Invoke Planet Pluto!
I love metaphors!
A metaphor enigmatically whispers a connection.
For me, Pluto is an apt allegory for Transformation.
Astrologically, Pluto is associated with renewal and rebirth. Pluto conveys releasing of dormant power. Pluto is planet of expiration and resurgence…redeeming our own existence and emerging out as much resilient being. It represents endings and new beginnings, as well as transcendental growth and reawakening.
Traditionally, many dynamic entrepreneurs have set the golden path for the “entrepreneurial upsurge” in our country. Unquestionably, today the same “entrepreneurial spirit” is being acknowledged as the momentous driving force of the Indian economy. However, the changing business environment has overturned all professed successful business practices of the past. The changing scenario is increasingly demanding an altogether different approach towards sustaining successful business enterprises. Interestingly, transforming such archaic entrepreneurial convictions, is becoming the most decisive factor for the survivability and progression of an enterprise in the global environment.
Indian Promoters are extremely good at generating revenue and managing complexities of the business, but are like a “walking catastrophe” at leaving behind an evolved organizational legacy. Today, MSMEs just can’t relax with incremental developments, they must drastically re-evaluate their strategy to grow, sustain, and remain. Many do not even realize their own growth potential.
If an enterprise is not ready to embrace desired changes needed to survive, it will inescapably collapse.Even a deep entrenched MSME, when faced with major disruptive challenges, cannot change the course that swiftly. I believe, majority of MSMEs need redemption.
Yes! It is time for MSME universe to invoke its planet Pluto…the sphere of transformation.
A simple check list for all the entrepreneurs, who are contemplating to jump into big next growth orbit, is given below:
Evaluate if your business frequently airs following manifestations?
- Frequently shifting business priorities
- Dwindling behind competition without any justifiable reason
- Finding skills/knowledge of existing employees too short for the futuristic dynamic growth dreams.
- Sluggish and faltered execution of significant growth projects.
- Stretched unplanned twirls of deliberations followed by highly hectic pressure for overnight realization of results.
- Never-ending meetings with kaleidoscopic focus on business realities.
- Excessively restrained and fortified for experimentation.
- Facing high attrition of star professionals with large residual mass of old deadwoods.
- Unenthusiastic about integrating new technology initiatives
- Highly centralized at top. Every decision needs final approval.
- Suffering from silos of functional empires.
- Lots of time invested in crisis resolution and unproductive activities.
- When you exactly know “what”, but unable to envisage the “how” part.
- Apparent complacency and indecisiveness prevails in the culture
- Every time team fails to meet panned and agreed monthly business targets without any palpable rational
- Decision making grinds to a halt in absence of senior functional leaders.
- Customers appreciate your intentions but unhappy with your actual service/product.
- Essentially employees are indifferent towards company’s failure or success.