Involve Staff...
One of the important issues around Health and Safety is involving staff in the process. Its not an optional extra, but a requirement under the new Act.
Here’s a couple of ideas :
1) Hold a toolbox meeting on a regular basis. Keep a note who was at the meeting and what was discussed. If there were any issues that the staff brought up, make a note. Involve the staff in the solution. Make a note of when it was to be sorted by, by whom and when it was done.
2) Often staff won’t say much at the meeting. It might be you having initiate the discussion. I was talking with a business owner recently and he was going to go over safety procedures for each major piece of equipment in the workshop. Taking one item at each meeting. Starting with the two-post hoist.
Sounded like a sound plan to me.
Trust that’s of help, Bob Sinclair