IOS or android APP for real estate Agents
Real estate agents and agency working more than 60% on field and there is very limited access to them for the desktop system. hence the direct available data over phone is one of the winning tool in business of real estate agents.
However there is lot of issue related to costing and quality of data, so people not understand where to start with.
The solution for such stuff is very simple, let go with an real estate agent app. Now who is going to build that app and how that app will benefit the business who operate the app and invest in the development of the same.
we come up with multiple case now a day where we are developing the exclusive app for real estate agency that is managed by real estate portal. The real estate portal able to fetch the benefit from these app by increasing the communication efficiency and connect with agent and agency. what is more important that the app is bundled with lot of offline data management as well. so in the case where agent not having very high speed data access, even in that case they will able to see the listing of the company and any other listing that is shared with them.
As a agent they will get the app either on monthly subscription fee or by paying the listing fee to the portal. Agent able to do the needful classification of the contact information and also able to direct call the customer and able to see map over the app to know the exact location of the property.
its a new way to engage real estate agent and agency with your portal more than your competition.
since the app come with all the stuff like calculator, offline data viewers, contact management system, private listing system, profile manager, map view, different tool for the management of business. so agent is really happy with these stuff and they always love to work with portal who bring such kind of exclusive app for them.
the app is fully protected by user name and password etc so only agent and agency admin are able to login and not get access by general users.
For both IOS and android Native app - techzone is having an estimated budget range of USD 14000- 20000 and can be delivered in 4-5 months.
so let bring the new innovation to your portal and attract professional user on your portal and app.
kindly send us the suggestion or feature you feel must be there along with these above so that we are able to make it more industry friendly.
Note - app is available in native language and can be available in multi language as well. currently we are having built in localization for English, French, German, Persian, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi. Other language and support will keep coming and available on request.