IOER Annual Conference 2022: Space & Transformation: Liveable Futures
Marc Wolfram
Director at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development / Chair of Spatial Development and Transformation, TU Dresden
IOER Annual Conference 2022: Space & Transformation: Liveable Futures
21-23 September 2022 at Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, Germany
The development of liveable neighbourhoods, cities and regions is a key objective of spatial development. However, what does "livable" mean in the Anthropocene era? Human settlement patterns and economic practices have fundamentally altered natural basis of life such as regional climate, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and resource availability. Settlement and open spaces are significantly threatened by natural hazards. How might futures that we consider "livable" look under these conditions? What transformative capacities are needed to realise them? And what role does digitalisation play here? We want to address these pressing questions at the IOER Annual Conference 2022.
You can expect selected contributions from international and national guests as well as from all IOER research areas. In addition, the Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) is organising its international Summer School for PhD students on the same overarching topic the day before the conference (21 September).
You are cordially invited to actively contribute your own work and ideas to the discussion during the conference (in English or German) as well as the Summer School (in English). A detailed call for sessions and contributions in different formats (e.g. article with presentation, short lecture or dialogue forum) will follow soon.
We look forward to welcome you and to a stimulating discussion with you.
Thematic tracks:
Three formats are available for proposing your own contributions. These formats allow you to contribute individually or as a team with your collaborators, and offer a variety of interaction forms at the conference:
Attention PhDs - Summer School of DLGS on September 21, 2022
The DLGS summer school is an important milestone. It offers individual feedback, expert input and opportunities for peer-to-peer exchange in the wider community of doctoral students in the field. Organized in conjunction with the IOER annual conference, the summer school combines training, workshops, seminars and lectures, and involves invited international experts, as well as members of the DLGS Management Board and IOER senior researchers.
The DLGS Summer School 2022 will be held on September 21st at Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, Germany. It will be dedicated to the topic “Space & Transformation – Liveable Futures”.
For further details on the tracks and the conference, please check our website.
Deadline for submissions: 31/03/22