An Invitation to Prayer & Fasting for the New Year

My dear friend, please join me and the members of the Agape Kingdom International Mission (AKIM) as begin this new year 2016 with a specal program of prayer and fasting. 

Agape Kingdom International Mission



January 4TH to February 6TH, 2016

Prayer Book


Introduction to the 32 Days: Instructions for Prayer Warriors

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

You have made the right decision in joining with other warriors around the world who are connected with the Agape Kingdom International Mission. Today January 4, 2016 we begin together a journey of faith, commitment and spiritual warfare that will last 32 days till February 6th, 2016. In order for this common journey to be fruitful and beneficial for each of us I want to give some practical instructions.

First know and understand that prayer with fasting is a battle ground. When you make the commitment to pray and fast, you are declaring war against the forces of darkness at the highest level. And this becomes even truer when you are doing 32 days of prayer and fasting. This is the longest form of fasting that we have in the Bible. Moses fasted 40 days twice. Jesus fasted 40 days before beginning His public ministry.

We shall never take lightly prayer and fasting. Mighty forces come against you as soon as you make the commitment to engage them at this level. So sanctify yourself by confessing all your sins, repenting from them and covering you and your family with the blood of Jesus.

Apart from the first three days that will be full fasting, the rest of this is going to be a partial fasting since we will be avoiding only breakfast and lunch. In the evening you will be free to take your dinner. If for medical reasons you have to take a meal during the day, make it a light meal such as vegetables or fruits not heavy food.

You don’t need to stop what your normal daily activities during these 32 days. You can still go to your work, take care of your business and so on. One needs to stop normal life activities only if he or she is doing a complete fasting when you don’t eat anything at all. But since our fasting is partial we will have the strength necessary to go about our daily activities. However, if anyone wants to make this a full fasting, he is free to do so without imposing upon others.

Since we are going to be continuing to do our normal daily activities, I will encourage you to divide your prayer times in several blocks:

  • Morning: take about 15 to 30 minutes to pray
  • Noon or midday: take another 15 to 30 minutes in prayer
  • Evening before dinner: take another 15 to 30 minutes in prayer (some people can do this prayer with other members of their family, as an evening prayer meeting)
  • Night before going to bed: take 15 to 30 minutes in prayer

Things to do during your prayer times:

  • Begin by a time in praise and worship if possible with some inspired songs
  • Then few moments to confess any sins that the Holy Spirit bring into your memory and make the decision to abandon them. If you need to forgive someone do it. It is very important that you deal with the problem of sins in your life before moving to the request part of your prayer time
  • Pray for the requests of the day in the prayer book as the Holy Spirit lead you.
  • Thank God for the prayer time, sing may be a song of victory before return to your activities

The main guide for this 40 days is the prayer book that each one should get a copy. For practical reason the manual will come in 4 volumes, each one covering 10 days of prayer. There is a page for each day that include:

  • the theme of the day
  • a biblical text to read
  • a meditation on the biblical text (most of them written by Rev Alex and other AKIM leaders around the world)
  • a memory verse
  • prayer points: a list of prayer requests or prayers that each one can pray for or just pray

For church leaders, I will encourage you to engage the whole church in this program. Although each member will be free to lead his own prayer time, the church can have special gathering, may be a weekly prayer meeting on Friday for example. In some places like in villages or even in cities, people could meet in the church everyday evening for praises, preaching and prayer. For churches that have small groups or cell groups such meetings could take place through these small groups in different neighborhoods.

Although the general theme and goal of this season of prayer and fasting is healing, I will encourage the leadership of each church to determine for themselves some specific goals for their local, regional or national churches according to the context and needs around them. They in turn shall encourage their individual members to define specific goals for themselves and their families. This is the only way people will find more motivations to begin and accomplish this moment.

In any case I will encourage our leaders to make sure that the end of the 32 days be a special moment of celebration, either through a night watch prayer meeting or community fellowship meal, or any form that the Holly Spirit will reveal to you.

May the Holy Spirit strengthen each of one of you so that you can persevere till the end during these 32 days. For some it would not be easy but always remember that this is war, this is a battle ground and only those who will persevere till the end will get the fruits and the spiritual benefits.

With sincere love in Christ,

Rev Alex Tah-Makarios

President & Founder

Agape Kingdom International Mission (AKIM)

Cleveland, Ohio (USA)



Unless where the name of the person who wrote the article of the day is specifically mentioned, I have written personally most of the daily entries in the prayer book, so I didn’t judge necessary to mention my name under every entry I wrote.

So I want to thank all those who accepted sacrificially to write one or more daily entries in the manual; and I hope that more will be able to contribute to the next prayer book for the next year season of prayer and fasting.



Day 1 (January 4th): A Day of Worship

Verse of the Day: John 4:23-24

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Meditation of the Day

While praise bring the presence of God among His people, worship bring God’s people into the presence of God. While our praise bring the presence of God from heavenly down to earth, our worship take us up from earth to heaven.

One of the things that God is seeking is worshiper. God is seeking worshipers, those who worship HIM in Spirit and in truth. It is about the location or the amount of noise, but about people sincerely seeking the presence of God, and who are doing it, not in their own strength or ability, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. Only worship inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit, by people who are themselves filled with Holy Spirit can please God the Father and take us into His very presence in the heavenly places, far above all authorities, power and dominion. This is the kind of worship that God is longing for, and these are the type of worshipers that God is seeking. Can He find them in our churches and during our holy gathering?

As we begin this month of prayer and fasting, let’s all come together with the same heart and mindset of Holy Ghost inspired worship, seeking early to enter into His very presence to contemplate His pure beauty and His eternal glory as He shine through the face of Jesus the Lamb of God and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Prayer Points

  1. Father we think you for the grace for sinners like us to come into your holy presence
  2. We are not worthy to come close to your holy throne; yet you declare that through the blood of your son Jesus you have granted us the access to your throne of grace
  3. We thank you for the sacrificial death of Christ and his shed blood that have opened to us the access to the Throne Room of the Universe
  4. Father we know that you are seeking worshipers who can worship you in Spirit and truth. Please make us these type of worshipers through the power of your Spirit
  5. Father in the name of Jesus we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, acceptable to you (Romans 12:1-2)
  6. Father sanctify us and remove from our life anything that are not acceptable in your holy presence as you did with Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 6).
  7. Father changes us and transform us into people who eagerly seek after Your presence, people who are not seeking Your blessings but who long after Your very presence, who thirst for God as the psalmist (Psalms)
  8. Father helps us to love You for Who You are not for what you can give to us; delivery us from a spirit of begging so that we can be free to long for you as a fiancée long for her love one
  9. Father rise up a new generation of true worshippers during this month of prayer and fasting in all the churches that are involved in this program. Let’s our worship change. Let’s the Holy Spirit move in a new way among your people, inspiring their worship and taking them up into a new dimension, into your very presence in the Throne Room so that they experience a new vision of your glorious holy presence
  10. Father we worship you for You are God
  11. Father we worship for you are the only true God
  12. Father we worship you because you are the Holy God
  13. Father we worship you because you are El-Shaddai, the Almighty God
  14. Father we worship your for you El-Roi, the Highest God
  15. Father we worship you for you are Yahweh, the Eternal I AM, the self-sufficient, self-existing and all-eternal God
  16. Father thank you for making a worshiper in Spirit and truth, in Jesus name


Day 2 (January 5th): A Day of Repentance

Scripture of the Day: 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Meditation of the Day

  • A Rebellious Nation: Isaiah 1:1-17
  • A Polluted Nation because of their sins that brought curse onto that Nation: 2 Kings 2:20
  • Curses of Disobedience: That brought sickness, curses to a generation (s) and Nation: Deuteronomy 28: 15-68
  • Sins of Idolatry, Lies, Foolishness, Adultery, Dishonesty and Unfaithfulness for the nation of Israel, Jerusalem: Jeremiah 5: 1-end, Jeremiah 32:32, Jeremiah 11:10, Isaiah 3:1-end and 2 Kings 17:22-23

Confessions: Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.

 Isaiah 1:18

Come now, let us settle the matter, “says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be as wool

Isaiah 1: 18 “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.”

Prayer Points:

  1. Lord, we bow before you in submission, asking for mercy over all the sins committed by us and others that affects our nations, we repent of all and plead for mercy
  2. We stand on the gap as a church to ask for forgiveness and mercy as we confess all those sins
  3. O Lord, look down from heaven and have mercy on our nation
  4. O Lord, heal our land, finances, marriages, economics crises & governments
  5. O lord cleanse every pollution caused by our sins with the Blood of Jesus
  6. We need your hand of protection, restoration, peace and unity in our nation
  7. Let every door opened to demonic attacks be close by the blood of Jesus
  8. We command every demon, agent of darkness release over our nation be bound and theirs be destroyed, in Jesus name.
  9. We break all their holds on our nation, in Jesus name
  10. We open our hearts to receive your fire, cleansing and restoration, in Jesus name



Day 3 (January 6th): Prayer that Change a Person Destiny

Scripture of the Day: 1 Chronicles 4:10

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.”

