Invisible Hazards: Mental Health as a Construction Safety Issue
In discussions about construction safety, the topic of mental health is all too often neglected. Emphasis is typically placed on protecting the physical body from hazards of injury and death. This is understandable as construction is such a physical occupation. However, mental health is equally important, and when left unaddressed can be as dangerous as any physical hazards.
One reason mental health is so rarely talked about in construction is that it tends to be an “invisible” issue. Unlike dangers to the body which can be perceived by one or several of our physical senses, things like stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma may be perceived only by the person suffering from them. But just as a gas leak may go undetected until a small spark ignites a large explosion, these invisible issues have many real consequences.
Here are just some of the consequences of mental health disorders:
Having addressed the importance of mental health in construction safety, what are some next steps that you can take to cultivate a better work culture?
We’ve reached the end of Construction Safety Week, but these issues don’t stop when the weekend comes around. Construction safety in general, and mental health in particular, are lifelong concerns which demand our constant vigilance and mindfulness. How will you continue to put these principles into practice going forward?
Are you struggling with your mental health or looking for ways to help someone else who is? Check out some of the resources linked below, and let us know of any others in the comments section. Thank you for being a part of this important discussion.
#ConstructionSafetyWeek #ValueEveryVoice #CrosscheckCares #NationalMentalHealthAwarenessMonth #InspectSmarter