The Invisible Man
There I was, in bed propped up on a pillow with my computer in my lap, finishing up a little work, thinking maybe a movie might take my mind off all this soul-sucking awfulness gripping our still beautiful world.
Decided to watch the 2020 remake of “The Invisible Man”… about a determined young woman who finally escapes the clutches of her abusive, controlling, diabolical and wealthy scientist ex, only to have him fake his death and use his invention to become invisible, chase her down and stalk her relentlessly to frightening ends.
That’s exactly what this coronavirus is… an invisible and dangerous foe we know exists, constantly stalking us and making us wary of even the simplest of things, such as going to the store or holding the hand of someone you love. Good thing we can CHOOSE how we react and respond to this new and invisible danger.
Step #1: Focus on WE not ME. All of us on Earth, all seven billion of us, are in this together. Our world has faced many trials before. We’re still here.
Step #2: Know that to be happy, you have to make others happy. Service is the key to creating joy amid tragedy. It really is better to give than receive and studies show the givers are happiest.
Step #3: Do what you CAN do. Stay clean, help others but give people space. Buy only what you need. Be respectful of others. Share your love, strength and wisdom. Look for the silver linings. People are taking more walks. We are finding new ways to connect with family and friends. Many are discovering they can work from home, reducing traffic and pollution. Right now, I just heard the friendly “whooo” of the pretty owl that lives in the tree outside my window.
Step #4: How will you grow during this challenging unprecedented time? Will WE focus more on the things in life that really matter? Will we read and learn more? Let’s all dive deeper into meditation, prayer and visualization for world health, peace, compassion and kindness.
The coronavirus IS an invisible danger and threat, but the world has pulled together and defeated every dark force it has faced before. Just like the young woman in “The Invisible Man.” I won’t spoil the ending for you, but let’s just say what she endures gives her the strength to vanquish her invisible stalker, and in a most surprising way.
I got a feeling we will do the same.
To find out more about Susan Foxley, her books, yoga TV shows and workshops visit today. Stay safe, healthy and whole.