Meditation of the Day

The essence of prayer:

  • Communication or talking with God
  • Making our need and petition known unto God
  • Calling upon the Lord for help and deliverance

What prayer can do for you?

Prayer change you

Before prayer changes your circumstances it has to change you first.

  • From sceptic to optimistic
  • From unbeliever to believer
  • From doubter to faithful
  • From fearful to courageous
  • From sinner to saint
  • From weakness to might
  • From poverty to wealth
  • From sickness to healthy
  • From illness to healing
  • From defeat to victory
  • From cursed to blessedness

Prayer change your life-circumstances and situation

There are things that are not the will of God that you will never accept if you are a person of prayer

  • You don’t have to remain poor because you were born in a poor family
  • You don’t have to remain bounded or enslaved because you were born that way
  • You don’t have to remain illiterate because your parents were without education
  • You don’t have to remain miserable because someone curse you or your parents along the way
  • You don’t have to remain sick because people or doctors say that you don’t have good health or because of some medical diagnostics
  • You don’t have to become a drug addicted because this is the way people in this country want to define African-American
  • You don’t have to go to jail because the majority of African American male are in jail
  • You don’t have to let anything or anyone define you nor determine your destiny.

Jabez couldn’t allow his mother words to bind him forever because he knew His God. He knew no matter what people say about you, even your own parents, God can change things into your life. Prayer and especially prayer by faith is based on our knowledge of Who God Is and What God Can Do. People who do not know God that way are fearful, don’t really pray or pray while lacking faith. But the Bible says that the people who know their God will do exploit (Daniel 11:32).

Through Prayer of Faith you can change your life circumstances and enter into your divine destiny

Effective prayer is based on our strong belief that nothing is impossible to God

Why should you let the words of other people define your life and limit the quality of your life?

Who can curse someone that God has already bless (see the story of Balak, Balaam and Israel in Numbers 23:8)

In Christ Jesus any curse that is pronounced against you will turn into a blessing for you. For Jesus by dying on the Cross became a curse so that your curses become blessings in Him (Galatians 3:13-14).

Through prayer of faith in a God to whom nothing is impossible, you can refuse social limitations imposed to you by your family and your society. Through prayer of faith you can raise up above human limitations and operate in the realm of the spiritual, invisible and supernatural.

Throughout my personal life I have seen all obstacles, oppositions and negative circumstances as challenges to face and overcome. I have never let any circumstances or negative attitudes to crush me but to be crushed and overcome by me, in the name of Jesus and with the power of the Holy Spirit. If you knew where I have come from you should never imagine who I have become today and what I am doing today. And this is not the end of the story. I am expecting to become a better and improve version of what I am now. In fact I consider my present situation which is not so bad as a small setback, from which God is going to raise me up for a higher ground. I don’t settle for less, I keep moving believing and praying God to move me to where He has destiny me to be. And it is all by His grace!

So what are you going to do?

You can decide to remain bound, limited and miserable the rest of your life

Sit there and let your circumstances crush you

Let’s other people negative words define who you are

Accept the curses of others ruin your life

Accept the opinion of others limit your life’s potential

Let Satan and his demons steal your blessings and live a miserable life

Let witches and sorcerers keep you bound and blinded

Let sickness and illness cripple you and impended your existence

Let poverty and lack be your lot in this life

Let addictions determine who you are

Or you are going to stand up by faith

And call upon the name of the Lord and be saved from all your miseries

Ask Him to Bless You

  • By enlarging your territory
  • By His hands being with you
  • By keeping you from all evil
  • By removing all griefs (or sufferings or sorrows) from your life

Knowing that God is going to granted that request by faith

Remember prayer is about Asking to God (Matthew 7:7-8)

For you don’t have because you don’t ask

  • Ask and you shall receive
  • Seek and you will find what you have been looking for
  • Knock and the door shall be open to you


  • Everyone who ask shall receive
  • And who seek will find
  • And to him who knocks it shall be opened

Prayer Points

  1. Father thank you for the privilege of prayer
  2. Father thank you because of the power of prayer, I cannot be bound by any human or demonic confessions over my life, in the name of JESUS
  3. Father thank you because you and you alone have the last word upon my life and destiny, in the name of JESUS
  4. In the mighty name of JESUS, I refuse and reject any negative human confession over my life
  5. In the mighty name of JESUS, I refuse and reject any satanic and demonic confessions over my life
  6. In the mighty name of JESUS, I refuse and undo any human curse curses over my life
  7. In the mighty name of JESUS, I refuse and undo any witchcraft power over my life
  8. In the mighty name of JESUS, I confess and proclaim that I am blessed with all blessings, both in heaven and on earth
  9. In the mighty name of JESUS, I confess that I am healed from any diseases
  10. In the mighty name of JESUS, I confess that I am free from any curses and negative confessions that have been made over my life
  11. In the mighty name of JESUS, I confess that I have a successful life
  12. In the mighty name of JESUS, I confess that I recuperate anything that have been stolen from me, both in the visible and invisible world
  13. In the name of Jesus, I recuperate my divine destiny from the hands of any demonic and witchcraft powers
  14. I confess that I am bless, in the name of JESUS
  15. I confess that I am heal, in the name of JESUS
  16. I confess that I am healthy, in the name of JESUS
  17. I confess that I am successful, in the name of JESUS
  18. I confess that I am victorious, in the name of JESUS
  19. I confess that I am filled, anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, in the name of JESUS
  20. I confess that I am an effective, faithful and powerful prayer warrior, in the name of JESUS
  21. I confess that I have been delivered and set free from all yoke and strongholds, in the name of JESUS
  22. I confess that all my needs have been provided and taking care, in the name of JESUS
  23. I confess that I am prosperous in all areas of my life as prosper my soul, in the name of JESUS
  24. I confess that I am not poor and begging but rich, wealthy, generous and giver, in the name of JESUS


Day 4 (January 7th): Become a Prayer Warrior or Agent of Divine Healing

Scripture of the Day: Ezekiel 22:30

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”

Meditation of the Day

There are three kind of people God is seeking: true worshiper (John 4:23-24), those who are their heart totally devoted to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9), and intercessor (Ezekiel 22:30). Today we are going to focus on that third type of person that God is seeking, namely intercessor. In Ezekiel 22:30 God says that he is seeking a person that will stand on the breach so that He will not destroy His people because of their sins. Unfortunately and sadly He said He couldn’t find anyone, at that time. But can He find one in our present generation? Can He find you and me, ready to repair the wall and stand in the gap between Him and His people, so that He doesn’t have to bring judgement against them?

Today the need for spiritual intercessors is so crucial; people who can sacrifice themselves to prayer and fasting for God’s people, the church and the world, like Daniel, Nehemiah, Esdras and Esther. Their role is to bring God’s people and their needs before the very presence of God. These are watchmen and watchwomen who are on the alert, seeking God’s face, listening to His voice, watching for any move from the enemy to alert God’s people so that they can ready for battle. For this reason we can consider them as prophetic intercessors, who are the ear and mouthpiece of God in this generation. They are to be able to listen, hear and blow the trumpet to wake up God’s people from their deadly and deep sleep.

Intercessors are also like the high priests in the Old Testament who carry on their breastplate the names of the 12 tribes of Israel when they go before the Lord to keep their memory before the LORD so that the mercy and grace of God and His blessings be upon them (Exodus 28:12). For this reason we consider them as priestly or sacerdotal intercessors. In fact this is a ministry that any child of God has been destined to accomplish according to 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:6, for He has made us “royal priests” for God. We are all called and have been qualified by the Lord Jesus to serve as intercessory priests on behalf on this corrupted, decaying, and dying world. We are the new generations of priests for our God for our fellow men, our country, our community, our city and our family.

Although prayer is the most powerful weapon and the most important privilege that God has given to His children and His people, it remain the most neglected aspect of the Christian life for two main reasons. First because of its very spiritual nature it is remain a challenge to us because of weakness of the human flesh (see Matthew 26). Second because Satan knowing the deadly effects of prayer in his kingdom of darkness and its beneficial impacts in people life, he will do anything he can to prevent God’s children and God’s people from praying. That is why you can see so much laziness in your personal life and in the life of others around you. Although people know the benefit and power of prayer they actually take time to pray.

