

Sometimes I feel left out.

And sometimes I just feel afraid of being left out.

I’ve never really been one to move in large packs. My friends are spread out all over the place and very few of them know one another. Part of it is my more introverted nature and part of it is how I prefer to engage with others; with depth and meaning instead of feeling spread too thin.

When I was in high school, I went fairly unnoticed. I could walk the halls without being bothered and I could move among the crowd without being bullied.

But I also wasn’t invited to parties or asked out on dates.

The older I got, the more I would look around and see groups connecting and building and creating together.

And I felt left out.

I still do sometimes.

I feel accepted and I feel seen…but "included" feels like a different experience.

And the story I end up telling myself is that I’m an after-thought, on the sidelines, among everyone’s peripheral vision.

I suppose, in some ways, it can feel like a blessing to stand on neutral ground, to fly just below the radar. It can act as its own form of armour against the potential pains of rejection.

But let's be honest, that part is on me.

I guess the truth of the matter is - there are groups we will just never belong to. People who will never see us. Validation we will never receive.

And this can be hard.

But I think the other truth is that we don't always have to wait to be invited.

Because we can hand out our own invitations. We can ask others to join our own party. We can connect and build and create with our own people.

It's a big part of the reason why building community has become so important to me.

Even if it's just here. Even if it's just one square at a time. Even if it's just you and me.

Because together...we can belong.

So if you’re out there right now; reading this, feeling this, living this. Then please know one thing…

I see you.

WE see you.

You belong here.

And while I can’t guarantee that we’re very good dancers…I can promise that you’ll never have to dance alone.

Gen xo

Download a free copy of the debut issue of my new magazine, Gray & Granite -- A Storyteller's Journal.


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