An invitation

An invitation

There’s a theory about planning for retirement I don’t love.

The idea that a financial plan is all you need. Or worse, that a financial plan is the same as a retirement plan.

I know, I know! That’s what we’ve been taught.

While I believe you absolutely need to have a financial plan in place before you retire and step into a new chapter, thinking that is all you need is a recipe for disaster.

Especially for women who have had a demanding career they were passionate about. Because when you leave that career, you also leave behind the identity you had in that career.

If you don’t even think about who you’ll be when you aren’t that person anymore (or think about who you want to be now that you have the opportunity), you’re missing the chance of a lifetime.

And, you’re likely headed for an emotional train wreck as well.

So, hello! Can you see me waving over here at you? I know it’s awkward to talk about, but I’m calling you-know-what on that outdated retirement planning tradition. It just doesn’t work for today’s dynamo woman like you (and it didn’t work for me).

Because that financial plan you have in place is not the same as a retirement plan. It’s just one piece of the puzzle.

And, if you’re nodding your head right now, stay with me. (I promise to get to the point.)

I believed them. I had my financial plan in place.

But with each step I took that last day from my office to the parking lot and my car, I felt more and more lost. And for the next year or so, it got worse. Oh sure, everyone said it would take time to adjust. They said that...

... it would be great to not have an alarm clock waking you on workdays (it was).

... I could do whatever I wanted (great, but I had no idea what I wanted).

... I just needed to relax and take it easy (um, no).

... I could travel the world (unless there’s a pandemic or you have a husband who’s not interested).

It took a while, but finally it clicked.

Those were things others were telling me I should do. How I should feel. But it sure wasn’t working for me. I wanted more. I wanted to find my new groove.

And if this resonates, know that I want the same for you!

I’m teaching a free workshop, and you’re invited. Because I don’t want you to live another moment feeling lost (or like you’re losing your mind), not knowing who you are or what you want to do. I want to give you “5 Secrets to Finding Yourself and Your Groove.”

No need to say more. I'm in!

>>> It’s time you realize you do not have to let your emotions run the show when you’re in a major life transition.

>>> It’s time you learn how to find your authentic self. (Hint: It’s not who you were in your career.)

>>> And it’s way time you designed a life you’ve always wanted so you can step into it with all the grace and confidence you had before your life turned upside down (transitions are like that).

And figuring all that out on your own? It. can. be. so. hard!

But I got your back and I can’t wait to give you a few simple strategies to help you start to turn things around. You know…to get this train back on its tracks.

So let’s say we spend an hour on it. Pull your hair up in a messy bun, whip out your favorite notebook, and fill up a mug. Let’s get you thinking about how to get your groove back.

Okay. I'm in!

Stop trying to figure out why you’re so whacked out all the time (wait…no…that was me). Your days of wondering why you should even get out of bed are almost entirely behind you.

Because I believe you have very special gifts, experience, and talent to offer the world.?And, I know you believe that too.

I cannot WAIT to see you there!


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