What God is seeking today are not people who know everything about prayer, or people who can talk, preach and teach about prayer, but people who take real time to pray; people who are praying and fasting for their personal life, for their family, for their church, for their community, for their city and for their nation. People who are in the class of intercessors like Moses, Anna, Samuel, Daniel, Nehemiah, Esdras and Esther. These are the prayer warriors who can change the destiny of families, cities and nations, even the destiny of the whole world. These the kingdom warriors who are recognized in the heavenly places and feared in hell by all satanic and demonic hosts. People who have dedicated their life to prayer and fasting, people who will stop to pray for a soul till he got saved; people who will stop praying for their family till they got saved; people who will stop praying for their church till revival broke in; people who will stop against demonic strongholds till they come down; people who will not stop to pray for the deliverance of those who bound until their yokes have been destroyed; people who will pray for the healing of a sick till he is completely healed; people who will pray for their neighborhood till social transformation take place; people who will keep praying till their country turn around and away from the path of self-destruction. People who are mighty before God, demon and people. People of war like David, even like the mighty men of David.

This is the new generation of prayer warriors that the Holy Spirit is raising up today in the church; these the kingdom warriors that the Agape Kingdom International is trying to raise up today in all churches, cities and nations. A new generation of mighty prayer warriors, watchmen and watchwomen who are standing constantly on the Wall of Zion, watch every move of the enemy, ready to blow the trumpet to wake up God’s people who are most the time in deep and deadly sleep so that they can be ready for battle. A new generation prophetic intercessors, standing in the gap between God and His people, and who are the ears and mouthpiece of the LORD to hear from the Lord and bring His word of comfort and warning to His people. These the sacerdotal intercessor of this generation who bring before God the needs of God’s people and those of the world so that they can receive mercy and forgiveness for sins, deliverance from their ills, hurts and bondage, and salvation for their souls.

Prayer Points

  1. Father we thank you for the privilege of prayer
  2. Father we thank you for the power of prayer
  3. Father thank you for the incredible power of prayer in the heavenly places
  4. Father thank you for the power you have given us through prayer to bind and loose things both on earth and in heaven
  5. Father thank you for the devastating power of prayer against hell and in the satanic, demonic realms, and over all the kingdom of darkness
  6. Father thank you for the wonderful and beneficial power of prayer in our personal life, our family, church, city and nation
  7. Father help your people to become effective and consistent in their prayer life
  8. Father deliver your children and your people from the spirit of laziness that is preventing from praying in a consistent and regular way
  9. Father make me a prayer warrior, in the name of JESUS
  10. Father, purify and cleanse me with the Blood of Jesus, so that I can remain an effective prayer warrior, in the name of JESUS
  11. Father, sanctify me with Your word, so that I can remain an holy vessel for your glory in the name of JESUS
  12. Father fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be a powerful prayer warrior in the name of JESUS
  13. Father raise among us prayer warriors
  14. Father, raise up prayer warriors in my family, in the name of Jesus
  15. Father, raise up prayer warriors, in my church, in the name of Jesus
  16. Father, raise up prayer warriors in my community in the name of JESUS
  17. Father, raise up prayer warriors in my city, in the name of JESUS
  18. Father, raise up prayer warriors in my country in the name of JESUS
  19. Father, raise up mighty faithful prayer in this generation, in the name of JESUS
  20. Father, raise among us giant patriarchal prayer warriors like Abraham, in the name of JESUS
  21. Father, raise among us overcoming prayer warriors like Jacob, in the name of JESUS
  22. Father raise among mighty national prayer warriors like Moses, in the name of JESUS
  23. Father, raise among us humble yet powerful prayer warriors like Anna
  24. Father, raise among us tireless prayer warriors like Samuel, in the name of JESUS
  25. Father, raise among us praising prayer warriors like David, Asaph and the sons of Korea, in Jesus name
  26. Father, raise among prophetic prayer warriors like Isaiah, in the name of Jesus
  27. Father, raise among us fearless and courageous prayer warriors like Daniel, Jesus Name
  28. Father raise among us persistent prayer warriors like Nehemiah, in Jesus Name
  29. Father, raise among us faithful prayer warriors like Ezra, in the name of JESUS
  30. Father, raise among us royal courageous prayer warriors like Esther, in the name of JESUS
  31. Father, raise up among us sacerdotal prayer warriors who follow the example of our Lord Jesus, in His holy Name we pray
  32. Father raise among us apostolic prayer warriors like Peter and Paul, in the Name of JESUS

Day 5 (January 8th): Becoming Kingdom Warriors Commanders: Mighty Leading Intercessors who change the destiny of nations

Scripture of Day: Isaiah 62:6-7

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”

Meditation of the Day

What God is seeking today are not people who know everything about prayer, or people who can talk, preach and teach about prayer, but people who take real time to pray; people who are praying and fasting for their personal life, for their family, for their church, for their community, for their city and for their nation. People who are in the class of intercessors like Moses, Anna, Samuel, Daniel, Nehemiah, Esdras and Esther. These are the prayer warriors who can change the destiny of families, cities and nations, even the destiny of the whole world. These the kingdom warriors who are recognized in the heavenly places and feared in hell by all satanic and demonic hosts. People who have dedicated their life to prayer and fasting, people who will stop to pray for a soul till he got saved; people who will stop praying for their family till they got saved; people who will stop praying for their church till revival broke in; people who will stop against demonic strongholds till they come down; people who will not stop to pray for the deliverance of those who bound until their yokes have been destroyed; people who will pray for the healing of a sick till he is completely healed; people who will pray for their neighborhood till social transformation take place; people who will keep praying till their country turn around and away from the path of self-destruction. People who are mighty before God, demon and people. People of war like David, even like the mighty men of David.

This is the new generation of prayer warriors that the Holy Spirit is raising up today in the church; these the kingdom warriors that the Agape Kingdom International is trying to raise up today in all churches, cities and nations. A new generation of mighty prayer warriors, watchmen and watchwomen who are standing constantly on the Wall of Zion, watch every move of the enemy, ready to blow the trumpet to wake up God’s people who are most the time in deep and deadly sleep so that they can be ready for battle. A new generation prophetic intercessors, standing in the gap between God and His people, and who are the ears and mouthpiece of the LORD to hear from the Lord and bring His word of comfort and warning to His people. These the sacerdotal intercessor of this generation who bring before God the needs of God’s people and those of the world so that they can receive mercy and forgiveness for sins, deliverance from their ills, hurts and bondage, and salvation for their souls.

Finally the ministry of intercession elevate us to a very unique position that we could never imagine. This is an elevation not among men, but with the Holy Trinity himself. For when we devote ourselves to become an intercessor we allow God to include us among the race of divine intercessors at the example of our Lord JESUS himself who is the ultimate supreme divine intercessor, who the Bible says, He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, in Heaven, interceding for us (Romans 8:34). In the same way, as intercessors, God put us also in the company of the Holy Spirit, the divine intercessor, who according to the Bible is interceding through us through prayer that no human language can express, spiritual groaning that only the Father can receive and understand (Romans 8:26-27). Oh what unique privilege we have to be part of such divine company as we interceding through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, covered by the Holy Blood of JESUS, far above any dominion, powers and authorities in the heavenly places! My dear friends that is where the calling and exercise of the ministry of intercession will take you. This is the new dimension it will elevate you. This is the divine class it will include you in. Praise the Lord!!! 

Prayer Points

  1. Father, thank you for the rare privilege to stand on the walls of Zion, as faithful watchmen and watchwomen, to see and control all the moves of t the enemy, watch over your people and, blow the trumpet to warn and wake your people so that they can be ready for battle, in the name of JESUS
  2. Father, thank you for the rare privilege to be sacerdotal prayer warriors invested with the mission to bear your people and bring them before you in your holy presence with all their needs so that they can receive mercy and deliverance in the mighty name of JESUS
  3. Father, thank you for the rare privilege you have given us to be prophetic kingdom warriors, invested with the ability to hear from you, and communicate to your people the direction, encouragement and warning they need in order to remain alive and ready to follow you, in the name of JESUS
  4. Father, thank you for the rare privilege of being apostolic kingdom warriors invested with the mission to open doors and take over the control for our Lord Jesus, of people, families, churches, communities, cities and nations to bring them under His sovereignty, in the mighty name of JESUS
  5. Father, thank you for the rare privilege to be royal kingdom warriors invested with the authority to destroy, dismantle and dismay any demonic strongholds, yoke and powers, and set people, families, churches, communities, cities, and countries free, in the mighty name of JESUS
  6. Father, thank you for moving us up in the class of those mighty and giant prayer warriors who can impact and transform the destiny of individuals, families, churches, communities, cities and nations, in the mighty of our Lord Jesus Christ
  7. Father thank you for the exceptional privilege to be elevated in the unique race of divine intercessors alongside our Beloved Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST () and your Precious HOLY SPIRIT (), in the Name of JESUS
  8. Father, as we come together to pray and fast this month, please, hear pour prayer and save, restore, heal and revive our families, communities, cities, and nations, in the name of JESUS
  9. Father, let miracle take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  10. Father, let miracles of healing take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  11. Father let miracles of reconciliation take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  12. Father, let miracles of transformation take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  13. Father, let miracle of breakthrough take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  14. Father, let miracles of deliverance take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  15. Father, let miraculous revival broke in the mighty name of JESUS
  16. Father, let miraculous wealth be brought in the mighty name of JESUS
  17. Father, let miraculous growth take place in the mighty name of JESUS
  18. Father, let the gates of heaven be open and Your blessings be pour upon us in the mighty name of JESUS



Day 6 (January 9th): YAHWEH Our Divine Healer

Scripture of the Day: Exodus 15:26

“ … For I am the LORD who heal you”

Meditation of the Day

In Exodus Yahweh declares that I am the LORD who heals you. Can someone believes that Yahweh is the God who can still heal us today? Has His power to heal diminished since that time when He made that declaration to His people while they were traveling in the desert of Sinai? Can He still take care of all our needs today as He did for them in those days? Is God still in the business of healing His people, protecting them from all diseases and keeping them healthy? Or do we consider these are old fairy tells good for another age but not believable in an age of scientific knowledge and technological progress?

