?IO2_ED06_The Urgent Need for Global Water Conservation
Accelerate Prosperity - An AKDN Initiative
An Initiative of Industrial Promotion Services (AKFED) & Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) of the Aga Khan Development Network
71% of Earth's surface is water, but only 3% is fresh, and just 0.5% is usable. Every drop matters.
Water is widely misused and mismanaged. Agriculture, using about 70% of global freshwater, strains resources, especially in irrigation-dependent countries. Industries, consuming 20% of water, add to the challenge, with water-intensive sectors worsening the problem.
Simultaneously, domestic water use, comprising roughly 10% of total withdrawals, varies significantly among nations. The industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and untreated sewage further compound the problem, leading to water pollution and deteriorating water quality.?
Excessive groundwater extraction leads to depletion and subsidence in affected areas. Non-Revenue Water (NRW), including losses from leaks and inaccurate metering, is alarmingly high in some cities, reducing water access. Virtual water trade shows how exporting water-intensive products can worsen water scarcity in those nations.
Climate change adds yet another layer of complexity, affecting precipitation patterns and exacerbating water scarcity.?
68% of Earth's water is in ice and glaciers, with 30% underground. Each year, 750 billion tons of ice melt because of global warming, and groundwater depletes rapidly from over-pumping, droughts, and climate change.?
Are we heading for disaster, or can we prevent this looming crisis? Aabshar might offer some answers.
For decades, water conservationists have used techniques like recycling, rainwater harvesting, and advanced irrigation. Aabshar chose the most convenient, scalable option. Their optimizers, which retrofit 90% of existing taps, save up to 96% of water, reduce electricity costs by 60%, and significantly lower carbon footprints.
Aabshar’s goal is to save up to 50 billion liters of water by the end of 2025. So far, they have collaborated with some of the highest water-consuming sectors, such as industries, community centers, and households, and have helped the users save up to 4.3 billion liters of water so far.
Water scarcity is a major global challenge, with 2 billion people lacking access to fresh water, and 70% of the world’s population soon expected to face shortages. Consumer behavior significantly contributes to this crisis. The EPA estimates that the average home wastes 90 gallons of water daily, totaling 10,000 gallons per household annually. Aabshar optimizers provide a handy solution to this problem; taps are found in every corner of the world, and a simple plugin can help save more than 90% of water.
Water, essential for life, sustains all living beings and ecosystems. Beyond quenching thirst, it’s crucial for agriculture, industry, and environmental health. The threat of water scarcity underscores the need for preservation. By reducing waste, using technologies like Aabshar's water optimizers, and investing in water management, we can conserve this precious resource. It's a collective responsibility—individuals, communities, and industries must ensure clean water for future generations. Our united efforts can tackle the water crisis and secure a sustainable future for our planet.
Accelerate Prosperity’s partnership with Aabshar aligns with the core values of the Aga Khan Development Network. AP supports startups focused on problem-solving and community upliftment. In recent years, AP has become a key player in the region’s economic and social development. Startups like Aabshar help us realize our values at both grassroots and global levels, with impacts that extend beyond borders and time.
Water sustains all life, and our negligence is pushing us towards self extinction. We are at a point where startups like Aabshar become our only lifeline.?
??Special thanks to our donors, European Union, Aga Khan Foundation, Aga Khan Development Network, Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), for fueling our mission every step of the way.??
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