with time hardware engineers were learning about that and are developing IoT device that work with very sure network to access.
Future of IoT
The IoT possibilities in future are limitless, 5G technology connection opened a very big door to connect an endless quantity of devices and automatize the human life now some examples about that:
Manufacturing intelligence: Smart manufacturing is the next Industrial Revolution. 5G and the Industrial Internet of Things are enabling factories to seamlessly create a network of wireless connected machines and people that can instantaneously collect, analyze and distribute real-time data.
Connected health: New technologies are being pioneered to enhance the reliability of network communications, enabling disruptive research into transformative medical solutions from diagnosis to treatment.
Smart society: It is a ambitious project to make smart cities where people can make business and develop societies like never seen before.
Jobs in IoT
Thanks to faster advance in IoT there are a very good quantity and varied job offers, after this I go to expose the better jobs related to IoT:
Agriculture: Agricultural technologists work to feed the planet and automatize the farm works like feed animal make plants maintenance, cultivate, irrigate water and another things that can change the life conditions to millions of persons, you can job helping to farmers to make more easy and efficiency make food for humanity.
3D Print: Thanks to 3-D printing technology advance and automatize people can enjoy a lot of greater factors like make more useful and quality products and pieces making human life more easy, you can work with a 3D printer and make very good products to sell.
Traffic lights: Cities people need more efficiency and safe ways to move in the city in their cars and a very important factor is the traffic lights and a very good way to optimize them is implement IoT technology to make more safe and easy move in city for cars and people installing smart traffic lights you can be that person who make it possible.