I do believe that Yahweh the God of Israel and the Father of Lord Jesus is still healing people today. I have seen it, have experienced and still preaching that God is still in the business of healing His people; all those who come to Him by faith and confess the name of His Son Jesus.

Believing in the power of God to heal doesn’t mean that we are going to prevent people to go see doctors if they get sick. But rather it means that we believe that at the end God is the ultimate, unique and supreme divine Healer. Physicians and doctors can provide care through various means such as diagnostic, tests, operations, and medications, but they cannot heal you. If they were able to heal anyone at all, they would not have to die themselves when they get sick, or the powerful and rich of this world would not have to die. Unfortunately they all die because they don’t have the power to heal. At the end only God who has the ultimate of life and death can heal those who in His grace He decide to prolong their life in this short and shaky human mortal existence.

The problem we have today is the sad situation where people who affirm to be children of God when they get sick run only to doctors to get healing from human hands but forget about their God who have promise that He is their healer. Like King Asa about whom Bible make that unfortunate observation “In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the LORD, but only from the physicians.” Of course he died from that disease since those physicians couldn’t heal him. It is only that you cannot go to human doctors but while going to them remember that you still have a God who is your divine doctor and who has affirmed that He is the One who heals you, even today.

Another proof that doctors cannot heal you is the fact that, in spite of all progress of modern medicine, we are still face with so many incurable diseases such as cancers, diabetes, heart diseases and so on. Such incurable diseases still lead so many of our love ones to terminal sickness with no hope of ever recovering. One of the sad department of medicine today is hospice where all who have terminal diseases are taken so that medical technician can prepare them for their final days till their death. Such helpless and hopeless situations is rebuttal reminder to all of us that medicine is not all-powerful and has no power to heal anyone. But in Jesus Christ there is hope for those in the hospice room with terminal diseases, for with God no diseases or sickness cannot be consider as incurable. For where doctors have failed to heal you God can still you. He has done it so many time; and He still doing today.

Few month ago, Jimmy Carter, a former US President shocked the whole world when he announced that he has a brain cancer. But he did it not in panic but peacefully as if he didn’t know that this was sick with one of these incurable diseases that are killing so many people even in advanced countries like the USA. But what the media didn’t emphasized in their reports was the fact that President Carter is a true believer and a faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. And this fact make a lot of difference. And you know what happened? Just few weeks about the same Jimmy Carter to his Sunday school class, a class he has been teaching for more than 30 years, that he has been healed completely from the brain cancer. As I write to you this today, medicine has confirmed that President Carter is totally free from that brain cancer. Praise the LORD, God has done it again. His miraculous power has healed one of His faithful children and servants. What He has done for Jimmy Carter He can do the same for you. He can heal you from you incurable diseases, He can deliver you from your terminal sickness; He can deliver you from death. And He can do it even when doctors say that there is no hope for you, that they cannot help you anymore. You can recover from that hospice room. You don’t have to die if you can believe in the almighty name of Jesus; for Yahweh your God is the LORD who heal you.’ He is all-powerful and no disease is too hard or impossible for Him to heal. In fact, just recently in my own house and in my own church we have witnessed the power of God to heal completely from cancer, a person to whom doctors didn’t give more than three years to live, and who is today free from all cancer and brain tumors. Yes Jesus is still the same yesterday, today and forever, performing unbelievable miracles of healings! Hallelujah!!!

Prayer Points

  1. Father we thank you that you are our divine healer, for you declare you are the LORD who heals us, in the name of JESUS
  2. Father, we thank you for Your unlimited power to heal, in the name of JESUS
  3. Father, we thank you for miraculous healing power, in the name of JESUS
  4. Father, we thank you that your power to heal didn’t stop with the biblical time; that You are still in the business of healing people today, in the name of JESUS
  5. Father we thank you for all doctors and who you are using today to provide care to people, in the name of JESUS
  6. Yet father we recognize the limit of modern medicine and what doctors can do for us; that is why we are still counting on you today to heal us, in the name of JESUS
  7. Father, deliver us from the spirit of Asaph, who in his rebellion refuse to seek You for healing but instead preferred only to go after human doctors, forgetting You, the divine doctor and healer, in the name of JESUS
  8. Father, we think you for no diseases or illness is too hard to heal, for nothing is impossible to you, in the name of JESUS
  9. Father, we pray that you raise faith in the heart of your people who are sick today so that they believe in your power to heal them so that they can receive full healing form all their sufferings and sorrows, in the name of JESUS
  10. Father we pray for all those who are sick among us that you will visit them, touch them and heal them, in the name of JESUS
  11. Father we pray for among us who are faced with incurable diseases, Father show your power and heal them, in the name of JESUS
  12. Father we pray for all those among to whom the doctors have declared that there is no hope for healing for them and have been put on the agenda of death, Father heal them through your almighty power, in the name of JESUS
  13. Father we pray for our love ones and our brethren who in the hospice, waiting for their death, Father show your invincible power and heal them, in the name of JESUS
  14. Covered with the Blood of Jesus, we revoke and any satanic, and witchcraft sentence of death against us and against our love ones, in the name of JESUS
  15. Covered by the Blood of Jesus, we destroy the power of diseases, illness and death, in the name of JESUS
  16. Endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit, we confess that we have received the power to lay hands upon the sick to heal them, in the name of JESUS
  17. Father, we thank you for the gift and power to heal that you have given to your people to heal any diseases and illness, in the name of JESUS



Day 7 (January 10th): JESUS Our Redemptive Healer “Healing Under His Wings”

By Sis. Merci Aremu Ademi, AKIM International Prayer Coordinator, from Calgary, Canada         

Scripture of the Day: Isaiah 53:5

“For He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.”


To defeat Infirmity

You may lack the knowledge that the great salvation you received in Christ brought with it healing in His wings. This means that God included Hid divine healing in His package of salvation for mankind.

Scripture: Malachi 4:2

“But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”

Jesus is still in the business of healing the SICK. He isn’t here to heal but He uses Christians as long as you’re a born again child of God.

The power to heal is flowing in your hands.

The Bible says we will lay hands on the sick and they’ll recover (Mark 16:18).

Scripture Isaiah 53.5

He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was laid upon HIM; and with His stripes we are healed. Jesus bore our infirmities on the cross so we can have divine health and healing. This means He has paid the price for whatever disease or sickness is troubling you.

Scriptures 3 John 1:2 and Matt 15:26 and Our Lord’s prayer…Give us this day our daily bread. It isn’t only food but healing too.

Scriptures: Matthew 8:17b and Isaiah 53:4, Ps 107:20

These prayer points are designed to prophesy healing into your situation. They will cause you to have that which is yours by right healing and divine health.


Malachi 4:2: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”

Make these confessions out loud:

Let praise and glory be unto the God and the Father who has blessed us with all physical and spiritual blessings in the heavenly realm through Christ Jesus.

Confession brings about possession, now I receive the healing promises of God in me and I ask my Father in heaven to command them to begin to be operational in my spirit, soul and body.

I am a member of the body of Chris. Jesus Christ is the word of God sent into the world to heal me. I confess my faith in God, the Father of Jesus. I confess my faith in the word of God. The word of God is my healing capsule and as I take it now it will minister destruction to any inherited infirmity, sickness or disease in my body. It’ll minister health to my body and glory and honor to God, my healer.

It’s written that I shall serve the Lord my God, and He shall bless my food and water; He’ll take sickness away from my midst. Let the scripture come true in my life right now.

It’s written, the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou will make all his bed in his sickness. He keeps all his bones: not one of them is broken. I swallow these promises of God in Faith.

Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. There shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. The Lord has forgiven me all my iniquities; He has healed all my diseases. He has redeemed my life from destruction; He has crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies. He has satisfied my moth with good thing so much so that my youth is renewed as the eagles’s I ask these scriptures to renew my body right now and I receive it in faith.

The Lord uphold all that fall, and raised up all these that be bowed down. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises them that are bowed down: the Lord loves the righteous. He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds. Let the Spirit of God in these scriptures quicken my spirit, soul and body.

