IOS 13 - Siri can run SSH Commands!
After the much welcome public release of IOS 13, I noticed something very interesting in the Siri Shortcuts app, "Run script over SSH." Upon further inspection I found that once you select this option, you are given the ability to enter the host name or IP address, the user name, the password, and the command you want to pass to the remote system.
Amazing! Now anyone can interface with Siri.
I have two Routers, one here in my office and another upstairs. It is a difficult task to reset both routers manually. I decided that I should use a Siri Shortcut to do this for me.
I logged into my router setup settings and enabled SSH over the local network.
On my iPhone, I went into the Shortcuts app.
I created a shortcut by selecting the Plus button labeled "Create Shortcut"
I clicked on the thee dots on the upper left to edit the name of my new shortcut.
I called it "Reboot all routers."
I left all of the other settings in their default settings.
I touched done on the top left.
I clicked on the + Add Action button and searched for SSH.
Once the search results populated, I touched Run Script Over SSH.
I entered the IP address of the first router, User name and Password of the first router, along with the command "reboot"
I added a second "Run script over SSH" and entered the IP address User name and Password of the second router, along with the command "reboot"
I saved the shortcut
I said "Hey Siri Reboot All Routers . . ."
Siri said "Done!" and I saw the lights of the router flash indicating it is rebooting! Success! I jumped for joy!
SSH has obviously become a standard vital tool for system administration in the server Room. It is a surprising and welcome move that Apple has now opened up Siri to the public via the Shortcuts app. We can all now create our own Siri shortcuts!