Invitation to Virtual Book Launch Event
Dr Arun Dhir
FRCS,FRACS,GAICD Associate Professor and Director Body Genesis Institute, GI Surgeon,Speaker,Sustainable Healthcare Strategist
Sunday, September 19th, at 12.30 - 2.00 pm AEST
Regardless of who we are and where we live, we are all likely to experience major and minor adverse events during our lifetime. Each of these events has the potential to totally change the trajectory of our life... mostly for the worse!
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
We are excited to invite you to the launch of Dr Arun Dhir’s new book:
Your Mess Has a Message
Crafted in 7 chapters, representing the 7 facets of a fulfilled life, Your Mess Has a Message?presents:
The concepts presented in the book are not only time tested but have been proven to work consistently when applied with faith and commitment. These ideas of practical wisdom are presented in a relatable yet impactful writing style with simple illustrations that are spread throughout the book.
Guest Speakers for the Book Launch
The book launch programme highlights inspirational talks from some very engaging and outstanding speakers besides LIVE entertaining music.
Helping You Discover, Empower & Prosper
Dr Arun Dhir
Surgeon, Health & Wellness Advocate.
Author of Happy Gut, Healthy Weight and Create a New You Health Journal Founder of Radical Wellness Programme
Dr Arun Dhir is a Gastrointestinal surgeon, lecturer, speaker and a thought leader in the area of the Mind-Body connection, Weight management and Gut health. Your Mess Has a Message is a labour of his love for life and was borne of a humbling and devastating life event. He writes from his heart – with authenticity and integrity and from a platform of practical wisdom.
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