It’s written my son, attend to my words; incline thine ears unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart: - For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. For by me thy days shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased. A sound heart is the life of the flesh: But envy the rottenness of the bones. Pleasant words are as a honey-comb, sweet to the soul & health to the bones. Jeremiah also said, “Your words were found by me and I did eat them & they are the joy & the rejoicing of my soul. “I eat all the healing capsules in the above scriptures of God and they shall bring healing and refreshing to my flesh and bones.

He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases strength. For I will restore health unto thee and I’ll heal thee of thy wounds, said the Lord.

Behold I’ll bring it health & cure, and I’ll cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. For I’ll cleanse their blood which I haven’t cleansed: for the Lord dwell in Zion. I am a child of promise and I stand on the covenant promise of God for me. I receive every benefit of divine health made to me through these words of God.

It’s written that Jesus Himself took away all my infirmities and bore all my sicknesses on the cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ bore all my griefs and has taken away all my sorrows. He has stricken, afflicted and wounded so that I might be saved. He was bruised for my iniquities and the chastisement of my peace was upon Him and by His stripes I am healed.

The Bible says, when I see this my heart shall rejoice, and my bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of the Lord shall be known towards me and His indignation toward my enemies.

Through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, the devil, who had the power of death, sickness and diseases, was destroyed. Therefore, because Jesus Christ has redeemed me from this curse and has come to give me abundant life, you demons of infirmities and sickness you have no more dominion over my body. I have confessed my sins which I committed against my Maker: and as it’s written, “He’s faithful and just to forgive me all my transgressions. He said He will be merciful and gracious towards my sins and will remember my deeds of unrighteousness no more.” Therefore, let everything the accuser is holding against me in order to keep afflicting me, be removed by the Blood of Jesus.

With faith in my heart and with all my strength I cry out to you, the Balm of Gilead, my healer: heal me O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for thou hath my praise. Let your thoughts that aren’t of evil towards me begin to prosper in my life. You wish me above all things that I may prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers. I receive this prosperity. God hasn’t given me the spirit of fear; rather He has given me the spirit of power, the spirit of love, and of a sound mind. I stand against the devil with the Blood of Jesus and I bind any further attacks and afflictions in Jesus name Amen!

Prayer Points

  1. Praise God for His mighty power that’s able to heal all sicknesses.
  2. Ask God for forgiveness of your sinful acts of all kinds
  3. Choose to forgive and release every resentments, hurts, wounds, emotional trauma from broken relationship, abuses, incest, domestic abuse, rejection and hate
  4. Thank God for He’s the Lord God that heals you
  5. Let Your healing hand be stretched out upon my life now, in Jesus name.
  6. Let Your miracle hand be stretched out upon my life now, in Jesus name.
  7. Let Your deliverance hand be stretched out upon my life now, in Jesus name.
  8. I annual every engagement with the spirit of death, in Jesus name.
  9. I rebuke every refuge of sickness, in Jesus name
  10. I destroy the grip and operation of sickness upon my life, in Jesus name
  11. Let the whirlwind scatter every vessel of infirmity fashioned against my life, in Jesus name
  12. Let every germ of infirmity in my body die, in Jesus name
  13. Let every agent of sickness working against my health be bound and cast out into the deep, in Jesus name
  14. Every dead organ in my body, receive life now, in Jesus name
  15. Every internal disorder, receive order, in Jesus name
  16. Every infirmity, come out with all your roots, in Jesus name
  17. I release my body from every curse of infirmity, in Jesus name
  18. Let my blood be transfused with the Blood of Jesus to affect my perfect health, in Jesus name
  19. Let the Blood of Jesus flush every evil deposit out from my blood, in Jesus name
  20. I recover every organ of my body from every evil altar, in Jesus name.
  21. O Lord heal and restore my relationship, finances and heal my heart from every wound, hurt, trauma, abuse and rejection in Jesus name.
  22. O Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers.



Day 16 (January 20th): Overcoming Addictions/Bondages or Demonic Strongholds


Scripture of the Day (Isaiah 10:27)

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”

Meditation of the Day

Bondages are spiritual strongholds that force themselves in our lives as a result of some doors that we have been opened ourselves through willful sins of disobedience or a practice of sinful lifestyle. Some of these doors are not the result of our own sinful lifestyle but the result of generational sins or sins of our fathers. But no matter their sources bondages are powerful realities that either take away our freedom, or at least limited our freedom of believing and acting as human beings or as redeem people of God who have been set free in Christ Jesus. Among spiritual strongholds that a child of God can face these are the most common: demonic oppressions, addictions (sexual, food, alcoholism, drug, and smoking), fear, unbelief, doubts, ignorance, superstition, unhealthy guilt, un-forgiveness, uncontrollable anger, incurable timidity, spiritual blindness, etc.

Because of the severity and powers of strongholds only the anointing of the Holy Spirit can break them and remove their effects from our live. That can be done through prayer and fasting, the invocation of the Name and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, usually done by anointed servant of God. Since those who under strongholds are like in captivity and under the control of something they cannot control themselves the intervention of someone else, namely a minister of the God to exercise the deliverance is most of the time crucial to set the captive free. It is like when Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead; although he came back to life, Lazarus was yet completely free since he couldn’t move by himself and Jesus had to command his disciples to remove the bandages or clothes of death that were still around him so that he could go free (John 11:44). Yes praise the Lord, the Son of God has come to set the captive free (Luke 4:19), and if the Son set you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36). Remember that your deliverance come from God Himself who promise to remove the yoke of the enemies over your neck and over your shoulders as we have seen in Isaiah 10:27.

So today, let us stand together in the Spirit and by faith and come against all the forces of bondages, no matter what they might be: demonic, sin, emotional or mental strongholds. Let us bind them in the Name of Jesus and destroy them by the power of the Spirit of the living God as we are covered with the Holy of the Blood of the Lamb.

Prayer Points

  1. Father in the Name of Jesus, we thank you because you are the God of redemption who paid the price of our freedom in Jesus Christ your Son. Since the price had been paid in full, nothing or no one should never rule over us. Praise the Lord!
  2. Father we ask to forgive us for the wilful sin that we have committed that have open unlawful doors in our lives to allow strongholds to take roots in our lives. Today we confess those acts of disobedience and we repent from them, in the Name of Jesus!
  3. Father we ask you to forgive the sins of our fathers who had also sinned against you, opening doors that we are suffering the consequences today. We confess and repent from all these generational sins and plead by the Blood of Jesus and His holy name (Daniel 9:4-19; Nehemiah 1:4-11; Esdras 9:3-15)
  4. Father in the mighty name of Jesus, we refuse all strongholds whether they be demonic oppression, sinful lifestyles, mental bondages or emotional captivities. We reject them and refuse to let them take away our freedom in Christ and to limit our actions as redeemed sons and daughters of the Living God. We denounce them, we expose them and renounced them in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Messiah.
  5. Demonic oppressions I bind and cast you out of my life in the Name of Jesus!
  6. You strongholds of sins I rebuke you and all the demonic forces that are behind you, in the Name of Jesus! You cannot anymore rule over my life, you cannot anymore control my actions and affect my lifestyle. I proclaim that by the Name of Jesus and through the Blood of Jesus I have been set free, and in Him I am free indeed!
  7. You sexual bondage, I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the almighty name of Jesus
  8. You alcoholism I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the almighty name of Jesus
  9. You drug addiction I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the almighty name of Jesus
  10. You spirit of fear I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the almighty name of Jesus [do the same with all types of strongholds in your life, one by one]
  11. Father, we plead with you to close all these doors that have been opened in our lives so that these forces of strongholds will be able to build up again in our lives.
  12. Thank Father for the freedom and victory over all these strongholds, for in all these we are more than overcomers through your Son Jesus Christ and none of these will never be able to separate us from your love that you have manifested for us in Christ Jesus (Romans 8).



Day 17 (January 21st): Faith, the Key to your Healing

Scripture of the Day: Matthew 9:29; Mark 5:34

“It shall be done to you, according to your faith” and “Your faith has healed, my daughter, go in peace”

Meditation of the Day

Faith is the key to all your divine blessings, for you cannot receive anything from God, apart from faith. As the Bible says, “without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6). Jesus has never healed anyone unless that person has manifested his or her faith in Him. Remember that Jesus is not a magician but God who heals only those who can trust Him and believe in Him.

Faith is about trusting and believe in God for the impossible. Faith sees no limit in what God can do, for the one believe that God is real and nothing is impossible to Him; for this reason Jesus declares that nothing is impossible to the one who believe, not because he or she is so strong and powerful in himself, but we trust and believe in almighty God to whom nothing is impossible

There are several ways to express our faith. One way is through prayer in all its forms: requests, petitions, thanksgivings, intercessions, etc. But today I want to introduce you to a new ways to express your faith in the God with unlimited power and unlimited resources. I am talking about prayer of authority: confession, decree and command. These types of prayer are based upon the authority that Jesus has given unto us through His name, His blood and through His Spirit (Mark 15:16, Luke 10). Confession, decree and command move us from pleading to affirmation of faith, declaration by faith, and ordering by faith. It is a complete new and higher level of faith, a new dimension of faith in the realm of the Spirit.

