Investor Sentiment: New Report from Asset TV

Investor Sentiment: New Report from Asset TV

Topic performance across the past 6 months.

Through analysing thousands of views across Asset TV in Q1 2024, we’ve broken down the viewing trends of institutional investors and wealth managers.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Increasing interest in private markets and UK equities, while sentiment is on a downward trend for sustainable investing and emerging markets
  • Breakdown of the asset classes and investment themes most watched by individual wealth management firms
  • A sample breakdown of the DFMs, Wealth Managers and Private Banks, Corporate Pension Schemes, Investment Consultants, Professional Trustees, and Local Government Pension Schemes, viewing Asset TV

At Asset TV, we translate viewership data into actionable intelligence. By presenting these insights, we aim to provide asset managers with a nuanced understanding of sentiment at their target firms and highlight how viewing trends across Asset TV can influence investment decisions and strategies.

If you’d like to receive a copy of this report, contact us.


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