The on-site Auction for this sought after property at St Ives will be held this Saturday afternoon. We have had a healthy level of buyer enquiry & inspections over the marketing period (which includes around 3,600 page views on Prospective buyers really appreciate the outstanding opportunity to capitalise!! You could either renovate the existing single level residence or build a magnificent brand new luxury home. Imposingly situated on the high side of a blue ribbon avenue, on approximately 1,132sqm of prime land with 25m wide frontage. Prestigious & convenient location within close proximity to many popular schools, St Ives fashionable shopping & cafe district, bus to Gordon train station & city express. Something to really get excited about... don't miss out!!
#realestate #auctions #stivesproperty #oxleyavenue #brigidine #sydneygrammar #masada #stivesparkpublicschool #stivesshoppingvillage #firstnationaljohnson