Confession is claiming by faith and proclaiming by your mouth the Word of God, especially the promise of God upon your own life or upon the life of others. By confessing you agree with God about the veracity and the power of His word. For example since God say through His word that the stripes of Christ you have been healed; confessing is about sizing and appropriating this divine healing as a reality into your life by proclaiming publicly that you are making this personal in your life today. Confessing is thus siding with God on the validity of His word today against any odds, rational facts and satanic lies. You agree with God on the truthfulness and power of His word and affirm it publicly before all and against any other views and opinion.

Decree is about moving to royal authority to affirm and impose new spiritual reality upon situations and against any opposition entities, views, circumstances and forces. It is about imposing the truthfulness and power of the Word of God over chaos, adversities and oppositions. Decree is an executive power, a royal mandate and a dominion right that we have received when God give us the right to have dominion over the rest of creation. It is a dominion right that has been restored unto us through the redemptive work of Christ in our behalf, and that we can exercise only as we are covered by the Blood of Jesus and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We see an examples of decree in the ministries of prophets Elijah and Elisha. For example Elijah decreeing that it shall rain for 3 and half years and it happened, and praying again for the rain to come at his also happened so. In 1 Kings 17:1, the Bible says that “Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe[a] in Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.’” This is the man of God, standing in his prophetic authority decreeing what has to take place. But in order to close the mouth of some sceptic in our ability to exercise authority the Bible remind us in James that Elijah was just a man like us when he did this and that we have the same power of authoritative prayer, even today. Look how the Holy Spirit put it, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours (or human being like us), and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth.18 Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit” (James 5:17-18). Hallelujah! This was just a child of God exercising his God-given authoritative faith to decree what has to take place. What is also interesting is that the Holy Spirit through James the apostle is teaching us our authoritative power in prayer for the healing of the sick. As we pray we can exercise our authoritative power through faith to decree that people be healed from their diseases and sickness; we can decree that we are healed through the stripes of Jesus; we can decree that the pain we still feel in our bodies are not to be there and must disappear in the mighty name of Jesus; we can decree that the symptoms are just satanic lies and must go away, in the mighty name of Jesus. We can decree that anything that is contrary to the Word of God in our life or around us must disappear because lacking any biblical legal foundation. We can decree that anything that is opposing any promise of God has to vanish because they don’t make any sense in regard of the Word of God. With Jesus we can curse anything and situation, like an unproductive sterile fig tree to die out and it shall happen according to our words (see Mark 11:12-14, 20-21). Like Jesus, we have the authoritative power to decree by cursing things and situations; we have the decree power to bind and loose things and situation both here on earth and in heaven (Matthew 18:18); we have the decree power to forgive and retain sins in people’s life (John 20:23). Praise the Lord!!!   

Commands are the highest form of authoritative faith. They about giving orders to the enemies to release what he has stolen, to release people he is keeping captives. They are also giving orders to situations to change in our life or in the life of others. It is even about commanding specific cursing to move away from our life and to specific blessings to follow us. Commands are about believers exercising their divine rights as sons and daughters of God, heirs of God and coheirs with Christ. It is about believers acting from their position in Christ in the heavenly places far above any powers, dominions and authorities that might be. This is an authoritative asserting faith that dare to give orders to things and situations to change in your life and around you. As Jesus said to His disciples “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” (Mark 11:23). This is exercising our authority from above over situations here upon earth. We see Jesus Himself exercising this heavenly authority as the Son of Man, especially in healing the sick. For example in healing a paralyze man in Mark 2:10-12, Jesus declare to the Pharisees and teachers of the law who doubting of His authority to forgive, “In order for you to know that the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins on earth, ‘I command you’ He told to the paralyze man, ‘get up, take your mart, and go back to your home.’ As soon as He said so, the paralyze man got up, took his mat and went home.” We can see another example when Jesus the sea and the wind to calm then while He was on the boat with His disciples and tempest moved on the sea of Galilea in Mark 4:39. The Bible says that Jesus “got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.’” A last example I want to give from the ministry of Jesus is that of the resurrection of Lazarus that we can find in the Gospel of John 11:23-24 “When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out!’44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, ‘Take off the grave clothes and let him go.’” Here we see the Lord exercising the fullness of His authoritative power over death by giving order to death to release its prey so that the man could come back to life. Praise the Lord!!! But to close of those who object by saying that was Jesus, but a simple man could not be able to do so, let me give you an example from the ministry of Peter the apostle in Acts 3:4-8. The Bible says that “Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, ‘Look at us!’ So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.  Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’ Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.”

Prayer Points

  1. Father, we thank you for the gift of faith that is the key to ask and obtain anything that is according to Your will
  2. Father we thank you for the faith you have given us, even if it is small like a mustard seed we can still use it to do mighty things for your glory and nothing will be impossible to us (Matthew 17:20)
  3. Father we thank you because, in your grace you have imparted to each one of us a measure of faith that is sufficient for our needs (Romans 12:3).
  4. Thank you LORD for the power of faith because through nothing will be impossible to us, in the name of Jesus
  5. LORD, we thank you for the authority that you have given through faith, for you declare that nothing is impossible to the one who believe
  6. LORD, like the father of demon-possess boy, we ask you to supply for our lack of faith by healing our unbelief, in the name of Jesus (Mark 9:24)
  7. LORD, like your disciple we ask you to increase our faith in you, in the name of Jesus
  8. LORD give us the assertive faith of the Sidonia woman, in the name of Jesus ()
  9. LORD give us the aggressive faith of the woman with loss of blood, in the name of Jesus
  10. LORD give us the unfearful and unashamed faith of Bartimaeus the blind, in the name of Jesus
  11. LORD give us the risk taking faith of Zacchaeus, in the name of Jesus
  12. LORD give us the bold faith of the Roman officer in the name of Jesus
  13. Father we thank you for the authority you have given us through the name of Jesus
  14. Father thank you for the authority to bind and to loose, to cast out demons, to lay hands on people to heal them, and to crush all the power of the evil one, in the name of Jesus
  15. Cover by the Blood of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit we confess all the promises of God and take possession of them in the mighty name of Jesus
  16. Cover by the Blood of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we decree that adverse situations in our life and around us change into our favour in the name of Jesus
  17. We decree that anyone sick around us be healed from their diseases and sickness, in the name of Jesus
  18. We decree that we are healed through the stripes of Jesus
  19. We decree that the pain we still feel in our bodies are not to be there and must disappear in the mighty name of Jesus
  20. We can decree that any symptoms present in our bodies are just satanic lies and must go away, in the name of Jesus
  21. We decree that anything that is contrary to the Word of God in our life or around us must disappear because lacking any biblical legal foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  22. We decree that anything that is opposing any promise of God in our life has to vanish because they don’t make any sense in regard of the Word of God, in the name of Jesus.
  23. With our decree authoritative power, we curse anything unproductive and sterile situation in our life and sentence them to die, in the name of Jesus
  24. Cover by the Blood of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we command the enemies to release what he has stolen from us and from our love ones, in the name of Jesus
  25. We command the enemies to release our blessings they have been wrongly and unjustly holding from us, in the name of Jesus
  26. We command the enemies to release all the people in our life they have been keeping captives and in captivity, in the name of Jesus
  27. We command evil, negative and opposing situations in our life to change in our favour, in the name of Jesus
  28. We command any curse to move away from our life in the name of Jesus
  29. We command any internal enemies of our faith such as fear, unbelief and doubts to disappear from our life, in the name of Jesus
  30. We command any spirit of poverty, sickness and death to flee away from our life, in the name of Jesus
  31. We command any demonic powers sitting on our blessings to move away, in the name of Jesus
  32. We command any promise and blessing that God has given unto us His beloved children, to follow us and overtake, in the mighty name of Jesus
  33. Father, we thank you for the authoritative divine power you have given us to confess, decree and command, in both the visible and visible worlds, both in heaven and on earth, as we are sited in Christ Jesus in the heavenly places, far above any powers, dominions and authorities that might be, in the almighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Messiah.




  1. Father I declare that I am whole and healthy, free from all diseases and sickness in the Name of JESUS your Holy Son
  2. Father I stand by faith and refuse any lies of the enemy who want to me to believe more in the symptoms than into the wonderful promises of healing in your WORD.
  3. Thank you Father for healing me from any diseases and keeping me healthy and whole, in the name of JESUS
  4. Thank you Father for remaining even today my Divine Healer and Physician! For that I give you all the glory, honour and praise, in Jesus name. Amen!





