Invoice Journal is here
Flow Invoice Journal

Invoice Journal is here, Inc. unveils Invoice Journal, a Key Component of the Flow, the Next-Generation Interpreters and Interpreting Services Management Platform.

In time for the holidays we are happy to share the rollout of the Invoice Journal designed to enhance financial management and seamlessly integrated into the Flow platform, offering unparalleled efficiency for operational and accounting teams. You can now centralize call and email tracking, provide a timeline and priority items, and enable users to share journal entries with customers as part of the platform workflow as well as in communication with customers.

Key Features of the Invoice Journal:

1. Event Tracking: Invoice Journal, seamlessly integrated into the Flow platform, boasts an intuitive event tracking system, promoting transparency and accountability throughout the interpreting services workflow. This includes centralizing call and email tracking, ensuring all events are recorded and easily accessible.

2. Financial Records View: The Journal, a pivotal component of the Flow platform, provides an all-encompassing view of financial records associated with each invoice. This aids in robust decision-making and financial analysis, offering a chronological snapshot of events through the enhanced timeline feature.

3. Priority Items Management: Using priority items, users can now identify and focus on critical tasks within the Invoice Journal and ensures that high-priority activities are addressed promptly, contributing to overall efficiency.

4. Customer-Centric Communication: A groundbreaking feature is the ability to share Journal entries directly with customers. This enhances transparency and customer engagement, fostering stronger relationships by keeping clients informed about relevant events and activities in real-time.

5. Integrated Customer Communication: Journal entries are available in all reports within the Flow platform that include references to invoices. This integration ensures that the Journal is highly functional for large teams, making it easy to access and facilitating seamless collaboration.

Dennis Ayzin, President and CEO at, Inc., commented on the release, saying

The features in Invoice Journal, as part of our Flow platform, represent our commitment to providing an advanced financial management solution for enterprises. By centralizing communication tracking and enabling customer engagement, we are empowering our subscribers to not only manage their finances efficiently but also enhance their relationships with clients.

The new features will be automatically available to all ScheduleInterpreter subscribers starting December 4, 2023 as part of the Flow platform. For more information about ScheduleInterpreter, Flow, and our innovative features, please visit or call 707.400.0503.

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