The Invisible Burka
Lisa Abell
Freelance Copywriter, Content Curator and Scriptwriter/ Producer. Powering up eco businesses great and small. Do you have videos that engage? Create customer relationships? Show off your uniqueness? I can help.
I’m not sure I can articulate right now. Roe v. Wade was just overturned. The law affirming women’s right to their own body lasted exactly one fertility cycle from menses to menopause.
There are 9 billion people on the planet at last count. Most women around the world do not have the right to an autonomous zone called the body. Women are still being held responsible for men’s violence, sexual misconduct, and misappropriation of resources….culture…….agriculture….all the things women developed are now being destroyed by a dominant judeo- christian -islamic mono religion.
American women are still afraid to: travel alone. Give out their business address freely. Walk the street at night. Explore or adventure. Go clubbing alone….be their most beautiful or alluring alone in public….use their real identity in chat rooms or gaming. Demand a raise. Leave a violent partner.
And now we can cross sex with trusted men off the list too.
What I would like to see is all men in sympathy with women’s choice, which includes male partner input on choices about if, when, and where to have children is now nil-
to go ahead and start wearing a burka. Everywhere. Including board meetings. If you’re worried about cultural appropriation, a wimple and modesty robe will do.
While you are at it, spend the time, planning, hassle, and money to go park yourself in front of the Supreme Court and wherever else is effective, and Occupy.
We be tired.