Day 24 (January 29th): Praying for the Healing of the Land or Your Country

By Pastor Paul Babu, AKIM India)

Scripture of the Day: 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 


Meditation of the Day

Now saints, this is astounding. If we have confidence in the word of God and in Him, He guarantees good government in a nation. He guarantees a place where we can live peaceable and quiet lives in all godliness and honesty. It’s simply dependent on what we do. The Hebrew literally says, “My people upon whom My name rests.” If you call yourself a Christian, you are applicable as an ambassador of the Lord to be one who is directly influencing and responsible for healing in your land. Christians pray in the name and authority of Jesus. First we humble ourselves. As I said it’s us not they, that the state of the union is contingent upon. That gives me great confidence, because we are seeing not only in this wonderful body of Christ, this local church, but in churches across this nation, the salty church humbling itself in corporate prayers, seeking the face of God and laying aside every weight and every sin that so easily besets us.

Twenty years ago when the Lord simultaneously visited both Mahesh and myself while we were in completely different regions of the nation, He described a coming visitation to those who would be “humble, holy and hungry.” We need a visitation in this nation. The world is thirsting for revival. In 2 Chronicles 7 He said, “Humble yourself.” Thus, humility is the first step. The danger of religion is pride. Proving the whole world wrong doesn’t make us right. Prepare the way for his healing visitation through the attitude of your heart! 

Secondly, pray. The first assignment of the church when it’s gathered together is for prayer. 

The third thing is, “Seek My face.” It’s interesting that this is different from prayer. He’s indicating, “Don’t just say prayers. Pray until you get the breakthrough. Pray until you are in My face and we are face to face, and I will hear your voice.” 

And then lastly we walk in repentance, turning from our wicked ways. This is essential for the church. The Bible says if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship, harmony with one another, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. And so harmony, right relationship and fellowship the things that make our prayers heard on high -- are also essential for the healing of our land.

Let me encourage you even now as we see the earth and her kingdoms groan as with birth pains, awaiting the revealing of the sons of God. Step afresh with renewed vigor onto the wall of prayer. You are a watchman in these last days with the power to effect the destiny of your nation for the Kingdom.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray today against all demonic powers controlling your nation
  2. Praying against the demonic princes that have been delegated to dominate over your nation, rebuking and binding him in the all mighty name of Jesu
  3. Pray for the spiritual revival & evangelization of your nation,
  4. Pray for the political leaders (executive, legislative, judiciary & administrative),
  5. Pray for peace, reconciliation, national unity & stability of your nation,
  6. Pray for the economy & financial prosperity,
  7. Pray social justice & against income inequality in your nation





By Rev. Yesupanda, AKIM India

Scripture of the Day: 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Meditation of the Day

This verse contains a formula that can be used by God’s people to avert God’s anger and judgment and usher in a time of God’s blessing. This passage of scripture fascinates me as it was not given through a prophet; it was given directly to King Solo in the name of Jesus mon the reigning king of Israel. The first condition God requires of His people is that they humble themselves. There are two ways that a person can be humbled, a person can be humbled by force, that is; a person can be made to submit to the authority or rule of another. The second way that a person can be humbled is to humble one’s self, to voluntarily choose to submit their will or authority to the will or authority of another. On the other hand, Jesus himself humbled himself at his crucifixion (Phil 2:8). Matthew chapter 27 tells us that Jesus made no defense to the questions and accusations made against him by the chief priests. As the son of God, Jesus could have defended himself and proven his innocence, Mathew Chapter 27 goes on to tells us that even Pilate knew that Jesus had done no wrong, so much so that the Bible records Pilate the roman governor of Israel publicly washed his hands of any responsibility from crucifying Jesus. On a personal note, James 4:10 says Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. The Kingdom of God by definition is where ever the rule of God exists, when we humble ourselves before Him and allows Him to work out His will and His plan through our lives; we allow God’s rule and therefore the kingdom of God to rule through us. Nations and people in the nations should be humble and seek God’s presence and God’s reign to receive God’s healing. In present times there is so much religious intolerance both in India and in world at large.

Prayer Points

  1. Let’s pray together that the rule of God will come in this world and that His will ill be done here on earth as it is done in heaven
  2. Let’s pray together for religious tolerance in the world
  3. Let’s pray against the spirit of persecution against Christians that is so prevalent in some countries such as Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Communist countries
  4. We also request you to extend your prayers to various other issues like gender, pollution, poverty in the nations
  5. Let’s also pray for the unity of the church that is the Body of Christ in all the nations for it is when we are united that we show to the world that we are true disciples of Jesus Christ our unique Saviour and Lord
  6. May God heal the nations for a healthy sustenance of human race and creation.
  7. Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day and awesome creation.
  8. At this time we pray for the peace of the whole world and all nations.
  9. We pray for the leaders and the law makers of all the nations so that God give the right wisdom to lead the nations in the right direction.
  10. We pray for the suffering humanity because of various political and religious wars.
  11. Heal the nations and revive the humanity.
  12. We pray for all the power structures to be activated with God's power rather than selfishness.
  13. We thank you Lord for your unending grace and presence. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Day 26 (January 31st): Praying for India

Because India we have so many pastors and churches affiliated with AKIM and also because Indian pastors were the majority to respond to my call to write articles for the prayer book, I have decided that a whole day will devoted to pray for our ministry in that great country that is facing so many challenges when it comes to the preaching and spreading of the Gospel. We are going to give opportunity to two different pastors to lead the meditation for today and share with us some prayer requests to pray for. It is interested to see how the Holy Spirit led these two pastors by writing about the same subject although they don’t know each other and are living in different states. Praise the Lord.

Meditation 1: Why Should We Pray?

By Pastor Sadanand Madne, AKIM Karnataka and Maharashtra States, India
Scripture of the Day: 1 John 5:14-15

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”


We should pray because our Heavenly Father listens our Prayers.
1 John 5:14-15
We have to come to God with no doubts. It means when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. He listens our prayers. Every time we ask Him, He gives us. We have to glorify Him through our asking.

John 5:7 says
Continue in me and follow my teachings, if you do this, then you can ask for anything you want and it will be given to you.

God has given us this New Year. So let's ask God to establish His Kingdom in every nation. This is the time to pray for every nation.

Prayer Points

1) Please pray for India, India may be saved for His Glory;  that all the young people may be saved in the name of Jesus.

2) Please pray for Karnataka and Maharashtra states, we have started AKIM Churches in these two States.

3) Please pray for AKIM Churches in Pune, Latur, Udgir, Ausa, Bhalki &  Kamalnagar. (In Maharashtra & Karnataka state.)

4) Please pray for our AKIM Prayer warriors in Maharashtra State, So that God may do miracles in Our AKIM branch.

5) Kindly pray for all the believers in every AKIM Churches in Maharashtra & Karnataka state. God may increase believers in the Churches in each state.

6) We always focus to increase Churches in every cities in Maharashtra and Karnataka state therefore we participate in every social activities in order to increase Churches social activities like, Adult education, provide needs for widows, fruits distribution to the Patients in the hospital, child care program, AIDS awareness program. Etc.

7) Please pray for our 8 AKIM Leaders, So that God may Use them with mighty way.

8) Please pray for Our AKIM Leaders in Maharashtra and Karnataka state:

1) Pastor Sangram Waghmare (MH)
2) Bro. Vikas Anantwaad (MH)
3) Bro. Ganpat W. (MH)
4) Pastor Dhanraj (KA)
5) Pastor Narsing Motirave (MH)
6) Pastor Rajkumar Chavhan (KA)
7) Pastor Sugriv (MH)
8) Pastor Sadanand Madne (MH/ KA)

Meditation 2: Why Shall We Pray?

By Pasteur Darla Jala Rao, AKIM India

We shall pray because:

  1. God's Word commands us to pray (Luke 18:1; Acts 6:4; Mark 14:38; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Timothy 2:1, 2).
  2. We pray to have fellowship with God, receive spiritual nurture and strength to live a victorious life, and maintain boldness for a vital witness for Christ.
  3. Prayer releases God's great power to change the course of nature, people, and nations.

I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.

Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will stir our souls, awaken our churches, and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting.

Prayer Points

Please pray for

  1. For a Revival in the Churches of all denominations in the Country.
  2. For the Believers in Churches to set themselves as an example in their Christian life.
  3. For the advancement of missionary work among the tribals.
  4. For the Believers to sincerely pray for a Revival in Churches in India.
  5. For a unity among the believers of all the Churches in India.
  6. For the believers to have a burden for the souls.
  7. For the welfare of all the poor, downtrodden, destitute and orphans and the organizations which work for the welfare of those people in the country.
  8. For the believers to stand against all efforts of Satan, to divert the believers from following Jesus Christ, towards the world.



