Involving patients and carers in healthcare research and projects.
Lisbeth Oxholm Snede , MLC, CAI
Strategic Leader & Speaker ?? President @PiCC United | #Patient Engagement #StrategicPlanning #MethodDevelopment #DigitalTransformation #Implementing #PatientFocussedSolutions
In healthcare research and projects, the involvement of patients and caregivers has become increasingly recognised as a valuable practice. By including their perspectives and experiences, researchers and healthcare professionals can develop more relevant and meaningful solutions. This article explores the importance of patient and carer involvement in health research and presents a step-by-step guide (teaser) for implementing this practice effectively.
The importance of patient and carer involvement
Traditionally, healthcare research and projects have been centred around professionals in the field. However, with an ever-changing healthcare landscape and increasing focus on patient-centred care, it has become clear that patients and caregivers are crucial stakeholders who can bring invaluable knowledge and perspective to the research process.
By involving patients and carers, researchers and healthcare professionals can:
Step-by-step guide to patient and carer involvement
Identify the purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the project or research and how involving patients or carers will improve the outcomes or relevance.
Create a strategy: Develop a strategy for involvement, including when, how and what types of patients or carers will be involved.
Identify stakeholders: Find potential patients, relatives or patient organisations that may be interested in participating in the project or research.
Establish partnerships: Collaborate with patient groups, patient organisations, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to ensure an inclusive and rewarding engagement process.
Develop communication plans: Create clear and understandable communication channels and materials to inform and engage patients or carers in the project.
Train stakeholders: Offer training to patients or carers on the topic of the project, research methods and their role in the process.
Build trust and respect: Create an environment of trust and respect between researchers, healthcare professionals and the patients or carers involved.
Be open to feedback: Be open to feedback and input from patients or carers throughout the process and adapt the project or research as needed.
Share the results: Share the results of the project or research with patients or carers in an understandable way and acknowledge their contribution to the process.
Evaluate and improve: At the end of the project or research, evaluate the process of patient or carer involvement to identify strengths and weaknesses and improve future efforts.
Continue engagement: Build long-term relationships with patients or carers and continue engagement in healthcare projects and research to ensure ongoing involvement and collaboration.
By following this simple step-by-step guide, healthcare professionals and researchers can effectively engage patients and carers in their work, which can lead to more relevant and meaningful outcomes and improved healthcare for all parties involved.
?? Want to know more? Do you need more information or want to elaborate on any of these elements?
You are more than welcome to contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
// Lisbeth
#PatientInvolvement #HealthcareResearch #PatientAdvocacy #RespectYourTime