I’m looking for female coaches and transformation experts who have the desire to be philanthropists.
You should be in business at least 2-3 years.
You’re passionate about helping your clients, you spend a lot of time on reaching your audience and you have clients and money coming in.
There’s a feeling inside you that you want to make a much bigger impact on the world.
You just don’t know where to start.
You’re maxed out between coaching your clients, being visible online, doing sales and not to mention the kids, your partner, family ...
You’ve fulfilled your own personal visions to a certain extent, or you’re at least moving in that direction ..
But, you’ve always seen yourself being in a position to help others in a much broader way.
Perhaps Covid has sparked that idea in you again as you see so many people suffering, without incomes, or maybe even homes....
But you don’t have the time, and although you’ve enough money for you and your personal goals, you would need MILLIONS to help all the people you want to help.
It’s so frustrating for you to just sit there, and watch all of this happen, and know that you’re playing a much smaller game than you want and than you’re capable of.
You believe in raising the collective consciousness of the planet
Raising conscious, warrior children who will be our future leaders
You know that money creates more money and you understand the power of investing.
You know deep down that you can’t keep doing everything yourself and there has to be a way that you can be “the plate spinner”... with a team, and an empire of other ambitious women who pass on your knowledge to other women, to their friends, and their children
You’re not afraid of money. You know it’s power.
But there’s a missing piece for you right now that’s keeping you stuck on you and your little life.....
Ever had the thought...”who the F^%k am I anyway and why am I so interested in myself?!”
If this sounds like you or someone you know, I’m starting a new, exclusive circle to help women like you to move past the little league, get you into a position where you’ve money flowing in abundance, while you have triple the time to spend in pleasure, nature and in creative mode....
Allowing you to fulfil your big visions of helping many, many people in a HUGE way.
DM me if you’d like to know more about our Diva Circle and how you can become part of this exclusive sisterhood
We start October 1st and I’m eager to have lots of conversations with amazing divas before then, so don’t waste time to speak to me if you’re interested