Day 27 (February 1st): Praying for the Healing of Your City

Scripture of the Day: Jeremiah 29:7

” Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

Meditation of the Day

It is important that we all understand as children of God our welfare and wellbeing is not separated from those of the city and nation we are living in. Of course if you are living in city with higher unemployment and with higher percentage of poverty these are going to affect you one way or another. If you are living in corrupted city with higher level of violence, drug, alcoholism, prostitution this is going to affect your family in some ways. In the same way if the economy is flourishing in your city and where there low unemployment, you and your family, and even your church are going to benefit from these positive factors. On a more spiritual level, if your city is an ungodly, secular city with prevalence of immorality these are going to impact you, your family and even your church, the same way the sins and sinners of Sodom and Gomora affected Loth and his family (2 Peter 2:7-8).

So we should ignore what the Bible is telling us in Jeremiah 29:7. We should be praying for the city God has sent us to live in, even if it is just for a time. As we long as we dwell there we should be praying for its welfare and wellbeing, for own provision, prosperity and security is linked to her. It is the divine of each Christian and every church to intercede for the city of their dwelling. We should be praying for the social, economic and spiritual conditions of the city. We should be praying for the peace of our city. We should be praying for revival in our city. We should be praying for the security of pour city. All churches within should come together to intercede in favor of their city, to break the power of evil, break the power of poverty, break the power of racial division, break the power of unemployment, break the power of drugs, alcoholism, prostitution and violence. And over all break the grips of demonic powers over their city, bring down all satanic strongholds that have been against that city. Believers from all the churches come together and build up a spiritual wall of protection around their city; and then mobilize an army of prayer warriors, who will serve as watchmen and watchwomen standing day and night upon that wall (Isaiah 62), according to the vision God has given to the Agape Kingdom International Mission.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray against demonic powers controlling your city,
  2. pray for spiritual revival & evangelization of your city,
  3. pray for the political & social leaders of the city (mayors, city council members, the local courts systems with their judges & prosecutors, the security officers & 1st responders, leaders of public opinion),
  4. pray for the peace in the city,
  5. Pray for the economic development & financial improvement of your city,
  6. Pray for social justice, racial reconciliation & unity in your city
  7. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the power of evil over your city,
  8. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the power of poverty over your city,
  9. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the power of racial division,
  10. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the power of unemployment in your city,
  11. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the power of drugs and alcoholism,
  12. Take authority in the name of Jesus to break the spirit of prostitution in your city
  13. Take authority in the name of Jesus and break the grip of violence and gangs in your city
  14. Take authority in the name of Jesus and all break all the grips of demonic powers over you city and dismantle and bring down all satanic strongholds that have been built against your city



Day 28 (February 2nd): Praying for the Healing of Your Community

Scripture of the Day: John 2:1-3

“On the third day there was a wedding at iCana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.  When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”

Meditation of the Day

Our community is the neighborhood we are living in. these are people and families we share the same schools with. We go to the same shops with. What affect them affect them too. Each neighborhood has its own specific environment, problems, and prevalent atmosphere. A neighborhood can be low, middle or high incomes; economically advance, developed or underdeveloped; urban, suburban, or rural; safe or unsafe, secure or unsecure, dangerous or peaceful, stable or unstable. Some neighborhoods face social issues such as higher unemployment, poverty, drugs or alcohol addictions, racial profiling, rape, gangs, homeless, prostitution, violence, etc.

No matter the issues present and prevalent in our neighborhood, as a children of God and disciples of Jesus, we have to get involved and improve the life of that communities. As we can see with our scripture of the day, Jesus was involved in the life of His community when He was here on earth. He was detached and indifferent to what was going on in that community but participate in the life of the community. When there were wedding he was there so that when needs arose He was able to intervene. Our first responsibility is to pray for our community, for all the families, the churches, the other social institutions and the corporations and businesses that are operating in the community.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for your neighbourhood,
  2. Pray against the demonic forces of violence, drugs, poverty & social injustice that are infecting and affecting your neighbourhood,
  3. Pray for the political leaders of your community,
  4. Pray for the corporations and business leaders in your community that are creating jobs and bring wealth in your community,
  5. Pray for local institutions such as schools, the police, the public library, fire departments, hospitals & clinics,
  6. Pray for local church & their ministers so that they can have a real and lasting impacts on the community,
  7. Pray for revival to broke up within your community,
  8. Pray for economic improvements within the community,
  9. Pray for families, single parents, youth, teen, children & seniors who are at risk within the community;
  10. Pray for the social outcasts such drug addicted, the homeless, prostitutes, drug dealers, gangs & their members, child molesters, LGBT community;
  11. Pray for the poor & low-income families within your community



Day 29 (February 3rd): Praying for the Healing of Your Church

Scripture of the Day: Ephesians 6:18-20

“ And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”


Meditation of the Day

There are five main diseases that can affect the life of a church: sin, lack of growth, blindness or lack of revelation and vision, division and false doctrine due to lack of knowledge.

We have already seen the reality and impact of the personal life of the believer. But sin can also affect the life of a local church. In fact sin is the most dangerous disease that can affect the life of a church. It can bring defeat, division, destruction and death among God’s people as we can see throughout the history of God’s people in both the Old and the New Testament. Remember the story of the sin of Accan and how that brought defeat, shame and death among God’s people (Joshua 7:10-13). Sanctification and collective repentance are key to healing to uproot the seed of sin from in the church. Preaching the Word of God is also a powerful tool of the Holy Spirit to sanctify and purify the Body of Christ. Prophetic words of revelation and warning also bring the fear of the Lord within the church.

The lack of growth is a serious disease in the Body of Christ. As individual believers are expected to grow in their faith, a local shall grow in natural and spiritual way. A church that is not growing both spiritually and in number is surely sick and need divine healing to restore a new dynamic of growth through increase and expansion (see Acts 2:41-47; 9:31). Revival is a key to the healing of a church that is lack growth.

Spiritual blindness can lead a church to destructive pride, self-glorification and a false sense of security like the church of Laodicea (Revelation 3:17). This is a terrible disease, one that can lead a whole Christian community into disaster and perdition. They key for healing from spiritual blindness is humility to recognize our failure, repentance from our sin of pride, and prayer to ask the Lord to clean our eyes to see anew and to see rightly things the way He see them and cover our nakedness (Revelation 3:18)

Division can tear a church apart and lead to break up in the Body of Christ. It is a sign of lack of maturity, right leadership, and the presence of worldliness within the church (see 1 Corinthians 3:1-7). The solution for a church to heal from destructive division is right spiritual leadership, putting Christ at the center of the Christ, growth in unity and love, and a spirit of reconciliation.

False doctrines are the work of Satan, planting his seeds of lies and falsity through self-proclaimed ignorant teachers or preachers, false doctors and fake prophets who have always been present in the church since the beginning (see 2 Peter 2:1-3, 12-22). The remedy to such disease is the inspired teaching of the Word of God, truthfully and aggressively (2 Timothy 4:1-4). Such biblical teaching should be Christ-centered and make Christ and His redemptive work again as the focal point of the Christian life and community.

Prayer Points

  1. Father, thank you for the gift of a spiritual family and making us part of the Body of Christ, both locally and globally
  2. Father we pray and ask you to heal our churches from all diseases that are affecting them, in the name of Jesus
  3. Father heal our church from the destructive power of sin through sincere repentance and sanctification, in the name of Jesus
  4. Father heal our church from the disease of lack of growth by pouring upon us a spirit of revival and renewed vitality, in the name of Jesus
  5. Father heal our church for the disease of division by creating unity, increasing your love among us, and causing reconciliation, in the name of Jesus
  6. Father deliver our church from the spirit of blindness and cause us to see ourselves and things the way you see them, in the name of Jesus
  7. Father remove among us any agents of false doctrine and uproot among us any seed of false doctrines, in the name of Jesus
  8. Pray for your church Leadership
  9. Pray for your senior pastor
  10. Pray for all the ministers in your church, name by name
  11. Pray for the lay leaders of your church name by name
  12. Pray for your church Ministry
  13. Pray for the preaching ministry
  14. Pray for the teaching ministry
  15. Pray for the pastoral care and counselling ministry
  16. Pray for the praise & worship ministry
  17. Pray for the Sunday school ministry
  18. Pray for the home churches & small groups ministry
  19. Pray for the fellowship ministry
  20. Pray for the men ministry
  21. Pray for the women ministry
  22. Pray for young adult ministry
  23. Pray for the youth ministry
  24. Pray for the children ministry
  25. Pray for seniors ministry
  26. Pray single ministry
  27. Pray for the outreach ministry
  28. Pray for missions ministry
  29. Pray for the administration & finances ministry
  30. Pray for Your Church Growth
  31. Pray for personal growth
  32. Pray for growth in worship
  33. Pray for growth in holiness, unity & love. That the power of sin, division and strives be removed among you in the name of Jesus
  34. Pray for numerical growth
  35. Pray for geographic expansion of church to new locations and countries
  36. Pray for the growth of your Church Finances
  37. Pray for the building projects of your church


