Involution and Evolution
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
Nothing is in the effect that is not in the cause.
This is a vast subject that I can't do full justice in a brief TripleE; yet it implicates EVERYTHING.
At the highest level, if there is a Creator of this universe that caused you and caused everything, then this Creative Power must exist in you and in everything.
The cause is ALWAYS involved in the effect.
Therefore the principle to understand is that involution MUST precede evolution.
The Creative Process is the process of involution.
In other words, for you to evolve and grow in awareness, your business, your finances, your relationships, health, fitness and mental mastery, you MUST become fully involved in it.
Involution moves INSIDE of the creation, while evolution moves the creation outward.
MOST want to move outward without first moving inward; and thereby they fail.
It takes a BIGGER PERSON to be fit, healthy and whole than to be unfit, sick and fragmented...
It takes a BIGGER PERSON to have a connected, loving relationship than to have a disconnected, argumentative and combative relationship...
It takes a BIGGER PERSON to make $1MM per year than to make $100K per year. A BIGGER PERSON to make $100K than to make $10K per year...
Please understand that in no place did I state "better person," rather BIGGER.
Bigger in Self-Awareness, self-worth, self-confidence, overcoming fear, procrastination and hesitation.?
A bigger thinker.
Becoming bigger ONLY comes from going INSIDE; and going inside is the greatest investment you can make in your own greatness and impact.
Involution ALWAYS preceded evolution.
Are you ready to become a bigger thinker? Are you ready to stop chasing the effect and get straight to the cause? To stop chasing shadows and Take Your Power Back?! Join our online community called #ProjectStayHome. Details here:
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