Invisible Blessings

Invisible Blessings

A bus full of passengers was going to another town. Suddenly the weather changed & a storm broke out.There was a huge downpour & thunder & lightning all around. The lightning would appear to strike the bus & then at the last moment, go strike elsewhere near the bus. This happened repeatedly. After 3 or 4 instances of being saved from lightning, the driver stopped the bus about fifty feet away from a tree and said "We have somebody in the bus whose death is a certainty today. The lightning is repeatedly coming for that person but due to the presence of others, it is missing the bus each time Because of that person everybody else may also get killed today. Hence, each person should come out of the bus one by one & touch the tree trunk and come back. For, whomsoever death is certain will get caught up by the lightning & will die & everybody else will be saved". They had to virtually force the 1st person to go & touch the tree & come back. He reluctantly got down from the bus & went & touched the tree. His heart leaped with joy when nothing happened & he was still alive. This continued for the rest of the passengers who were all relieved when they touched the tree and came back alive. When the last passenger's turn came, everybody stared at him with accusing eyes. That passenger was very scared & reluctant since he was the only one left & it was almost certain that lightning was looking for him & his death was certain. Everybody forced him to get down & go & touch the tree. With great trepidation, the last passenger got down from the bus & started walking to the tree When he had gone just a few feet away, There was a huge sound of thunder & the lightning came down & hit the bus - yes the lightning hit the bus, & killed each & every passenger inside the bus. It was because of the presence of this last passenger that, earlier,the entire bus was safe & the lightening could not strike the bus thus the others were being saved only because of him His good deeds & blessings were keeping everyone safe

Reflection by Dr Anjana

?Reflect in life to answer this simple question how often do we feel that its my hard work that made me successful & miss out on giving the credit to others? If we just take little effort & patience & look around us we will?probably find someone who is there around us & we would realise their support. The Irony of life is we forget that faith & prayers both are invisible but they make the impossible turn into possible Remember the selfless sacrifice of our parents, the support of our siblings, simple sharing what they may have done, the driver of our car who ensured we reach on time & safe, our house help who ensured every meal is served on a clean plate, Lets learn to be grateful to everyone who in their invisible way has made our life easy.?Our deeds & actions with a very good intent drive a lot in many people's lives. When we are kind & do some simple acts of kindness we really don't know who is blessing us. Let's go ahead in life & thank everyone who touched our lives & the Almighty for the numerous invisible blessings we receive by developing an attitude of gratitude

A big thank u to all for helping me become who i am;?every time u forward these stories to someone who you feel will get benefited, we land up sharing the blessings the reader gives.

Excellent reflections Maam..


