The new iOS10 update for iPad and iPhone is quite a large update, 1.1GB. If you have like me over 500 Apps prepare for a lot of updates for your applications, even Notes etc...https://www.apple.com/ios/ios-10/
Adding to the new release of the iPhone 7 as well as the operating system from iMac to Apple Devices. I do find that the phone and operating systems are amazing.
How ever having used almost every Apple product from it's conception and being an Apple Public Beta Tester, I would recommend that you wait for the iPhone 8 as this is going to be the game changers on all levels.
Battery life is much better as well as the UI. All the new features add simplicity to you phone. As a power user on my iPhone, for those prepare for updates and using HUGE DATA Downloads. I would suggest to have as fast as possible internet as unlike myself have 6x iPhone, 4xiPad this works out to 10 GB excluding application updates per device.
Also remember when updating any Apple product, Remember APPLE ID & Password, as well as any other questions that we asked in the beginning. Not only that also remember SIM Pin. If none of these can be remembered than it is going to take a very long time to reset accounts as well as network providers setting on your phone.
Ah and for those using PC get a MAC, the SYNC as well as updating, backing is what it was designed for. I would also like to make mention that one should also backup your iPhone using iCloud or better to your mac will save your life as this is best used when removing, finding and or selling your iPhone.
#macOS Sierra
For those who have or would like to know more about the new operating system for Mac, i have provided a link for you to browse. I must say all is going well during testing had a few issues with previous versions but all is ok know. OutLook 2016 there is a new update and if i can suggest anything update every application that requires it as this will ruin smoother with the system. I do find however that the ADOBE CC applications still need to catch up with this build. i have found that they are very sluggish as well as that they take a long time ti do an action, being saving or even opening a file.
My suggestions is to be patient with your apps and Adobe as they also do stick on certain keyboard instructions so best to double tap before proceeding to the next instruction.
Also in this system i have found that SERVERS, External Hard Drives seam to have issues but can be managed by 3rd Party Applications provided in the App Store. As well to best run #CleanMyMac to clear system and junk before you start to work.
To those who do need more information.